Conspiracy Theory 9/11 - Part 2

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Can't think of a more stupid thing for Israel to do than kill 3000 Americans by attacking New York.

The downside is just horrendous for them.

Yeah those box cutter arabs were so clever, they really benefited from killing 3000 Americans...

A decade and a half *and counting of US occupation, bombing the shit out of their countries, arming insurgents and killing hundreds of thousands of people...

So its 2016 and how did it turn out? srael got off pretty good. Other parts of the middle east not so well.

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Israel go in on the most dangerous riskiest mission possible knowing that one false move and it is the end of Israel.

I don't want to sound condescending so I'll just leave it at this...

I don't think you're aware how much Israel influences US foreign policy.
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Right... so why attack and kill 3000 Americans when you already have the support of the USA...

But please feel free to condensed away.
Israel may have support of the US government but they certainly don't have the public support which is more important. What better way to unite the sheep then to stage a Islamic uprising/terror plot with attacks on US soil? Makes it a load easier when the Zionists control the media to instill their own agendas. Pearl Harbour all over again.
Israel may have support of the US government but they certainly don't have the public support which is more important. What better way to unite the sheep then to stage a Islamic uprising/terror plot with attacks on US soil? Makes it a load easier when the Zionists control the media to instill their own agendas. Pearl Harbour all over again.

This is great! Are they also behind ISIS I want to hear about how all the ISIS idiots are in fact puppets and pawns for the Zionists.
Either that or they have the same goals after all.
This is great! Are they also behind ISIS I want to hear about how all the ISIS idiots are in fact puppets and pawns for the Zionists.
Either that or they have the same goals after all.
ISIS is a product of the relationship between the West and Israel. It's been brewing for decades ever since the Balfour declaration where Muslims were forced out of their home lands in former Palestine, which had significant cultural and historical values to their society... They were killed and discriminated against to create the new Jewish state today known as Israel. Israel has always had the backing of the West. You wonder why most Arabs in the Middle East hate us... LOL.
ISIS is a product of the relationship between the West and Israel. It's been brewing for decades ever since the Balfour declaration where Muslims were forced out of their home lands in former Palestine, which had significant cultural and historical values to their society... They were killed and discriminated against to create the new Jewish state today known as Israel. Israel has always had the backing of the West. You wonder why most Arabs in the Middle East hate us... LOL.

My whole point was, it seems to be working to the same end as the proposed Zionist plot.

You could also say they started it.
Its the crap you get when you define you country by religion.

I'll agree that it was wrong to allow Pakistan and Israel to exist the way they did.
That's because Israel aren't stupid enough to attack the USA.

They killed 34 US-navy men, wounded almost 200 and just about sunk the USS Liberty. There are several accounts, reports, evidence that the Israel purposely attacked the amercian ship. The attackers were given medals for the attack too from memory...

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Right... so why attack and kill 3000 Americans when you already have the support of the USA...

But please feel free to condensed away.

to kill people. because they love killing people. to lower the population. to kill a lot of people in one go. but most of all it's a ritual, it's a blood sacrifice, it's a long planned thing - look at all the occult bullshit at ground zero, look at the numerology in everything associated with the day, the planes, the passengers. look at all the predictive programming in hollywood dating back to when the twin towers were constructed, from 80's superman comics to johnny bravo on cartoon network to hollywood blockbusters. the towers were destroyed 33 years after they were created. if you don't know anything about the number 33 you must research the numerology and symbolism that these supposed powers seem to live by. that's what a lot of people here don't seem to get, you have to understand from a perspective outside your own to understand, you can't just dive into some "conspiracy theory" and come out of it with "the real information". to understand why people think all these ****ed up events are orchestrated on regular citizens you have to look into why the supposed elite believe what they believe. if you try to believe things from your perspective it wont work because you don't think like a satanic freak like they might do.
to kill people. because they love killing people. to lower the population. to kill a lot of people in one go. but most of all it's a ritual, it's a blood sacrifice, it's a long planned thing - look at all the occult bullshit at ground zero, look at the numerology in everything associated with the day, the planes, the passengers. look at all the predictive programming in hollywood dating back to when the twin towers were constructed, from 80's superman comics to johnny bravo on cartoon network to hollywood blockbusters. the towers were destroyed 33 years after they were created. if you don't know anything about the number 33 you must research the numerology and symbolism that these supposed powers seem to live by. that's what a lot of people here don't seem to get, you have to understand from a perspective outside your own to understand, you can't just dive into some "conspiracy theory" and come out of it with "the real information". to understand why people think all these stuffed up events are orchestrated on regular citizens you have to look into why the supposed elite believe what they believe. if you try to believe things from your perspective it wont work because you don't think like a satanic freak like they might do.

