Past #26: Tarryn Thomas [Part II] - will honor his contract and play on at NMFC in 2024, so says the reality TV manager

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Best comeback from his lay-off you could hope for and then he gets injured right at the end. Seriously we can’t get anything good without it being followed by something bad.

Have to wait for Monday scans now, I’m not ruling out surgery and an 8 week lay-off because that’s how things are rolling atm.
So I'm not one to bag the club's coaching or medical staff, but I am a touch annoyed about Thomas' injury. I was by the dug out in the last ten minutes, and with only a few minutes left, Thomas thought he was coming off, and was sent back on the field to 'rest forward' (where he hadn't played all day). To his credit he does what he's told, and as any HFF would do, flies at a ball on centre wing in an effort to bring down what would have been mark of the day, with the result we now see.

So for the sake of a rotation in the dying moments of a VFL practice game, Thomas is off for a scan.

Collective scratch of head.
So I'm not one to bag the club's coaching or medical staff, but I am a touch annoyed about Thomas' injury. I was by the dug out in the last ten minutes, and with only a few minutes left, Thomas thought he was coming off, and was sent back on the field to 'rest forward' (where he hadn't played all day). To his credit he does what he's told, and as any HFF would do, flies at a ball on centre wing in an effort to bring down what would have been mark of the day, with the result we now see.

So for the sake of a rotation in the dying moments of a VFL practice game, Thomas is off for a scan.

Collective scratch of head.
We appear to be our own worst enemy.

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So I'm not one to bag the club's coaching or medical staff, but I am a touch annoyed about Thomas' injury. I was by the dug out in the last ten minutes, and with only a few minutes left, Thomas thought he was coming off, and was sent back on the field to 'rest forward' (where he hadn't played all day). To his credit he does what he's told, and as any HFF would do, flies at a ball on centre wing in an effort to bring down what would have been mark of the day, with the result we now see.

So for the sake of a rotation in the dying moments of a VFL practice game, Thomas is off for a scan.

Collective scratch of head.
Yeah it's a lot of a sh1t thing to happen, but the sending him forward for a rest ties in with what AC was saying in the Inner North thing the other day, using Ben 10 as an example of resting forward, but still having an impact in the game. The injury to TT is just one of those unfortunate football things. I wonder if it was the exact smae time in the last quarter that Ross Smiths' boy did his. Stupid footy gods
maybe we shouldn’t put Thomas on the ground as he might get injured FMD
Can't lose if you don't play
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So I'm not one to bag the club's coaching or medical staff, but I am a touch annoyed about Thomas' injury. I was by the dug out in the last ten minutes, and with only a few minutes left, Thomas thought he was coming off, and was sent back on the field to 'rest forward' (where he hadn't played all day). To his credit he does what he's told, and as any HFF would do, flies at a ball on centre wing in an effort to bring down what would have been mark of the day, with the result we now see.

So for the sake of a rotation in the dying moments of a VFL practice game, Thomas is off for a scan.

Collective scratch of head.
Sounds like a pretty fair criticsim, Merls. Was it official he was only going to play two quarters originally? That would have been a good plan as fatigue increases the risk of injury and TT is not exactly an Ironman.
maybe we shouldn’t put Thomas on the ground as he might get injured FMD
well, as an expert football pundit yourself, you'd know that important players are put in cotton wool all the time. Indeed, had you been at the ground, you'd know that when Thomas was told to stay on the field, Howe had his boots off and was walking the sideline stretching; just my view of course, but I'd have preferred it was Thomas who got the early finish, especially when it was clear at the time that Thomas was kept on because the coaching staff had lost track of who was available to replace him.

So if it's ok with you, I'll stand by the view that this wasn't well managed

And rickety, you make a good point about rotation forward - the only thing I'd say in reply wasn't that Thomas didn't play HFF at any time prior
well, as an expert football pundit yourself, you'd know that important players are put in cotton wool all the time. Indeed, had you been at the ground, you'd know that when Thomas was told to stay on the field, Howe had his boots off and was walking the sideline stretching; just my view of course, but I'd have preferred it was Thomas who got the early finish, especially when it was clear at the time that Thomas was kept on because the coaching staff had lost track of who was available to replace him.

So if it's ok with you, I'll stand by the view that this wasn't well managed

And rickety, you make a good point about rotation forward - the only thing I'd say in reply wasn't that Thomas didn't play HFF at any time prior
Yeah I get that, but if it is going to be a club tactic where "midfielders" rest forwards, let him rest there. I am as uugghhh as you about him rolling his ankle, but maybe for the last 10 minutes of the game, lets keep him involved and see how he goes. As for not doing that earlier in the game, idk, but somebody will know ..... somebody! I wonder of there was the convo whether to let him sit out the last how long and someone gave the "nah f@ck him, let him work" call.

