Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 15: "Like a miracle, it will disappear."

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Aug 12, 2012
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He actually wanted both candidates to be drug tested before the debate.
No he didn't, all he wanted to do was spread a Biden on drugs narrative which in keeping with almost everything he's touched in the last four years didn't work.
Unbelievable that in America of all places 1 in 10 don’t have enough to eat!
This is something that some of us have been screaming from the rooftops for decades (long before the goose l’orange infested the White House). There is no clearer demonstration of the gross limitations of capitalism, than American poverty.

The US has the worst child poverty - by far - of any developed country in the world, and has had for years.

But the US has been the richest country in history - by far - for well over a century now.

So it's not a lack of money at the root of the problem, and it’s not a lack of time. Over a hundred years is ample time for any determined effort to take effect.

And it’s sure not a lack of dedication to the capitalist cause! Although there is a case to be made that there are purer forms of capitalism than the American model, there is no questioning their obsessive dedication to what they call capitalism; extending even to violently toppling foreign governments that happen to adhere to a different economic model.

So given we can't question the resources, time, and ideological dedication the US has had to throw at the problem, it can only be concluded that the cost of capitalism, US-style, is a permanent and unacceptable number of gravely malnourished children. There is no other conclusion that can be reached.

Capitalism is not inherently evil. There’s still a case that, as Churchill put it, it’s the least-worst of all systems.

But that doesn't mean we shouldn't examine the gross flaws revealed by the US experience, and call for some desperately needed adjustments, without right wing zombies on here going LOL LOL LOL kum-ba-yah lefties fnirr fnirr.

These people are idiots.

And they have shown they are idiots because the system they mindlessly barrack for has been shown to have these permanent flaws in it.

The left doesn't have all the answers, god no, but anyone criticising progressive ideas out of hand, as many on here do, is saying they're OK with undernourished children.
He actually wanted both candidates to be drug tested before the debate.
Yeah, then he got Covid and he's been stoked to the eyeballs on the contents of an entire Chemist Warehouse ever since, and unsurprisingly has gone quiet on further calls for drug testing.
He is 74, where the hell does he find the energy to campaign like he does. Love him or hate him you have to in awe of his energy levels.

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"CNN pundit Jeffrey Toobin has been suspended for "accidentally flashing his penis during a Zoom call with colleagues."

Anti-Trumper Toobin was suspended by the New Yorker after showing his man part during a virtual meeting with the magazine and WNYC radio, sources revealed to VICE.

Jeffrey Toobin has worked as staff writer for the New Yorker for more than 25 years
Jeffrey Toobin has worked as staff writer for the New Yorker for more than 25 yearsCredit: CNN
The anti-Trumper was suspended by the New Yorker after showing his man part during a Zoom meeting, sources said

The anti-Trumper was suspended by the New Yorker after showing his man part during a Zoom meeting, sources saidCredit: Getty Images

He has since apologized and told the news outlet: "I made an embarrassingly stupid mistake, believing I was off-camera.

"I apologize to my wife, family, friends and co-workers.”

Toobin added: "I believed I was not visible on Zoom.

"I thought no one on the Zoom call could see me. I thought I had muted the Zoom video."

Toobin has not posted to Twitter for approximately one week and his Conde Nast email has been disabled, according to the report.

Tell me guyz, how do you äccidentally" flash your penis on video calls?
Possibly wearing boxers (ie casual pyjamas thinking you are off camera) and gaping allows trouser snake escape.

Ever given Prednisone to your kid for asthma? It gets them breathing again but they climb the walls for the next three hours.
Certainly gives you a rev up, can put a bit of lead in the pencil, too. If you take them for any length of the time, the down side can be terrible, inertia and depression.
This is something that some of us have been screaming from the rooftops for decades (long before the goose l’orange infested the White House). There is no clearer demonstration of the gross limitations of capitalism, than American poverty.

The US has the worst child poverty - by far - of any developed country in the world, and has had for years.

But the US has been the richest country in history - by far - for well over a century now.

So it's not a lack of money at the root of the problem, and it’s not a lack of time. Over a hundred years is ample time for any determined effort to take effect.

