Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 19: Law and Odour

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Geez, the Republicans really hate women don't they?

The Trump/JDV team must surely be unelectable for any thinking person - women especially, particularly given the stark contrast with the soon to be confirmed Kamala Harris.

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"George Soros sends a 747 to load up black women to go have abortions in California" :tearsofjoy:

These people are utterly insane lol
You're the type of person the Democrats love. Believe what you're told rather than what you see.
You're the type of person the MAGA love. Believe what you're told rather than what you see, read and are told.

Dems loved to tell people Biden was fit as a fiddle / best he's ever been despite people with eyes being able to see the truth.
Old news, Harris is now the nominee.
Not sure if posted previously but here is the video of the Trump speech at The Believers Summit telling 'My Beautiful Christians' to get out and vote because 'in four years you don't have to vote again'.

Now I appreciate that those of us who hate Trump and all he stands for, have watched his rise to power and have a particular view of what this language means. And that it's signalling a threat of destroying the democratic process by stacking the executive and the High Court with political appointees.

But I would like some of the MAGA fans here, especially those who talked about the power of subliminal messaging, to give their perspective on this.

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He finally came out and said "We'll fix it so you won't have to vote anymore," out loud, in front of cameras...

I still sometimes think that this has all been a lark, and that Trump has been trying his hardest not to get elected.
Remember it’s always a confession or projection with the Donald☹️
And isn’t it funny how in a country like Oz, where we actually do “have” to vote, 95% of us consider it just part of being an Australian citizen, not some hugely onerous task.
In the States a big election is on a Tuesday. It is not a holiday so people have to take time off of work to do it or wait until they get off. Many are not given that time; or the distance to or scarcity of polling locations increases time needed to do it.
These are conditions that the Republicans have used to restrict voting in lower to middle classes where the voters don't have as much time to get there. Remember that they also want to restrict mail-in ballots and voter registration.
I lived on the west coast. It used to be that the election would already be called before I could get out to the polling station. The system needs an overhaul.
In the States a big election is on a Tuesday. It is not a holiday so people have to take time off of work to do it or wait until they get off. Many are not given that time; or the distance to or scarcity of polling locations increases time needed to do it.
These are conditions that the Republicans have used to restrict voting in lower to middle classes where the voters don't have as much time to get there. Remember that they also want to restrict mail-in ballots and voter registration.
I lived on the west coast. It used to be that the election would already be called before I could get out to the polling station. The system needs an overhaul.
My understanding is also that Republican states have cut the amount of polling booths in populous black areas, making it harder to vote. They know that the easier it is to vote, they have more chance of losing.
Not sure if posted previously but here is the video of the Trump speech at The Believers Summit telling 'My Beautiful Christians' to get out and vote because 'in four years you don't have to vote again'.

Would like some of the MAGA fans here, especially those who talked about the power of subliminal messaging, to give their perspective on this.

Trump only cares about himself, he's not a lifer republican (or even a Christian), he only cares that he is voted in, hence not giving a shit what happens in 4 years.

I'm not saying that he won't try and extend terms or something stupid whilst he's in power (if he even survives the 4 years from a health perspective), but he knows how to appeal to the dum-dum maga's so he projects whatever he thinks they want to hear.
My understanding is also that Republican states have cut the amount of polling booths in populous black areas, making it harder to vote. They know that the easier it is to vote, they have more chance of losing.
Yes that is one method they use. Or putting them in difficult to find places.
Also requiring particular types of ID that may be more than some would want to pay, needs difficult to obtain documentation, or unnecessary for their everyday lives.
There is also the voting list purges that don't give people wrongly taken off to straighten it out or re-register. They also don't notify people that they were taken off, which suck because there are often mistakes in striking common names from the rolls.
When we hear calls for election integrity starting with registration reforms or making polling more convenient is unconstitutional, we are hearing someone parroting GOP policies. Even more blatantly is saying changes made due to covid made the GOP lose.

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You're the type of person the MAGA love. Believe what you're told rather than what you see, read and are told.

Old news, Harris is now the nominee.
Exactly. Spend some time watching Fox. First it is not news, it is opinion. More importantly notice how they address the audience. They are not informing, they are not providing context or evidence. They are lecturing the camera as if it were a slow learning child, a real "Obey my command" vibe. I first noticed it back in the O'Reilly days. They do not give nor allow their audience to think, only to be outraged.
There are non-partisan studies done on it.
This is what Trump supporters/defenders and love. IMO doesn't really say any good things about them.

1. Trump is a liar - fact!
2. Trump is a three time adulterer - fact!
3. Trump is a fraud and con - fact!
4. Trump is a convicted felon - fact!
5. Trump is a failed businessman (Steaks, planes, college, casinos, etc etc etc) - fact!
6. Trump stole from his own charity - fact!
7. Trump is awaiting trial on more charges and is desperate to be re-elected - fact
8. Trump is not doing anything for his supporters it is all about him - fact!
9. Trump standard response if he is close to anyone of dubious character (like him?) I hardly knew them -fact!

Happy for anyone to add to the list.
This is what Trump supporters/defenders love. IMO doesn't really say any good things about them.

1. Trump is a liar - fact!
2. Trump is a three time adulterer - fact!
3. Trump is a fraud and con - fact!
4. Trump is a convicted felon - fact!
5. Trump is a failed businessman (Steaks, planes, college, casinos, etc etc etc) - fact!
6. Trump stole from his own charity - fact!
7. Trump is awaiting trial on more charges and is desperate to be re-elected - fact
8. Trump is not doing anything for his supporters it is all about him - fact!
9. Trump standard response if he is close to anyone of dubious character (like him?) I hardly knew them -fact!

Happy for anyone to add to the list.
They will dispute the meaning of the word 'fact'.


The HoF classic...."alternative facts"
They will dispute the meaning of the word 'fact'.


The HoF classic...."alternative facts"
I very much doubt that they could provide evidence to the contrary.

Excuses? of course they can. Fake news? Unfairly treated? Misunderstood?

Yet cannot provide evidence to the contrary. All they will have have is hot air just like Trump.
Patriotic MAGA Christians despise those French Olympics.

That's a parody of course. But it's a parody of the idiocy of the MAGA thinking that is all too real.

Take this posting from Australia's self decared No. 1 Trump supporter - Senator Babet (and a reminder that your taxes are paying for this unhinged RWNJ).

Not sure if posted previously but here is the video of the Trump speech at The Believers Summit telling 'My Beautiful Christians' to get out and vote because 'in four years you don't have to vote again'.

Now I appreciate that those of us who hate Trump and all he stands for, have watched his rise to power and have a particular view of what this language means. And that it's signalling a threat of destroying the democratic process by stacking the executive and the High Court with political appointees.

But I would like some of the MAGA fans here, especially those who talked about the power of subliminal messaging, to give their perspective on this.

I like the bit where he said he wasnt a Christian.
I agree that we should accept that there are people who believe crazy things. Not sure who doesn't accept that btw- people believing crazy things and ignoring undeniable proof has always been a thing. It's just that the advent of social media and FoxNews gives them an audience and a credence they previously never received.

But we should not accept that those people are fit to run for public office - anywhere.

(that includes people running for VP whose previous lovers include a velvet lounge suite btw)

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