Player Watch #40 Tom Hanily - happy debut

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Here's one for fans of the band Talking Heads and their offshoot band who came up with one of the most sampled/remixed songs of all time in "Genius Of Love". When Hanily and Papley begin to form a deadly small forward duo, they shall be known as "The Tom Tom Club".

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Would love to know “the why” for this choice. My guesses, in order of what I think is most likely to least likely:

1. Swans think they are lacking in the small forward department (and maybe the wrestler will be moved on / wants to move on next year)

2. Swans went with best available, and thought risk-reward was too good to pass on.

3. Hayward is out the door next year and Swans are thinking of canning his position structurally, and switching to a smaller forward line next year

Maybe a combo of all three? Maybe something else?

[“Tom was in the mix to get drafted last year, and he is one we have continued to watch throughout the start of 2024,” Keane said.

“We see him as a hard-working half forward who can use his endurance to get up and down the ground, but we really like the way he sees the game. His footy IQ allows him to stay involved offensively and defensively."]

From the quote on our website. It seems like we were considering Haneiy in his draft year. Also it seems like they are strengthening that high half forward role. Where you need players who can work hard defensively, tackle, tag and pressure. But also make good decisions especially on quick rebound.

From reading the rookieme scouting notes, he seems like a smaller midfielder who has clean hands, can win possession, links up with handballs, works hard defensively and a good decision maker. Maybe they feel he can use those attributes in the forward line. He does not sound like a similar player to Konstanty. I would not read too much into a pick 14 in the MSD.
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Would love to know “the why” for this choice. My guesses, in order of what I think is most likely to least likely:

1. Swans think they are lacking in the small forward department (and maybe the wrestler will be moved on / wants to move on next year)

2. Swans went with best available, and thought risk-reward was too good to pass on.

3. Hayward is out the door next year and Swans are thinking of canning his position structurally, and switching to a smaller forward line next year

Maybe a combo of all three? Maybe something else?
I think all three. My impression is that Hanily is the buzzy type that could be a pressure forward whereas Konstanty seems to have been more of a lead up type, kind of a lesser Papley.
If Hayward does leave we might be forced to play 3 smalls as we don't have a readymade replacement (though I would consider Campbell).
Overall I think it gives us choices. He gets the rest of the season to show whether he's worth a spot.
Here's one for fans of the band Talking Heads and their offshoot band who came up with one of the most sampled/remixed songs of all time in "Genius Of Love". When Hanily and Papley begin to form a deadly small forward duo, they shall be known as "The Tom Tom Club".
ah, The Winstons would like a word out back.
Here's one for fans of the band Talking Heads and their offshoot band who came up with one of the most sampled/remixed songs of all time in "Genius Of Love". When Hanily and Papley begin to form a deadly small forward duo, they shall be known as "The Tom Tom Club".
I think this is more a replacement for Konstanty who is out the door than the likes of Hayward.

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Wouldn't necessarily know he'd be available at the only pick we had.
Or it was Hanily or bust I suppose.

They would have had 2 options probably this was sort of doing the rounds, have a feeling Hanily was our no 1 choice though. Weirdly I'm very excited for this pick, and it's what I want us to use the MSD for. Go for the Hail Mary, you may just find an absolute star rather than taking 'solid maybe role players'. I get we needed a ruck in the past, but in general personally I'd be going for the Home Run rather than a single to long on so to speak. Great selection!
Why are people describing this as a "high risk, high reward" or "Hail Mary" selection? Seems like a regular selection to me, and hopefully an astute one, that has the makings of a quality player but time will tell.

We do seem to have gone with our more usual MO of (a) using as many list spots as we possibly can; and (b) using MSDs to pick up long term prospects rather than more short term options - or perhaps better expressed as picking the best players rather than selecting to meet a need. The main exception to this was last year when we were ravaged by injuries, especially to our talls, and we took a KPD and a KPF (Arrnold and Buller). While both are young and may have long futures with us, both had also been in the system for some years and could be selected to play AFL at a pinch durin last season.

With the comments from Chris Keane and Cal Twomey that Hanily was in the mix for selection at the draft last year, I'm surprised that there are no draft profiles for him from leading up to that draft. The Rookie Me profile has been written more recently, even incorporating a reference to our drafting him last night.

It is interesting to speculate about what this means re Konstanty if anything. Most telling is that Konstanty hasn't re-signed. Not sure if it has been reported that we have put a contract in front of him and he is holding off. But it is seeming increasingly possible that he may leave, which would be very disappointing insomuch as it makes his selection a bust. But you can't avoid busts. Happily we have found a lot of diamonds in the rough to balance the busts. [But why is it that we seem to make so many dud selections with our first rounders?] Our later picks over-perform on average but our inside 20 picks, even (or especially) our inside top 10 picks, underperform. 😕

Anyway delighted to welcome a new player. Looking forward to seeing what he has to offer and watching him brighten our reserves up - and just as we were feeling the sting of injuries a little.
Why are people describing this as a "high risk, high reward" or "Hail Mary" selection? Seems like a regular selection to me, and hopefully an astute one, that has the makings of a quality player but time will tell.

We do seem to have gone with our more usual MO of (a) using as many list spots as we possibly can; and (b) using MSDs to pick up long term prospects rather than more short term options - or perhaps better expressed as picking the best players rather than selecting to meet a need. The main exception to this was last year when we were ravaged by injuries, especially to our talls, and we took a KPD and a KPF (Arrnold and Buller). While both are young and may have long futures with us, both had also been in the system for some years and could be selected to play AFL at a pinch durin last season.

With the comments from Chris Keane and Cal Twomey that Hanily was in the mix for selection at the draft last year, I'm surprised that there are no draft profiles for him from leading up to that draft. The Rookie Me profile has been written more recently, even incorporating a reference to our drafting him last night.

It is interesting to speculate about what this means re Konstanty if anything. Most telling is that Konstanty hasn't re-signed. Not sure if it has been reported that we have put a contract in front of him and he is holding off. But it is seeming increasingly possible that he may leave, which would be very disappointing insomuch as it makes his selection a bust. But you can't avoid busts. Happily we have found a lot of diamonds in the rough to balance the busts. [But why is it that we seem to make so many dud selections with our first rounders?] Our later picks over-perform on average but our inside 20 picks, even (or especially) our inside top 10 picks, underperform. 😕

Anyway delighted to welcome a new player. Looking forward to seeing what he has to offer and watching him brighten our reserves up - and just as we were feeling the sting of injuries a little.
Good call , sad about JK , but the coach isn't a fan

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Player Watch #40 Tom Hanily - happy debut

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