737 Crashes into World Trade Centre

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I believe planes hit the buildings and not holograms
I believe the planes were civilian aircraft
I believe the phone calls from people on the plane to their relatives were real
I believe the claims the aircraft were hijacked
It seems reasonable the hijackers were saudi rather than suicide CIA agents
I believe the twin towers collapsed due to damage to multiple supporting structures resulting in failure of the remaining

I believe the response against Iraq vs Saudi was over strategic interests in oil and a job half finished by daddy
I believe the response in Afghanistan is over copper and strategic minerals (ever wondered why so many super powers have been interested in Afghanistan despite no oil?) It is well endowed in mineral wealth


in fact my morning meeting was on copper in Afghan and pakistan

surprisingly, no unicorns or mermaids were required in my version to hold the story together
Thank you
You've got the words wrong
It goes
I believe in one God the father almighty maker of heaven and earth all that is seen and unseen...

From his cave in Afghanistan Osama Aladin and his forty theives spent a thousand and one nights telling tall stories

Open sesame he cried and 19 Saudi shaman assassins walked through USA customs

Bing Bali boong he yelled
Planes diverted into building

Shazam he yelled
And towers fell
Planes crashed
Anthrax is mailed

But fox and cnn and cbs identified the evil warlock and sent the forces of vengeance upon the whole Middle East to find his cave

They searched and searched for him but Aladin conjured his magic and his for many a year

Then Obama sent his own magic squad captured the magician Aladin and the world was amazed

But then appeared more magicians
Without names but Isis an Egyptian goddess of magic and wonder

Isis beguiled Obama with darker magic

The power of the magic pentagon was fading
What can we do?

How are to escape this darkness

Enraged the pentagon of evil sends magic bombs and demon drones many are destroyed

But the force of darkness is strong for every head destroyed a new one arises.

A new magician is required perhaps the warlock trump or the hag Hillary can save us
No-one yet has been able to subdue Afghanistan, many great powers have tried, the only one I know of having success was the great warlord of Samarkand Tamerlane 700 odd years ago.

so what we're saying is these puppet-masters of incredible means don't really have such incredible means? ;)
15 years after the event, wouldn’t we have some evidence of efforts to extract the mineral wealth if this had been a primary motivation for war?

perhaps you're right

but perhaps securing minerals seemed important in 2003 and less so in 2015. perhaps stability to invest $Bs into infrastructure, exploration and development doesn't make sense in a volatile nation.

Going after Bin Laden in Afghanistan and Pakistan certainly made more sense than Iraq but I question why Saudi has escaped with seemingly so little scrutiny

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No, it isn’t. I rejected/dismissed a whole slew of nonsensical assertions after doing my due diligence by looking into them as provided to me by your “scholars”, “researchers”, and youtube-video-makers.

What’s so unreasonable about making your mind up about an event that happened more than a decade ago? how slow do you think people should be in learning about the idiocy inherent to trutherism? why is it only truthers that still have "unanswered questions"? why haven't they been able to find answers? why are they so ******* lazy/stupid?
You must believe the great magician Osama Aladdin did this for his power in caves is strong.
He defies the great satans technology with the power of cave magic
What he draws on the cave wall becomes manifest
May a thousand donkies preserve your faith in him
perhaps you're right

but perhaps securing minerals seemed important in 2003 and less so in 2015. perhaps stability to invest $Bs into infrastructure, exploration and development doesn't make sense in a volatile nation.

yeah, perhaps. still, spending a trillion dollars to obtain a trillion dollars of ore that you don't end up getting? I know bush et al were incompetent but bugger me!!

Going after Bin Laden in Afghanistan and Pakistan certainly made more sense than Iraq but I question why Saudi has escaped with seemingly so little scrutiny

too slow. I said at the time that this was almost certainly bin laden and they should have moved in much earlier than they did and maybe not attack the whole country but just do their best to exterminate those in the camps. oh well.