You are a silly person.

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don't shoot the messenger and don't waste my time!!!
Waste your time. Its not like you are doing anything useful with it.
Do you not see the significance of the 55 on the end of my number of posts.

Umm actually its total bullshit. Start another thread about your numerology.
Waste your time. Its not like you are doing anything useful with it.
Do you not see the significance of the 55 on the end of my number of posts.

Umm actually its total bullshit. Start another thread about your numerology.

i genuinely have no idea why you're trying to insult me on the conspiracies board about a conspiracy, unless you just want to show off how closed minded you are. i don't see any 55, were you trying to be funny? why don't you look into anything you don't understand instead of coming to this sub section only to ridicule it
i genuinely have no idea why you're trying to insult me on the conspiracies board about a conspiracy, unless you just want to show off how closed minded you are. i don't see any 55, were you trying to be funny? why don't you look into anything you don't understand instead of coming to this sub section only to ridicule it

I'm ridiculing your use of numerology as a valid concept.

Its not that i don't understand it. Its that it's not real. You are wasting everyone's time.
"Its not real" - some guy who doesn't use his brain, talking about something he doesn't know about

anyway pls stop
"Its not real" - some guy who doesn't use his brain, talking about something he doesn't know about

anyway pls stop

So if i claim the "witches" or the "aliens" brought down the trade center, that would be a valid argument and if anyone thought i was full of crap i could simply claim that they don't understand.

Fine your thread then.

The numbers have it you win the argument. You have come up with cold hard indisputable facts that put the whole matter to rest.

Ladies and gentlemen we have a winner.
calm down old mate it's supposed to be a debate and you're getting all emotional. instead of wasting time talking about black boxes or flight 77 or whatever i'm just offering another side to it, something that encourages people to think outside the box or in this case ground zero

I'm not saying my theory is right I was saying why bother dismissing something you have no idea about? Who dismisses something as "not real" without knowing anything about it
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They killed 34 US-navy men, wounded almost 200 and just about sunk the USS Liberty. There are several accounts, reports, evidence that the Israel purposely attacked the amercian ship. The attackers were given medals for the attack too from memory...

"On June 8, 1967, the fourth day of the Six-Day War, the USS Liberty sailed into the middle of a hot war, having failed to receive at least five naval messages directing it to stand clear of the combat zone. The Liberty was misidentified as hostile and attacked, resulting in tragic loss of life and injury.

June 8, 1967, was not a "calm clear day off the Sinai Peninsula." A war was raging within eyesight. The Liberty deck logs report observing explosions and pillars of smoke along the coast. Many warplanes crisscrossed overhead going to and from the battle. The day before, June 7, an Egyptian warship had shelled the beach from the approximate position where Liberty was sailing. "

"Genrich ironically points out in his article that friendly fire happens, as in the tragic death of Arizona's Pat Tillman. The history of warfare is replete with this type of tragedy. In the Gulf War, U.S. forces mistakenly killed Canadian soldiers. On April 14, 1995, the Air Force shot down two of its own Blackhawk helicopters, mistakenly killing 19. In Afghanistan, U.S. forces mistakenly killed British soldiers. On the opening day of the Iraq war, the U.S. shot down two of its own and one British aircraft. "

This incident and the conspiracy theory that Israel attacked New York aren't really on the same page.
One is premeditated the other is a ship being nowhere it should be when 2 countries a shooting the crap out of each other.
"On June 8, 1967, the fourth day of the Six-Day War, the USS Liberty sailed into the middle of a hot war, having failed to receive at least five naval messages directing it to stand clear of the combat zone. The Liberty was misidentified as hostile and attacked, resulting in tragic loss of life and injury.