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The swelling in that photo doesn't look too bad for mine and the fact he was walking around on it you'd think it's just a minor roll. Generally when you f*** up something in your ankle you won't be walking on it 10 mins later. Let's just cross our fingers and wait for the scan results tomorrow.
FFS, this could just as easily have happened in the first few minutes. Or it could have happened next week. Perhaps if he didn't play VFL at all, then we could have him cherry ripe for when he magically becomes fit enough for seniors.
That would be a good point if he didn't get injured during quarters we had planned for him to be on the bench with ice on his calves. We had a good plan but someone on matchday chose to go away from it and he got injured as a result.
Yeah I get that, but if it is going to be a club tactic where "midfielders" rest forwards, let him rest there. I am as uugghhh as you about him rolling his ankle, but maybe for the last 10 minutes of the game, lets keep him involved and see how he goes. As for not doing that earlier in the game, idk, but somebody will know ..... somebody! I wonder of there was the convo whether to let him sit out the last how long and someone gave the "nah f@ck him, let him work" call.

Tarryn has 3 tasks set out clearly for him to be considered for AFL selection. One is to complete his respect for women education program, the second is to get himself match fit and in form, and the third is to regain the respect of his teammates and coaches. Numbers two and three are not served by taking an early shower. The decision to leave him out on field is not "**** him, let him work," it's about giving him every opportunity to earn respect back, at least in terms of his willingness to work as hard (or harder) than anyone else. It sounds like Tarryn is not resenting these expectations, and is committed to his end of the bargain.
That would be a good point if he didn't get injured during quarters we had planned for him to be on the bench with ice on his calves. We had a good plan but someone on matchday chose to go away from it and he got injured as a result.
You are assuming that the plan you heard was the actual plan for his game time and not a plan that had been revised. You also assume that calf muscles working at maximum efficiency would have prevented this particular ankle roll. Your entire argument is based on false assumptions of causation over correlation. Overnight, a South African bowler blew out his Achilles while celebrating a wicket which had been overturned by DRS. Do we blame the umpire for not giving the decision correctly to begin with?
Tarryn has 3 tasks set out clearly for him to be considered for AFL selection. One is to complete his respect for women education program, the second is to get himself match fit and in form, and the third is to regain the respect of his teammates and coaches. Numbers two and three are not served by taking an early shower. The decision to leave him out on field is not "* him, let him work," it's about giving him every opportunity to earn respect back, at least in terms of his willingness to work as hard (or harder) than anyone else. It sounds like Tarryn is not resenting these expectations, and is committed to his end of the bargain.
Calm your farm mate, it was a light hearted figure of speach. Certainly from this end. I was responding to a comment that, imo, suggested taking him off for the last few minutes. I am entirely fence sitting on the whole TT saga as I know 4/5ths of what actually happened, so to me, he's just a bloke that needs to get right and back to playing football.
well, as an expert football pundit yourself, you'd know that important players are put in cotton wool all the time. Indeed, had you been at the ground, you'd know that when Thomas was told to stay on the field, Howe had his boots off and was walking the sideline stretching; just my view of course, but I'd have preferred it was Thomas who got the early finish, especially when it was clear at the time that Thomas was kept on because the coaching staff had lost track of who was available to replace him.

So if it's ok with you, I'll stand by the view that this wasn't well managed

And rickety, you make a good point about rotation forward - the only thing I'd say in reply wasn't that Thomas didn't play HFF at any time prior
As an expert footy pundit I think I’ll trust the coaches and medical staff over someone on a footy forum
That’s a lot of swelling, can’t see him being ok for next week.
he will be ok if they want to play him..Its just swelling and he was able to put his weight on it so l think if he doesn't play its because the coaches think others deserve to be in before him eventhough he would be better than some selected..
Overnight, a South African bowler blew out his Achilles while celebrating a wicket which had been overturned by DRS
oh man i just saw the replay of that, sets off to run and BAM it goes and he goes down in a heap, f*cken brutal.
An article in ‘The Age’ today claimed Thomas only played a half (not four quarters). I know where I go for real news about NMFC! #big#bigfootyeyewitnessnewsent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The Age writer probably took the risk or pre-writing the article and had an understanding that TT was going to only play a half. I recall this happening a while back when some "AFL Journalist" made up a story and was found out when the facts didn't line up with his review.

You can often tell when the article lacks detail and is very generic on the content it does contain.
You are assuming that the plan you heard was the actual plan for his game time and not a plan that had been revised. You also assume that calf muscles working at maximum efficiency would have prevented this particular ankle roll. Your entire argument is based on false assumptions of causation over correlation. Overnight, a South African bowler blew out his Achilles while celebrating a wicket which had been overturned by DRS. Do we blame the umpire for not giving the decision correctly to begin with?
I didn't hear of a plan it was on the website the night before a game. Clearly it was revised and to our detriment. The bit about calves was merely colourful language, I could have said he would have his boots off. Either way his ankle would be have been fine.
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