Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 9 - The Shi'ites Hit The Fan (Cont. in Part 10, see OP)

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I doubt Reps would call for impeachment before a Pres is sworn in.

Demonising the opposition is the only card in the left deck.

Not before. But I would suggest that impeachment over a blow job would equally be laughed at. Or suggestions of a birther conspiracy.
Equal amount of blame for both left and the right. To believe only one side is bad is disingenuous.
So the Trump russian collusion is
Once the intelligence community said it was Russian interference they all fell in line six ways from Sunday.
The evidence however is glaring. Hillary’s campaign is openly paying for Russian intelligence on Trump with the Steele dossier. She has a long history with Putin.

The fact so few Russians are accused of helping Trump tells they were working hard against him. All those attempts to set him up with various meetings at Trump tower where the Russian lawyer flies in from Moscow meets straight to Trump tower.
The same Russian lawyer who attended numerous cocktail parties with the Clinton’s

It’s evident
Why on earth would Putin want an unpredictable Trump when he could have a Bought and Sold Hillary ?

Interesting isn't it, the Russian Lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya who visited Trump tower with the promise of dirt on Hillary but delivered none was out to dinner the night before and night after with Glenn R. Simpson, Fusion GPS co-founder, we know Fusion GPS made the pee pee dossier bought and paid for by the Clinton Democrats.

The Trump tower meeting was a setup by the Clintons to discredit her political rival.

Once again Hillary colluding with the Russians.

Once again Hillary accusing others of doing what she has done.

Frighteningly this operation also included high ranking DOJ officials.

Trump is done imo. The house will vote to impeach easily and the senate will have more than enough Republicans that will flip and vote to convict.

President Pence wont win the next election but he'll stop the bleeding and give a fair shot. Trump at the helm will wipe them out.

I'll give you 100-1
Trump is done imo. The house will vote to impeach easily and the senate will have more than enough Republicans that will flip and vote to convict.

President Pence wont win the next election but he'll stop the bleeding and give a fair shot. Trump at the helm will wipe them out.
Will it be so easy to get the Republicans to flip against a President that is so popular with their base?
It’s funny how when Trump was floating the idea of Doral hosting the G7, there was no mention of cost or generous offers.

Now that it’s been shitcanned, it’s quickly progressed from “no profit” to “no cost” to “free!”

He’s not missing an opportunity to martyr himself out of this.

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I doubt Reps would call for impeachment before a Pres is sworn in.

Demonising the opposition is the only card in the left deck.
Actually, considering demonising the opposition is trump’s modus operandi, then it can’t just be a card in the ‘left deck’. It’s how trump won the election and it’s exactly what he’s trying to do again, now.
And in a country where people are poorly informed and feeling aggrieved, it can be a very effective tactic. Let’s see how it goes this time. Comon America, get yourselves informed and wake up. You can do it!
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Did she or did she not sign of on selling the Russians 20% of America's uranium as Secretary of State ?.

Why did she do this?

So did Mueller as FBI director at the time, he also signed off on it.

Yep she did, Mueller too. What about the other 7 CFIUS members?

Don't get me wrong, Hills is dodgy as the day is long. Just never been able to wrap my head around what bribing her would achieve in this instance. Whats the working theory, she somehow 'got to' all other 7 CFIUS members?
Yep she did, Mueller too. What about the other 7 CFIUS members?

Don't get me wrong, Hills is dodgy as the day is long. Just never been able to wrap my head around what bribing her would achieve in this instance. Whats the working theory, she somehow 'got to' all other 7 CFIUS members?

Why wouldn't you fall into line if the SOS signs off and the FBI director.

2 very powerful people there.
He is claiming obama broke the clause with his book deal and netflix deal , even though he signed off as private citizen
The new birther story
I shudder to think how Trump will try and leverage off the Presidency once he's out of office, assuming of course he's granted phone privileges at whatever institution he finds himself a guest in
I shudder to think how Trump will try and leverage off the Presidency once he's out of office, assuming of course he's granted phone privileges at whatever institution he finds himself a guest in

How much more money do you think he wants to make in his late 70's ?.
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