And it’s sure not a lack of dedication to the capitalist cause! Although there is a case to be made that there are purer forms of capitalism than the American model, there is no questioning their obsessive dedication to what they call capitalism; extending even to violently toppling foreign governments that happen to adhere to a different economic model.

So given we can't question the resources, time, and ideological dedication the US has had to throw at the problem, it can only be concluded that the cost of capitalism, US-style, is a permanent and unacceptable number of gravely malnourished children. There is no other conclusion that can be reached.

Capitalism is not inherently evil. There’s still a case that, as Churchill put it, it’s the least-worst of all systems.

But that doesn't mean we shouldn't examine the gross flaws revealed by the US experience, and call for some desperately needed adjustments, without right wing zombies on here going LOL LOL LOL kum-ba-yah lefties fnirr fnirr.

These people are idiots.

And they have shown they are idiots because the system they mindlessly barrack for has been shown to have these permanent flaws in it.

The left doesn't have all the answers, god no, but anyone criticising progressive ideas out of hand, as many on here do, is saying they're OK with undernourished children.
Dog eat dog capitalism is not good for most folks. Early childhood development is so important for later outcomes. We live 5 years longer on average than Americans, they have 5 times the chance of being murdered and 5 times the chance of being incarcerated compared to Australia.

Ever given Prednisone to your kid for asthma? It gets them breathing again but they climb the walls for the next three hours.

I was given it when my back was wrecked. I remember laying there in agony still but my mind was racing, so positive and felt like I could do anything which was ironic since I couldn't even put my own socks on! But you cannot stay on it, about 5 days is the most and 3 of those days are weening you off. So as such I doubt he is on it anymore, does serious harm if you are on it for too long. It was very good though, the hill billy heroin was the worst.
If he wins, analysts are going to regard Biden's campaign as a masterpiece.

Its pretty simple, small target, stay quiet and work on the basis that most will vote for anyone but Trump unless he stuffs up. Makes perfect sense to me, small target policy has been used in Oz a few times.
Dog eat dog capitalism is not good for most folks. Early childhood development is so important for later outcomes.

We live 5 years longer on average than Americans, they have 5 times the chance of being murdered and 5 times the chance of being incarcerated compared to Australia.
Pretty damning, isn't it, and still they insist on imposing their way of life on the rest of the world as much as they can.
Its pretty simple, small target, stay quiet and work on the basis that most will vote for anyone but Trump unless he stuffs up. Makes perfect sense to me, small target policy has been used in Oz a few times.

Totally agree, but there has been a lot of hand wringing (including on the Democratic side) that "oh Biden needs to be out there, he needs to be gee-ing up the voters".

He's followed the advice that if the other guy is constantly shooting himself in the foot, you just keep out of the way.
"CNN pundit Jeffrey Toobin has been suspended for "accidentally flashing his penis during a Zoom call with colleagues."

Anti-Trumper Toobin was suspended by the New Yorker after showing his man part during a virtual meeting with the magazine and WNYC radio, sources revealed to VICE.

Jeffrey Toobin has worked as staff writer for the New Yorker for more than 25 years
Jeffrey Toobin has worked as staff writer for the New Yorker for more than 25 yearsCredit: CNN
The anti-Trumper was suspended by the New Yorker after showing his man part during a Zoom meeting, sources said

The anti-Trumper was suspended by the New Yorker after showing his man part during a Zoom meeting, sources saidCredit: Getty Images

He has since apologized and told the news outlet: "I made an embarrassingly stupid mistake, believing I was off-camera.

"I apologize to my wife, family, friends and co-workers.”

Toobin added: "I believed I was not visible on Zoom.

"I thought no one on the Zoom call could see me. I thought I had muted the Zoom video."

Toobin has not posted to Twitter for approximately one week and his Conde Nast email has been disabled, according to the report.

Tell me guyz, how do you äccidentally" flash your penis on video calls?

You serious? Its a pandemic and were all working from home. Do you know how many zoom calls I've been on while not wearing pants?
I've stayed away from this Hunter Biden laptop "story" because I reckon I know a turkey when I see one, but here is a very calm examination of the matter.

A podcast I listened to also compared the US media reaction to the French media when the Russians dropped anti-Macron dirt just before their last presidential election. French media collectively just said "sup", but then they don't have Murdoch.
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