Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 15: "Like a miracle, it will disappear."

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Aug 12, 2012
sv_cheats 1
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This thread will be monitored actively for posters who drag down the quality of posting for all others, and they will have their access to the thread removed.

Specifically: reference to TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) and its counterpart 'Trumpanzee' or anything similar will no longer be allowed. These are a conversational barrier and fall-back point for people to simply sling mud. That's unacceptable. Personal attacks are also to be kept to a minimum.

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The dog ate them.

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The Second Coming is Trump's Health Plan.




Sorry, I didn't realise you were threadbanned. I'll fix that now. Unfortunately, a thread rollover doesn't also roll the threadbans over too, so they have to be done manually. Thanks for the reminder.

I think it does but you have to check a box first. I cannot recall if that box says, "Threadban trolls"

If Trump loses the election, is the DOJ still going to represent him and substitute the government in as the defendant, in his rape defamation case?

Yeah, they're gonna try to wrap the whole thing up by 20/1/21

Ve know it da reals vun because she talk like robot.


Didn't think to take a copy?

Who the hell swallows this sh*t? The world has gone completely ******* mad.

The most important documents of the election, maybe since the Pentagon Papers... they don't go in carry-on, the ORIGINALS get sent via courier.

I note Tucker didn't mention the carrier, I suspect because they'd have sued him to absolute hell for his made-up story
Getting rid of trump is one thing , the bonus are his family and various sycophants

What a self entitled twat Kushner is , that head is so puncheable ;)

Seeing the Trump Covid strategy in black and white like that is horrific - leave it to the Governors to take the fall if measures fail but position the Orange buffoon as the saviour if the measures prevail.
What a devastating Leadership fail Trump has been , on so many levels.
Vale USA :(


The D states took the brunt while the doctors tried to work out what was happening
The R states are taking the shaft because the people there are too dumb to listen

And DJT says its turning the corner?


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Aside from the usual toys out of the cot whinging, its just a bizarre strategy electorally. His handling of covid is running at something like 60% disapprove in polls, and he literally tweets 'covid covid covid' :drunk:

Never shown much discipline in his messaging obviously but geez, you'd think he might avoid explicitly calling out the one thing that most people agree he's been sh*t at.
True. Lacks self discipline. Very self indulgent. Resorts to whingeing about whatever irks him at that moment in time.

There is one ‘macro’ he leads on - handling the economy. He needs to counter Biden with a ‘don’t scare the horses’ narrative on the coronavirus and race relations. THEN spend 90% of the time talking about how he will resuscitate the economy.

However, it is always ‘all about him’. He is not addressing the grievances of the people he is fighting to represent, but gorging on his own grievances. A very ordinary indifference to the common good - no mention of what he is going to do for the country over the next four years.
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Well, takes a big man to admit when he's wrong and it seems I owe Balls In and maryjames an apology. This was clearly going to be the big one, the killer blow, the incontrovertable evidence that would tie everything together beyond all question and see Biden immediately withdraw from.... hahaha, sorry, couldn't get through it :tearsofjoy:

This was it, we really had them this time, for sure, honest... BuT SoMeOne StoLeZ iT!!!

****ing unreal :tearsofjoy:
Not rocket science. Most members of Congress have handled it comfortably for decades. Trump leaves the ‘meet and greets’ to Pence.
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Steven Dank just updated his twitter

apparently he found the spreadsheet and mailed it to the AFL to prove Essendons innocence

unfortunately Australia Post has told him that his letter was already opened, and the contents are missing!
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