And what about(ism!) the team mate that never stops yaping...about how good it is...and is always arsey enough to kick a few snags!It is funny, until Taranto hit the stage and spoke fluently, the other top 5 award recipients were all cat on a hot tin roof speeches, Daniel, Bolton, Vlastuin and Dusty. Even Taranto probably said words he would like to re-phrase once or twice.
I captained a lot of cricket teams, and grew up with the common refrain "talk it up boys," ringing in my ears on cricket fields I played on. As captain, seeking a more intelligent approach to our cricket, I just used to say to the team if you want to be quiet in between balls in the field, then be quiet. If you are happy to speak in between balls to encourage your team-mates etc, then do that, it is welcome. Just be switched on fully when the ball is in play, there is no choice in that.
These guys are all very switched on footballers, and I would rather have a 1% better footballer than a 100% better public speaker on our football team.