Conspiracy Theory 9/11 - Part 2

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Actually yes, seeing as there is a fairly large airport RIGHT NEXT DOOR.

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Do you actually know anything at all about this topic? How many times must we embarrass you?
So airplanes flying over the capital aren't restricted in any way
They just cruise over the pentagon - daily? Wow
Those yanks are dumber then I thought

I thought they had some kind of weapons or something on the pentagon at some point
Must have been during the civil war.

No wonder they have t been able to win a war lately.

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So airplanes flying over the capital aren't restricted in any way
They just cruise over the pentagon - daily? Wow
Those yanks are dumber then I thought

I thought they had some kind of weapons or something on the pentagon at some point
Must have been during the civil war.

No wonder they have t been able to win a war lately.
More than daily mate. Literally every two minutes a low flying plane crosses over the Pentagon airspace.

the aluminium cockpit punctures the building but the engines don't
entangled landing gear punctures the building at the 6th interior wall but the engines don't
What are you talking about? Who says the engines didn't puncture the building?

And your disbelief RE the landing gear, despite REPEATED attempts to show you how it happened shows you have absolutely no idea, and worse, are unwilling to learn.

what does it matter even how it happened it happened
Is this an admission of defeat? Can I take from this statement that you DONT KNOW what happened, and furthermore, you're now taking the position that, "sure, planes did the damage, and, physically speaking, the OS is correct, everything happened the way they say it did, but WHO did it is the real question!"

Is that your position now? If so, I will take that as a concession. Thank you.

what we have here is mass denial and ass covering

FINALLY! Something we both agree on! Absolutely, the US government got caught with their pants down. They were exposed badly by an enemy they grossly underestimated, and then scrambled to try to make it look like they weren't as incompetent and vulnerable as they were. People were trying to save their jobs, and eliminate themselves from the shadow of culpability.

The world assumed that the US was an almighty invincible superpower, when in fact, they were far from it. This embarrassed them. Big time.

The US also leveraged the events for their gain. Many companies did too. But that is a FAR FAR cry from saying they did it.

are they concerned by the Patriot Act being ready within a week of the event - not at all

are they concerned how cave dwelling shepherds managed to sent high grade military anthrax to senators - not at all

are they concerned why this joke of an incompetent empire can't defeat these cave dwelling shepherds - not at all

are they concerned when they invade another country because they have WMDs which they can never find - not at all

are they concerned when this brilliant US unipower decides to sack the entire Iraqi public service police force military - guaranteeing the countries descent into chaos - not in the least

do they wonder whether some or any of this is out of the ordinary unwise - not at all

how many idiotic mistakes and miscalculations can this exceptionalist power make before any of these clowns begin to question their sincerity - who the hell knows?

what did they expect would occur following the unprecedented barbarism of sacking the public service, police force and military in Iraq?

Seriously, unless you are severely susceptible to propaganda - a child can see that everything absolutely everything the mainstream media has told you the last 15 years is past dubious

What happened in the 2008 GFC - who was responsible for that? it was another accident created by unforeseeable forces

I am sorry but the debunkers we see here and everywhere are in some state of semi-permanent lobotomisation.

In the final analysis - Skeptics don't need to prove a million improbable events undermine the official narrative. the official narrative automatically undermines itself because by its own failings no one is ever held to account.

Abu Graib tortures - no one but some grunts are held to account - but we have an infinite number of testimonies from servicemen that it was routine policy. we have official documents from Gitmo released by wiki leaks of routine torture

the guilt of the US military and intelligence over the last 15 years reeks.

But what we see is these lobotomised worms who pretend to look at things fairly - feign a token of balance - but point after point have but one purpose dissemblance and misdirection. Their souls and progeny are damned for eternity.

The rest of this is barely intelligible rubbish. A few easily repeated phrases here and there, the odd morsel of truth that due to your complete lack of comprehension you use out of context and for the wrong purpose, and my god, the spelling and grammar! I know this isn't a high school English class, but my good do you function in the real world when you converse like this?

You have had your pants pulled down over and over and over in this thread. You have been proven wrong on every single point you bring up. You repeat clearly debunked crap ad nausea, ignore evidence fed to you on a silver platter, and spew out falsehoods and straw man arguments like they are going out of style. You have called people idiots, morons, fools and much worse.

I'm not sure I have much else to say to you.
So airplanes flying over the capital aren't restricted in any way
They just cruise over the pentagon - daily? Wow
Those yanks are dumber then I thought
My last take down of one of your arguments for the moment...

Due to the close proximity of Reagan Intl Airport, they cant restrict the airspace above the Pentagon. Planes need that airspace to safely position themselves for landing on one of the runways, and safely exit the area on takeoffs.

The only areas in Washington that is restricted airspace is The White House, and Congress Building. Overflight of the Washington Monument is prohibited due to altitude restrictions.

Again. A six second google search is your savior:
My last take down of one of your arguments for the moment...

Due to the close proximity of Reagan Intl Airport, they cant restrict the airspace above the Pentagon. Planes need that airspace to safely position themselves for landing on one of the runways, and safely exit the area on takeoffs.

The only areas in Washington that is restricted airspace is The White House, and Congress Building. Overflight of the Washington Monument is prohibited due to altitude restrictions.

Again. A six second google search is your savior:
Wow so I guess the USA arrested and sacked a bunch of incompetents

To make sure nothing like this would hPpen again
What are you talking about? Who says the engines didn't puncture the building?

