Past #26: Tarryn Thomas [Part II] - will honor his contract and play on at NMFC in 2024, so says the reality TV manager

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I’d argue the opposite to be honest. I hate terms like woke and in particular virtue signalling because often it’s used merely to justify being intolerant of others. Eg I have no issue with welcome to country it is a acknowledgment of the indigenous culture of this country. Yet (I’m not saying you) many people would call that woke, I’d say it’s got a purpose and it’s pretty silly to be annoyed about it.

I think virtue signalling only really exists if the motivation is purely to make yourself look good without actually holding the belief.

Being sympathetic/empathetic or even compassionate isn’t a bad thing and deriding that is a bit crap.

I think people obviously have a line where jokes/opinions go past acceptable for them.

I don’t think you can really put the frustration re: TT can be categorised as woke. Hopefully, we have evolved that this behaviour (if proven) is unacceptable. Now personally, I think TT has either not disclosed the entire story when it originally come out or he’s done it again. I understand people having enough of it. If it didn’t happen he could categorically deny it then we can work with it.

If we have to keep standing him down for these issues he’s not on the park and causing the club massive problems with the media attention. I don’t think moving him on is particularly over the top as a remedy.

The IG post was ******* dumb too

i'm not putting the TT case in the woke one likes domestic violence, as much as the left or right want to accuse the other of supporting it.

how am i being intolerant of others by accusing them of virtue signalling their self righteousness of wanting TT completely sacked? i'm suppose to be more tolerant of people who don't support due process?

TT's insta had red flags all over it 2 years ago, i've been saying it for years. what's worse is i don't see him in any other the other players insta posts.

no surprises he posted again on there. he unfortunately seems to want to live his life through the lens of social media. like i've said many times now, he needs a heroic dose of shrooms to crucify his ego, before it's far too late.
Posting on insta only demonstrates that TT has the social intelligence of a 15 year old.

Hopefully the "new" incident(s) that have been raised are actually dated, but if they are recent then North will be forced to turn off the life support that the club had previously placed him on. The fact that the club's response has been to stand him down immediately makes me fear for the worst. If the club has to terminate his contract, I hope the behavioural clauses in it are strong enough to not have to pay him out for the remainder of the contract. Better still, I hope they are strong enough to claw money back that has already been paid to him for periods during which he was stood down.

It is natural for supporters to not want to see very talented players lost to the club, which influences how we think about or react to the many allegations and incidents that have enveloped TT's private life. The truth is that TT has consistently underdelivered on his talent and for his salary and it has become increasingly apparent that he doesn't have the professionalism or commitment to become the player he should be. Should TT have his contract terminated, then that loss is probably less significant than many of us believe it is. It will of course still be a complete waste of a first round draft pick without compensation.

This whole saga also paints his manager Ben Williams in an incompetent light because he either hasn't tried, or hasn't been able to stop TT from committing professional suicide. Any young players thinking about signing up with him should take that into careful consideration before they do.
I don't pay much attention to who the players managers are, but I note this bloke won Big Brother many moons ago. Seems to have built quite a business from there. Not sure how much control they have over their stable but lets hope he is getting TT some serious support before its all too late.
i'm not putting the TT case in the woke one likes domestic violence, as much as the left or right want to accuse the other of supporting it.

how am i being intolerant of others by accusing them of virtue signalling their self righteousness of wanting TT completely sacked? i'm suppose to be more tolerant of people who don't support due process?

TT's insta had red flags all over it 2 years ago, i've been saying it for years. what's worse is i don't see him in any other the other players insta posts.

no surprises he posted again on there. he unfortunately seems to want to live his life through the lens of social media. like i've said many times now, he needs a heroic dose of shrooms to crucify his ego, before it's far too late.
Sorry I was unclear I was talking in general terms of most uses of those terms.

I would say it isn’t self righteous to be at least thinking about TT being released. You are right that due process must be followed and I think most people understand that needs to play out but again I stress either he has not informed the club of the entire story or he did it again obviously the third option is that they are made up but it would have been noted that he denies the latest round of allegations. The club can’t continue to deal with the bad PR, media circus or having a player on the list that is unable to play due to being continually stood down and paying the guy for the privilege.

Im just trying to explain the thought process behind why some may be done with him. It’s not completely out of order.

The social media post was ****ing dumb and not really the actions of someone taking the respect courses seriously.