Saudi though is interesting. like, obviously you can't necessarily blame a country for the actions of its citizens, however quite obviously there were mechanisms and people in the country who almost certainly would have been involved. not surprising that an oil-rich ally of the US didn't get as much scrutiny though.
Saudi though is interesting. like, obviously you can't necessarily blame a country for the actions of its citizens, however quite obviously there were mechanisms and people in the country who almost certainly would have been involved. not surprising that an oil-rich ally of the US didn't get as much scrutiny though.

perhaps it's the military mentality in me speaking but the best way to control people is "one in, all in mentality" that is used as the management tool to control personnel.

I wouldn't have punished the nation but given the tight control of the nation by families, if I were the US I would have looked to financially wipe out one family and install another family. Just to demonstrate who holds the strings but perhaps the oil string means certain families control the US.
yeah, perhaps. still, spending a trillion dollars to obtain a trillion dollars of ore that you don't end up getting? I know bush et al were incompetent but bugger me!!

too slow. I said at the time that this was almost certainly bin laden and they should have moved in much earlier than they did and maybe not attack the whole country but just do their best to exterminate those in the camps. oh well.

Saudi though is interesting. like, obviously you can't necessarily blame a country for the actions of its citizens, however quite obviously there were mechanisms and people in the country who almost certainly would have been involved. not surprising that an oil-rich ally of the US didn't get as much scrutiny though.
Of course it was bin Ladin
His powers were great
He defeated the ussr and he has enraged the great Satan with his magic
He had many wives and followers
The pentagon of evil could never contain him
The west had had to destroy two countries to find him but his magic carpet evaded them every time
so what we're saying is these puppet-masters of incredible means don't really have such incredible means? ;)
The best guerrillas are 100% prepared to die, that's what makes the Islamists so effective. You can bomb the world to pieces but you can't bomb it to peace... lol plus there's more money for certain people in ongoing war.
perhaps it's the military mentality in me speaking but the best way to control people is "one in, all in mentality" that is used as the management tool to control personnel.

I wouldn't have punished the nation but given the tight control of the nation by families, if I were the US I would have looked to financially wipe out one family and install another family. Just to demonstrate who holds the strings but perhaps the oil string means certain families control the US.
Piles of heads are the only language they understand in that part of the world.
perhaps you're right

but perhaps securing minerals seemed important in 2003 and less so in 2015. perhaps stability to invest $Bs into infrastructure, exploration and development doesn't make sense in a volatile nation.

Going after Bin Laden in Afghanistan and Pakistan certainly made more sense than Iraq but I question why Saudi has escaped with seemingly so little scrutiny
Bin Ladin beguiled them with magic and his disciples gave much money too
The great powerful bin Ladin wrote the patriot act in his cave and it was given to bush in his dream.

The spirit of bin Ladin can never be destroyed
he lives in a hundred goats
500 camels and
a thousand Isis fighters
drones satellites infra red no technology or intelligence can thwart his magic

As Mohammed said to the mountain move and it moved so bin laden said to the towers - fall - and they fell.
Piles of heads are the only language they understand in that part of the world.

just sad isn't

whoever is right or wrong, it doesn't matter for the average people who suffer the most

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The best guerrillas are 100% prepared to die, that's what makes the Islamists so effective. You can bomb the world to pieces but you can't bomb it to peace... lol plus there's more money for certain people in ongoing war.

I don't necessarily disagree with any of this, but I feel you can't hold these positions while simultaneously thinking we invaded Afghanistan for its mineral wealth. either the mineral hunter puppets or the warmongering puppets needed to get fed, but one seems opposed to the other in this instance.
Osama often Said to his followers
Lipsein - I don't like USA freedoms
Osama could dance the pants off of bush
He dressed better than bush spoke better than bush he was better looking than bush

When Osama smiled the whole world smiled
But bush didn't like Osama - he liked osamas goat stories but nothing else

Osama was wise
When his disciples asked how will we fly those planes
Osama quietly showed them his flight simulator program

When they asked how will we enter through customs
Osama said with confidence and told them the parable of the mustard seed.
I don't necessarily disagree with any of this, but I feel you can't hold these positions while simultaneously thinking we invaded Afghanistan for its mineral wealth. either the mineral hunter puppets or the warmongering puppets needed to get fed, but one seems opposed to the other in this instance.
Osama told them the story of how a single fish fed 5000
I don't necessarily disagree with any of this, but I feel you can't hold these positions while simultaneously thinking we invaded Afghanistan for its mineral wealth. either the mineral hunter puppets or the warmongering puppets needed to get fed, but one seems opposed to the other in this instance.

