Movie 86th Academy Awards

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Lose the skull cap Edge ffs....
I genuinely feel happy for Matthew McConaughey. Although a lot of that love might be because of True Detective. He deserves an award for that as well.

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Who won best actress?

Hope J Law went B2B

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Cate. Lawrence was up for best supporting which she lost to Lupita Nyong'o for 12 Years a Slave.
Leo's best work was done early but he was great in the Aviator and has had movie performances worthy of oscar nominations. This whole thing about getting an oscar being the be all and end all is pretty ridiculous too. The amount of greats who haven't received oscars should say it all really.
Exactly. Does anyone think any less of Peter O'Toole because he went 0 from 8 at the Oscars? If anything it enhances his reputation, allowing us to say shit like "how did he not win an Oscar?!".

For what it's worth, The Aviator is probably the only one I thought he deserved the win. In my eyes, only Don Cheadle challenged him on quality of performance of that batch of nominees. The un-nominated Bruno Ganz and Jim Carrey would be the only two I had above Leo that year. What's Eating Gilbert Grape is an excellent performance, but it Tommy Lee Jones didn't snatch that Oscar, Ralph Fiennes would've.
Exactly. Does anyone think any less of Peter O'Toole because he went 0 from 8 at the Oscars? If anything it enhances his reputation, allowing us to say shit like "how did he not win an Oscar?!".

For what it's worth, The Aviator is probably the only one I thought he deserved the win. In my eyes, only Don Cheadle c...... kid was watching 'Hotel for Dogs' yday...its a crime he was never nom'd for that abomination...
Be the best actor in a single role in any given year. He's quality but hasn't really put out something Oscar worthy in nearly 20 years, those roles being either What's Eating Gilbert Grape, This Boy's Life or Basketball Diaries.

Leo was awesome in What's Eating Gilbert Grape. He was good in Catch me if you can and Revolutionary Road.

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Completely disagree with that one. If any performance shows his shortcomings as an actor, it's Revolutionary Road. He really struggles with the quiet and low key stuff and he was not at all convincing in this film.

I see what you mean. I think most of Leo's roles can be a bit similar, playing someone who is trying to achieve the american dream and crashing down.
McConaughey has had an amazing turnaround in his career, from being a bit of a joke actor no one really took seriously starring in shitty rom-coms and taking his shirt off for women to ogle to becoming a serious actor displaying some serious acting skills and winning an oscar has been pretty huge. I can only think of Downey Jr. and Mickey Rourke (who is starring in shitty movies again already) as great turnaround's like this. McConauguey's has probably been the best though.

Good on him for taking it out.

Also Cate's 2nd oscar too is pretty good.
Very happy with the winners, McConaughey the most deserving, Gravity cleaned up the technical awards. Wolf of Wall Street and American Hustle were mostly hype, the type of stories we've seen many times before.
McConaughey & Leto most deserving.

People actually like Blanchett? I'm not disputing her winning, but as a person she's revolting. One of the most pretentious things I've ever seen in my life. Does it have something to do with patriotism or something?
Never had a problem with her. She's forcibly posh-sounding, but whatever, that's theatre types for you.

Not on board with McConaughey being the most deserving. Great to see his career take off the way it has, and it's a nice reward for a great year of films, but in my view all four of his challengers delivered better performances in their nominated roles.

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Movie 86th Academy Awards

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