And your disbelief RE the landing gear, despite REPEATED attempts to show you how it happened shows you have absolutely no idea, and worse, are unwilling to learn.

Is this an admission of defeat? Can I take from this statement that you DONT KNOW what happened, and furthermore, you're now taking the position that, "sure, planes did the damage, and, physically speaking, the OS is correct, everything happened the way they say it did, but WHO did it is the real question!"

Is that your position now? If so, I will take that as a concession. Thank you.

FINALLY! Something we both agree on! Absolutely, the US government got caught with their pants down. They were exposed badly by an enemy they grossly underestimated, and then scrambled to try to make it look like they weren't as incompetent and vulnerable as they were. People were trying to save their jobs, and eliminate themselves from the shadow of culpability.

The world assumed that the US was an almighty invincible superpower, when in fact, they were far from it. This embarrassed them. Big time.

The US also leveraged the events for their gain. Many companies did too. But that is a FAR FAR cry from saying they did it.

The rest of this is barely intelligible rubbish. A few easily repeated phrases here and there, the odd morsel of truth that due to your complete lack of comprehension you use out of context and for the wrong purpose, and my god, the spelling and grammar! I know this isn't a high school English class, but my good do you function in the real world when you converse like this?

You have had your pants pulled down over and over and over in this thread. You have been proven wrong on every single point you bring up. You repeat clearly debunked crap ad nausea, ignore evidence fed to you on a silver platter, and spew out falsehoods and straw man arguments like they are going out of style. You have called people idiots, morons, fools and much worse.

I'm not sure I have much else to say to you.
I think you should just say
TeAm America yeah

That's it get it all out

I m right your wrong

Give me another photo of that wrecked bicycle
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What are you talking about? Who says the engines didn't puncture the building?

And your disbelief RE the landing gear, despite REPEATED attempts to show you how it happened shows you have absolutely no idea, and worse, are unwilling to learn.

Is this an admission of defeat? Can I take from this statement that you DONT KNOW what happened, and furthermore, you're now taking the position that, "sure, planes did the damage, and, physically speaking, the OS is correct, everything happened the way they say it did, but WHO did it is the real question!"

Is that your position now? If so, I will take that as a concession. Thank you.

FINALLY! Something we both agree on! Absolutely, the US government got caught with their pants down. They were exposed badly by an enemy they grossly underestimated, and then scrambled to try to make it look like they weren't as incompetent and vulnerable as they were. People were trying to save their jobs, and eliminate themselves from the shadow of culpability.

The world assumed that the US was an almighty invincible superpower, when in fact, they were far from it. This embarrassed them. Big time.

The US also leveraged the events for their gain. Many companies did too. But that is a FAR FAR cry from saying they did it.

The rest of this is barely intelligible rubbish. A few easily repeated phrases here and there, the odd morsel of truth that due to your complete lack of comprehension you use out of context and for the wrong purpose, and my god, the spelling and grammar! I know this isn't a high school English class, but my good do you function in the real world when you converse like this?

You have had your pants pulled down over and over and over in this thread. You have been proven wrong on every single point you bring up. You repeat clearly debunked crap ad nausea, ignore evidence fed to you on a silver platter, and spew out falsehoods and straw man arguments like they are going out of style. You have called people idiots, morons, fools and much worse.

I'm not sure I have much else to say to you.
You posted that crap at 4am

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Yes they should have shot down flight 77

NORAD’s explanations about 9/11 have never made sense, and their new eagerness to be seen as an incompetent “Cold War vestige” is equally suspect. NORAD officials brazenly lied throughout their testimony. In the new NORAD timeline they presented, they even claimed that CNN first began showing images of the World Trade Center on fire at 8:57 when it is easily verifiable that CNN began doing this at 8:48. [CNN, 9/11/01, NORAD Testimony, 5/23/03] Like their many other lies, one can see how this lie serves to cover up the extent of their failure. Unfortunately, the Independent Commission did not require that testimony be given under oath, so these officials cannot be charged with perjury.

One Toronto Star columnist wrote in May 2003, “The great majority of people, sickened and overwhelmed by the horror of the attacks, unquestioningly accepts the White House version [of what happened on 9/11]. Many thousands, however, are patiently stitching together the documented evidence and noting the huge holes in the fabric of that official story.” [Toronto Star, 5/18/03] A Sarasota Herald-Tribune columnist recently called the “restrained—even failed—standard US military air defense protocols while the attacks were occurring” a “real mystery” that deserves a serious investigation. [Sarasota Herald-Tribune, 5/20/03] But most of the mainstream media doesn’t appear at all interested in these mysteries.

Given the many warnings that came before 9/11, it is not only NORAD that deserves blame for the utter failure to defend the skies on 9/11. Thousands of lives could have been saved if standard procedures were properly followed. Perhaps only those in the World Trade Center’s North Tower need have died, if the FAA and NORAD did their job properly. No wonder the government passed a law making it difficult for relatives of the 9/11 terrorists to sue anyone but the terrorists. [Los Angeles Times, 1/17/02] There has been no accountability for all these failures and needless deaths. There still has not been one demonstrable firing or punishment for any government employee because of 9/11. Many unanswered questions remain, and are likely to remain unanswered until people put pressure on the media and government to finally stop covering up what happened on 9/11.

If its suggested that someone is covering up gross incompetence in USA government departments then i'd have a tendency to believe it. In fact in part its the same incompetence that would make a conspiracy plot to demolish the trade center less likely.
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