I think one of the problems with conspiracy theories, is that people tend to forget these decisions are made by ordinary people (in high positions) just trying to do the best they can with the limited information at hand.

Often there decisions are wrong at the time, or with the benefit of hindsight, and conspiracy theorists extrapolate this into some grand plan rather than the bumbling journey we all take in life.
Osama often Said to his followers
Lipsein - I don't like USA freedoms
Osama could dance the pants off of bush
He dressed better than bush spoke better than bush he was better looking than bush

When Osama smiled the whole world smiled
But bush didn't like Osama - he liked osamas goat stories but nothing else

Osama was wise
When his disciples asked how will we fly those planes
Osama quietly showed them his flight simulator program

When they asked how will we enter through customs
Osama said with confidence and told them the parable of the mustard seed.

speaking of bumblings

(to be taken as a dig in jest)
I don't necessarily disagree with any of this, but I feel you can't hold these positions while simultaneously thinking we invaded Afghanistan for its mineral wealth. either the mineral hunter puppets or the warmongering puppets needed to get fed, but one seems opposed to the other in this instance.
Its a win-win situation when the same people have stakes in both industries.
Can I just say as somebody who has some sympathy for some of your positions, you are having a tantrum like a little girl and destroying any credibility you may have had.
Your perception kimo sabi is not sufficiently mature to question or understand the mystery and power of bin Ladin or my words.

For bin Ladin single handedly wounded the great people of the usa. It is he who wished to destroy their freedoms. Bush told us this. You can not doubt that this is true kimo sabi for to doubt leaves you mad.

Is it not the greatest escapade in history?
The entire USA armed forces, intelligence and technology could not thwart the great power of bin Ladin. A man of no nation no state. Could not find him. But there he is in videos on our tv with trained cave dwelling assassins thwarting the great USA at every turn.

What is this power awaremind that he possess even after death?

Now into year 15 of his remarkable success on 9/11?his disciples continue to thwart the great western powers.

Is there Are story anywhere in history like it?

Even the greAt Spartacus who beguiled Rome never struck in the heart of the capital. His success lasted but a few years. And upon his death the movement died.

But bin Ladin lives on passed his own mortality. Would that the Romans had USA technology - would Spartacus last an afternoon? But the bin Ladin he inspires and thrives against all odds against history itself.

Who but bin Ladin in a cave can bring nations to war? No organized army in no fixed spot they are everywhere and nowhere. Not even trained they tuck roll take drugs and sex slaves but there faith foils the west at every point.

What can this be but sorcery and magic
Is this the same anthrax that was mailed to two US Senators who dared to question the official 911 lie?
Yes just as they were being asked to pass the rushed patriot act

The anthrax was proven to come from inside USA - even more dangerous than what most suspected the us military possessed
The note which came with the letter
Death to America death to Israel in a child like script.

Thus the truther narrative of a Muslim extremist frame up gains further support.

The fbi conveniently attributed the letters to a suicide overdosed employee with no ties to any Muslims

The media again showed no interest
Yes just as they were being asked to pass the rushed patriot act

The anthrax was proven to come from inside USA - even more dangerous than what most suspected the us military possessed
The note which came with the letter
Death to America death to Israel in a child like script.

Thus the truther narrative of a Muslim extremist frame up gains further support.

The fbi conveniently attributed the letters to a suicide overdosed employee with no ties to any Muslims

The media again showed no interest
That's right. They wouldn't sign the Patriot Act!
Recently the head? Of the FBI anthrax investigation applied for whistleblower status and said the whole investigation was crooked. But that was easy to see from the outside, from the outset! MacQueen from Canada has written compellingly on this.

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737 Crashes into World Trade Centre

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