Statistically Impossible
Oi campaigners.
we're going around again.
Below you will find the draft order (ok, not this very second, but soon), the selection meeting starting date and time tentatively scheduled for Monday July 3, at 9AM. But hey, use this time wisely, and go set your keepers... make trades even. Fun times.
Please, once you confirm your place in this thread, just go to the site and pick some keepers . Thankyou J Shuttlesworth, BeinPurplenGreen and Bucking Beads for already selecting your keepers, I will assume that means y'all are in for this season.
J Shuttlesworth
Bucking Beads
I'll set the draft spready soon, but for now look at last years...
Actully, no need to confirm as EVERYONE is back, ConstantGin confirmed via PM, most everyone else confirmed via input via the 2022 thread, except Pistol but he's a RL friend, so he'll get told.
Ok, it was clear there were some breaches of fairplay in 2022, we all know this, we don't need a re-hash in this thread. I did review all games after the season ended, and found:
Bucking Beads: Only one game's result was affected but that was caught beforehand, and I amended the score after it played out, and it is shown in the final standings of 2022, and the final draft order posted earlier (would of had pick 5 otherwise). Was a more flagrant breach, IMO,steps taken already have made things right.
ConstantGin: No further results were affected, but there was potential for the draft order to be altered due to the unfair play.
Now, I'm going to get pillared no matter what decision I make, so I'm going to leave that in the hands of the group via a poll. Please can I ask people to vote for what they think is RIGHT, not what benefits their own situation. It will be an anonymous vote.
Now, from here on in, anyone found to be playing unsportingly, will have ALL their picks in the next draft moved to the end of each round. No ifs, but or maybes. ZERO TOLERANCE.
Rule/Scoring changes
Adding +2 Injured Reserve Spot
Increasing HLFSCK points from 1.5 to 2, so 1 SCK = 4pts
Increasing BLKK points from 3 to 5
Increasing ST points from 3 to 4
Increasing INT points from 3 to 5
Obvs to increase value of DL and DB. Any arguments against, reply to this thread!
Or if you have any other suggestions, lemme hear them! Just nothing crazy, I'm not looking to tear at the fabric of the league, just a tweak or two.
we're going around again.
Below you will find the draft order (ok, not this very second, but soon), the selection meeting starting date and time tentatively scheduled for Monday July 3, at 9AM. But hey, use this time wisely, and go set your keepers... make trades even. Fun times.
Please, once you confirm your place in this thread, just go to the site and pick some keepers . Thankyou J Shuttlesworth, BeinPurplenGreen and Bucking Beads for already selecting your keepers, I will assume that means y'all are in for this season.
J Shuttlesworth
Bucking Beads
I'll set the draft spready soon, but for now look at last years...
Actully, no need to confirm as EVERYONE is back, ConstantGin confirmed via PM, most everyone else confirmed via input via the 2022 thread, except Pistol but he's a RL friend, so he'll get told.
Ok, it was clear there were some breaches of fairplay in 2022, we all know this, we don't need a re-hash in this thread. I did review all games after the season ended, and found:
Bucking Beads: Only one game's result was affected but that was caught beforehand, and I amended the score after it played out, and it is shown in the final standings of 2022, and the final draft order posted earlier (would of had pick 5 otherwise). Was a more flagrant breach, IMO,steps taken already have made things right.
ConstantGin: No further results were affected, but there was potential for the draft order to be altered due to the unfair play.
Now, I'm going to get pillared no matter what decision I make, so I'm going to leave that in the hands of the group via a poll. Please can I ask people to vote for what they think is RIGHT, not what benefits their own situation. It will be an anonymous vote.
Now, from here on in, anyone found to be playing unsportingly, will have ALL their picks in the next draft moved to the end of each round. No ifs, but or maybes. ZERO TOLERANCE.
Rule/Scoring changes
Adding +2 Injured Reserve Spot
Increasing HLFSCK points from 1.5 to 2, so 1 SCK = 4pts
Increasing BLKK points from 3 to 5
Increasing ST points from 3 to 4
Increasing INT points from 3 to 5
Obvs to increase value of DL and DB. Any arguments against, reply to this thread!
Or if you have any other suggestions, lemme hear them! Just nothing crazy, I'm not looking to tear at the fabric of the league, just a tweak or two.