- AFL games will be umpired by robotics.
- Goal posts will light up or luminate if it is touched by the ball, most likely hard-wired to communicate with the A.I built in the robotic umpires.
- Player jumpers will be holographic, whereas ads and other information, such as stats, switch from one to another during the game.
- All players will be equipped with ever increasing, ever down-sized nano-technology that broadcasts the coach's orders to the player, as well as the player's response - thereby making orchastration of play much more efficient and strategic in real time.
- All players will be equipped with nano-technology that measures their physical output, heart rate, lactic acid, breathing, ect;
- Certain supplements are increasingly improved on, thus healing injuries much faster than in the past, forcing the AFL to explicitly allow the revolutionary take on healing players quickly - the league then looks back on Essendon as the first pioneerers of such a now obvious efficient combat to injuries.
- Games are broadcasted in different points of view depending on choice, such as only birds-eye view, first person view, or dynamic, etc;
- Grand Finals are held as twilight matches.