USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

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Biden needs to tap out, he's like an old boxer that has taken too many head knocks and is a walking zombie like Muhammad Ali.

Trump is only 3 years younger than him but he still ran rings around Biden, he is still trash talking as well as he was 20 years ago.

Biden from 20 years ago or even 10 years ago might have had a chance of beating him in a debate but not now, he is cooked.

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It's not all about debate performance, being a good president doesn't mean you need to be a good debater. But that being said, Biden is so far gone that he can't possibly be in charge of the greatest military in the world and one of the storngest economies in the world. The scary part that people are realizing (it's been obvious for four years but people are starting to see it now) - is who has been running the country for the past 4 years becayse it hasn't been Biden. Who are the Democrat decision makers and government administrators actually pulling the strings of Biden's marionette.

Oh, I thought the whole - Biden doesn't have dementia and "thats stigmatizing" talk was a troll.

To people actually think Biden doesn't have dementia? There's a reason they don't publicise his health reports like Donald Trump did. It's because he's clearly suffering from dementia. I've had family members die with dementia, as i'm sure alot of others have, it is abundantly clear Biden is suffering from the same.

You probably actually believe Trump weighs 98kgs and may live until he’s 200, like Ronny Johnson said.
It's not all about debate performance, being a good president doesn't mean you need to be a good debater. But that being said, Biden is so far gone that he can't possibly be in charge of the greatest military in the world and one of the storngest economies in the world. The scary part that people are realizing (it's been obvious for four years but people are starting to see it now) - is who has been running the country for the past 4 years becayse it hasn't been Biden. Who are the Democrat decision makers and government administrators actually pulling the strings of Biden's marionette.

Winning debates doesn't make someone a good president but it helps them to get elected as president.

JFK beating Nixon in the debates back in 1960 helped him to get elected as the US president back then.

I don't think Trump is a good president but he is good at debates, he is undefeated in debates like Shane Gillis says in this video.

Also debates are key. It is used to sell a message. If you can't be coherent and effective as debater it highlights a lack of conviction or application to sell a message.

You are auditioning for the job. Sell you vision for the country like your life depends on it. Joe failed that yesterday.
It's not all about debate performance, being a good president doesn't mean you need to be a good debater. But that being said, Biden is so far gone that he can't possibly be in charge of the greatest military in the world and one of the storngest economies in the world. The scary part that people are realizing (it's been obvious for four years but people are starting to see it now) - is who has been running the country for the past 4 years becayse it hasn't been Biden. Who are the Democrat decision makers and government administrators actually pulling the strings of Biden's marionette.

You're only just realising that the individual that is President isn't actually making that many decisions?
Forgive me for believing in a representative, presidential democracy as opposed to your alternative... what an unelected oligarchy? Please, a president should drive policy and also in the case of the US is the final decision maker as Commander in Chief of the Military. You can't have a cabal of administrators in that role and that's what you have with Biden.

It's not "my alternative". It's what the US has been for the better part of three decades.
Historically, apart from Kennedy versus Nixon debates have had very impact on the overall presidential result.

This is likely to be different this time.
You think so? I am on a pretty wide variety of sites following this, Biden voters aren't not going to vote because of this debate because they worry about Roe V Wade and what happens going forward, and the Trump supporters aren't not voting for Trump.

We might see less voters because voters who are genuinely undecided might just totally opt out of the election altogether but I don't see it making any more or less a difference to the vote than the last debate these two had.

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You think so? I am on a pretty wide variety of sites following this, Biden voters aren't not going to vote because of this debate because they worry about Roe V Wade and what happens going forward, and the Trump supporters aren't not voting for Trump.

We might see less voters because voters who are genuinely undecided might just totally opt out of the election altogether but I don't see it making any more or less a difference to the vote than the last debate these two had.


While Trump and Biden supporters are locked in the debate may have an influence on low information voters who are only just tuning into the election. The impression they are going to get out of the debate from the media coverage, as well as from the clips from the debate itself are that Biden is old and doddery , the Trump lies in the debate will have less of an impact because those sorts of voters aren’t checking as to whether their lies or not.
Historically, apart from Kennedy versus Nixon debates have had very impact on the overall presidential result.

This is likely to be different this time.

There is still another debate in September. If Biden does well there, the performance in this one won't be remembered as much.

Also plenty of time until the election and a lot that can happen.
Biden needs to tap out, he's like an old boxer that has taken too many head knocks and is a walking zombie like Muhammad Ali.

Trump is only 3 years younger than him but he still ran rings around Biden, he is still trash talking as well as he was 20 years ago.

Biden from 20 years ago or even 10 years ago might have had a chance of beating him in a debate but not now, he is cooked.
Ran rings around him by talking garbage? Anybody can do that. The problem was Biden is incapable of refuting everything he said. It was a debate between a compulsive lying narcissist and a beaten down old man who loses his train of thought regularly. Their both not fit for office.
Agree with the sentiment but the problem is that Australia will be weakened by a weakened US, so as desirable as it is, we can't actually have nothing to do with the US going forward.

It's something that the cookers here (and geez, aren't they out in force today) fail to realise. If you think it will make no difference to your life, then you might be surprised by what happens if Trump is elected. Everyone here is a member of a superannuation fund. If there is a shock to the US markets, a genuine possibility if he gets in, that will flow through to Australia and your superannuation balance ...
I work in Superannuation and I can guarantee you the trustees are shitting bricks, particularly the funds that haven't had great returns this current financial year because next year could be worse.
How? Because he said so?
If I may interject here m8, Trump was widely scoffed at for saying he'd defeat Isis within months if he took office, with officials from the Obama admin stating it would be a 20+ year endeavour. Within 6 months of his term they were basically a non event, after having been rapidly expanding for years.

Russia took more territory from Ukraine during the Obama and now Biden admins but none during Trump's. Unfortunately the facts are on his side with his one, let's back him in to solve it I say!

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USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

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