Love this analysisSince 2019
Top 10 picks: Ward, Mckenzie, Watson
First round picks: Weddle, McCabe (F/S)
Other notable draftees in B23: McDonald (2022), Will Day (2019), Newcombe (2021)
Fringe/Promising: Dear(F/S), Maginness (2019)
Busts: Grainger-Barrass
West Coast
Top 10 picks: Reid
First round picks: Chesser, Ginbey, Hewett, Allan
Other notable draftee in B23: Hough, Long, Maric (2023), Hutchinson (2024)
Fringe/Promising: AReid, Shanahan, JWilliams, Dewar
Busts: Chesser(?-still on list), Bazzo(? -still on list)
Considering we started heading to the draft in 2021, a full 2 years after Hawthorn I think our drafting is relatively comparable possible even better.
Where they kill us is moneyball trades. They had 10 players in their lineup that have been traded in to their club. The only one that cost them a first round pick is Barrass.
Ginnivan, D'Ambrosio, Ginnivan, Chol, Amon, Meek
Our comparable trades are: Petrevski-Seton, Witherdon, Zack Langdon none of who are on the list. Hunt is a tick, Graham looks promising, Flynn a question mark and Brockman can hopefully become a tick- would be a big win if he does. And obviously Baker will be a tick, even if we gave up more than we should.
Our ability to find money-bal trade, free agents, and find guys who can play a role is the difference maker.
Will say Will McCabe, Hustwaite two others you’ve missed for Hawthorn.
Some very good youth on the Eagles front. Won’t be long until they all hit their straps in a few years. Reid already so.