June 8, 1967, was not a "calm clear day off the Sinai Peninsula." A war was raging within eyesight. The Liberty deck logs report observing explosions and pillars of smoke along the coast. Many warplanes crisscrossed overhead going to and from the battle. The day before, June 7, an Egyptian warship had shelled the beach from the approximate position where Liberty was sailing. "

"Genrich ironically points out in his article that friendly fire happens, as in the tragic death of Arizona's Pat Tillman. The history of warfare is replete with this type of tragedy. In the Gulf War, U.S. forces mistakenly killed Canadian soldiers. On April 14, 1995, the Air Force shot down two of its own Blackhawk helicopters, mistakenly killing 19. In Afghanistan, U.S. forces mistakenly killed British soldiers. On the opening day of the Iraq war, the U.S. shot down two of its own and one British aircraft. "

This incident and the conspiracy theory that Israel attacked New York aren't really on the same page.
One is premeditated the other is a ship being nowhere it should be when 2 countries a shooting the crap out of each other.
Israel deliberately ordered their own warplanes to sink the Liberty (a US spy ship).
"In short the Liberty was the Johnson administration’s insurance policy. It was there to prevent Israel’s hawks going over the top and, on a worst-case scenario, provoking Soviet intervention and possibly World War III."

Btw, there is a possibility that Pat Tillman was executed for speaking out against the war in Iraq.
So if i claim the "witches" or the "aliens" brought down the trade center, that would be a valid argument and if anyone thought i was full of crap i could simply claim that they don't understand.

Fine your thread then.

The numbers have it you win the argument. You have come up with cold hard indisputable facts that put the whole matter to rest.

Ladies and gentlemen we have a winner.
Settle down SS:)
Your'e generally not known for personal stuff
THE untold truth about September 11 has finally been exposed, almost 15 years after the evil terrorist attacks.
Details released in al-Qaeda’s weekly magazine revealed where 9/11 mastermind Osama bin Laden got his inspiration to drive planes into New York’s World Trade Center, an act that killed almost 3000 innocent people.
The plot for the attack developed into one of history’s most heartbreaking events, but it was a flight from New York to Cairo just two years prior that stirred bin Laden’s wicked plan. Osama bin Laden, the mastermind behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks, got his inspiration from a plane crash just two years before he executed his own plan.
It was October 1999 when the EgyptAir 990 flight took off from a tarmac in the United States.
It had been flying for about half an hour when it mysteriously crashed into the Atlantic Ocean, just 100km south of Nantucket Island, Massachusetts.
Investigations found there were no mechanical faults, and deemed it to be the actions of the co-pilot.
In 2002, theGuardianreported the crash, which killed 217 people, mostly Americans, was an act of revenge.
A source close the investigation said the co-pilot, Gamil el-Batouty, had been punished for sexual misconduct and an executive told him he was not allowed to fly US routes again.
That same executive was on the flight that plummeted into the ocean.
The Egyptian co-pilot had exposed himself to teenage girls and propositioned hotel maids and stalked hotel guests.
TheLos Angeles Timesreported the executive, Hatem Rushdy, told him “this is your last flight” and el-Batouty responded “this is the last flight for you too”.
EgyptAir's co-pilot Gameel el-Batouty purposely crashed a plane in the Atlantic Ocean in an act of revenge. Source: APSource:AAP
According to the al-Qaeda magazine, al-Masrah, bin Laden questioned why el-Batouty didn’t just crash into a building nearby, theJerusalem Postreports.
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the principal architect of the 9/11 attacks, had been planning to crash 12 American planes at once, but after bin Laden heard about EgyptAir 990, he approached him with his new idea.
The two plans were combined and the World Trade Center exploded after commercial aircrafts were hijacked by terrorists.
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