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Sorry I was unclear I was talking in general terms of most uses of those terms.

I would say it isn’t self righteous to be at least thinking about TT being released. You are right that due process must be followed and I think most people understand that needs to play out but again I stress either he has not informed the club of the entire story or he did it again obviously the third option is that they are made up but it would have been noted that he denies the latest round of allegations. The club can’t continue to deal with the bad PR, media circus or having a player on the list that is unable to play due to being continually stood down and paying the guy for the privilege.

Im just trying to explain the thought process behind why some may be done with him. It’s not completely out of order.

The social media post was ******* dumb and not really the actions of someone taking the respect courses seriously.
I didn't see it - what did he say?
disappear GIF
Dunno but I reckon if this was really something “new” (he’d done something after feb 1) or it was going to end his career it would be all over the news today. Something smells off. Someone just trying to derail our s**t imo.

I wouldn't go down the conspiracy path about somebody trying to derail the club necessarily. But even if this latest allegation is dated and is relatively mild and was already disclosed to the club, I would still argue that the club did the smart thing by keeping the TT circus away from the group as they prepare for an interstate game, and particularly keeping the media jackals out of Clarko's face.
Apart from the main point I was trying to make re him getting slammed with no viable new information, there is also the judgement from afar thing which you allude to.

This is from Catherine Hoke who runs a prisoner rehab program in the US:

"It’s very easy for us to turn the other person into a villain, into a wild, caged animal, to dehumanize the offender, but I can see myself in that offender, and I think that if we all look deep enough, many of us can see ourselves, and if you can’t see yourself in that, I bet you could see your brother, your sister, or your best friend. If we were all (known) permanently for the worst thing that we’ve ever done, we might think a little bit differently about the labels that we attach to people."

Let's say Tarryn IS guilty? As per the above quote, I'd love if every single poster on here was publicly tagged with the worst thing they'd ever done?

Easy to judge from behind a keyboard.
Well said KC.
Let's say Tarryn IS guilty? As per the above quote, I'd love if every single poster on here was publicly tagged with the worst thing they'd ever done?

Easy to judge from behind a keyboard.
One of the most underrated forbidden pleasures a man can experience is doing a poo in the womens toilets.
People using the word "woke" as a pejorative are simply advertising their own low-rent idiocy. There's no getting beyond that. No tolerance required. Case closed.
People using the word “woke” don’t know what pejarotive means. Actually, they often don’t know what woke means either.

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One of the most underrated forbidden pleasures a man can experience is doing a poo in the womens toilets.
I recall I went to a company office in Adelaide a long time back and as I was washing my hands, a lady waltzed in. She seemed a little bit surprised, but I was probably more confused than she was. Turns out the W on the door was stuck on and the blokes in the office used to play funny jokes by turning it over so it looked like an M to trick visitors. I can't recall now why I entered but I do have a vague memory that there was a certain differance to the ambiance. I put that down to the SA history of being the only state not founded as a penile colony, hence the lack of urinals.
People using the word "woke" as a pejorative are simply advertising their own low-rent idiocy. There's no getting beyond that. No tolerance required. Case closed.
I think they use the term "woke" in order to be politically correct.
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It’s so difficult for me to understand this fiasco, I met TT on nye two years ago at a private event the star holds each year. with a attractive young lady i now believe to be his girlfriend prior to the mother with four kids, and they seemed like a loving couple. So sweet & gentle both of them, they even took time out of their date night to sit and have a drink with my wife and I, my wife even exchanging socials with the young girl.
So I find these allegations shocking.

But I do agree he’s been putting his social media status before his afl career for some time now and his footy is the only reason he has that status. The instagram post was appalling. Very Tone Deaf.

Guess only time will tell, but I’d hate to see such talent wasted.
Let's say Tarryn IS guilty? As per the above quote, I'd love if every single poster on here was publicly tagged with the worst thing they'd ever done?

Easy to judge from behind a keyboard.
We all make mistakes, which is human. If we are to believe the information/allegations that have come to light so far, TT has repeated his mistakes many times over. There is a distinct difference between TT and a BF member making a mistake from which they have hopefully learned a valuable lesson. It doesn't help when TT makes those mistakes whilst at the same time demonstrating to all and sundry on social media that he has a generally shite and arrogant attitude that indicates he has no contrition for his deplorable actions towards women. He is a public and privileged person who should be aware of the responsibilities that come with that.
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