A Thread for the Hillary-Haters and Pro-Obama Supporters

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Norm Smith Medallist
Nov 28, 2005
AFL Club
Other Teams
It's quite evident that there are many Hillary-haters and pro-Obamaniacs that post in this sub-forum, and it is getting to be a bit much, which is not bringing out the best in me. A few weeks ago I stated that I wanted a Democratic candidate to win the presidential election, and that my preference is Hillary Clinton, although I stated at the time that I had no ill-feeling toward either Barack Obama or John Edwards because their policies are similar, and for the most part, somewhat capable, and more so than the GOP alternatives.

Unfortunately though, most of the Obama supporters do not feel this way, and many of them would rather see a Republican become president again instead of Hillary Clinton. My preference for Hillary Clinton has now become a strong defence for her due to all of the "visceral loathing" for her that is displayed, and it has even inspired me to volunteer for her when I had no intention of getting involved until after a Democratic candidate was nominated.

It is clear that my preferred candidate is the minority in here, and the unjustified and completely unreasonable and blind hatred of her is simply out of control, and much of it has been directed at me. My support for her has grown because of this, and the strong points that I have made in her support have been ignored and inaccurately and unfairly labelled as bias and propaganda, while in some cases personal attacks have been directed at me due to my preference. Hypocritically though, these people don't direct anything toward the Hillary-hating Obama-lovers.

In the last few weeks, I have put more people on 'ignore' than I had since I became a member. I do realise though that these particular people most likely have issues with themselves though if they can personal attack me simply over my preference, and I wonder if they feel this way about other people with preferences that are in the minority as well. Quite possibly, so therefore not reading their posts isn't a great loss.

One person that I am aware of actually prefers to discuss their hatred for Hillary than their preferred candidate which is not even Barack Obama! Quite sad indeed. In an attempt to minimise the addition to my ignore list for people such as this, I thought that I would begin this thread for these people to vent their hatred for Hillary, and/or their unabashed and blind love for Obama, while hopefully leaving the rest of the forum for somewhat more reasonable discussion.

People can also direct any view of me that is based on my preference of Hillary Clinton if they like, because I won't be coming to this thread again to read them. Have fun! :)
Wow. That is momentus load of bollocks. Quite an effort.

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"Momentus?" What the hell is that? Do you mean "momentous," which means of great significance? If so, then how can someone write a very significant load of bollocks? :confused: You have nothing to say, as I've noticed before. Welcome to my ignore list.

Oohh, spelling. Well done. I left out an 'o'. I'm never writing anything ever again.

And for the record, can you tell me which left leaners on this board would rather a Republican president than having Hilary in the chair as you claimed in your ridiculous post?
You have to wonder why posters with glass jaws set themselves up as targets.

The martyr act is wearing thin KS. For someone with a severe lack of self-awareness, you like to chuck a lot of crap around.

If I'm not already on ignore, please take this as my application.
because I won't be coming to this thread again to read them. Have fun! :)

KissStephanie said:
"Momentus?" What the hell is that? Do you mean "momentous," which means of great significance? If so, then how can someone write a very significant load of bollocks? You have nothing to say, as I've noticed before. Welcome to my ignore list.

Hillary Clinton is a skanky whore who will destroy this world if elected POTUS.

Bill Clinton is a slimy mother****er as well. I hate the Bushes but at least they admit theyre wealthy **********s who would sell their own mother if it would further their power, however the Clintons put on this act like "we're just one of the little people." Bullshit you are, you are the enemies of those you claim to represent. ****ing yuppies who sold the Democrats principles out the window and are now just Democrat shells with insides of Republican.
I'd rather have a Republican president than Hillary, but I'm a big Obama fan

I don't know enough about Obama, but what little I do know seems like he's OK.

But then again you have to reason that someone who has got as far as he has in US politics has sucked more than a few ***** to get where he is.
Talk about trying to put an ocean in a bucket.

For what its worth, I had no real preference a year ago, but the longer the campaign goes on the more Obama impresses me, and the more I am unimpressed with Hillary. I dare say she wouldn't be an awful president, but only because she's pretty much just a vehicle for Bill Clinton to circumvent the constitution.

FWIW, I'd go Obama, McCain, Clinton in that order, then daylight, then the other Republican cardboard cutouts. I'd vote for the first three ahead of any
candidate in the last two US elections- US politics is a bit like the draft, some years there is a good crop, some years there is a bad one.

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Talk about trying to put an ocean in a bucket.

For what its worth, I had no real preference a year ago, but the longer the campaign goes on the more Obama impresses me, and the more I am unimpressed with Hillary. I dare say she wouldn't be an awful president, but only because she's pretty much just a vehicle for Bill Clinton to circumvent the constitution.

FWIW, I'd go Obama, McCain, Clinton in that order, then daylight, then the other Republican cardboard cutouts. I'd vote for the first three ahead of any
candidate in the last two US elections- US politics is a bit like the draft, some years there is a good crop, some years there is a bad one.

I don't think Hillary's just a stalking horse for Bill. She's not a 'natural' like him, but she's got a formidable intellect and must be as tough as teak to put up with the rubbish that's been thrown at her for the last 15 years.

Why are people so enthusiastic about McCain? He's a hardline neo-conservative. He's anti-choice, he's pro-tax cut, he spouts supply-side gibberish, and he's more hawkish than any of the Dems, and despite his 'straight-shooter' reputation he was involved in the Keating 5 scandal, whereby he used donations to inappropriately fund holidays for him and his family. And although he denounced the religious-right zealots in 2000, he's since cosied up to them. He's spoken at the racist Bob Jones University... Christ, if Hillary did half of that, she'd be pilloried 24/7. Oh wait, she is anyway.

And I think you do a real disservice to Al Gore in 2000. Though I think he's probably refound his progressive voice a little since he stopped running for political office, he was nonetheless a formidably experienced and knowledge candidate in 2000. I'd take him over any of the candidates that we've seen in 2000, 2004, or 2008.
At what point in time did showing opposition to a politician make you by default a "hater"?

Also who seriously thinks playing the "poor me" card over and over again is a good idea?

Edit: Having bothered to read the OP, I would have to say it contains possibly the most half-truths, over exaggerations, misrepresentations and martyrdom ever posted on bigfooty.

Doesn't this board have a system to deal with blatant trolling?
One of the Great things about american politics is that the President is not a prisoner of the party especially like here with the ALP

There are many good candidates on both sides, its just that Billary IMO is worst than most.
I fear that KS is starting to become JS part 2, consistently whine about how everyone is against me and complain about being attacted for his/her views and pretend to be the martyr and stick the finger at us while doing a fair bit of attacking him/herself.

It's not a great trait to have. KS if you want to dish it out, expect to have some digs the other way. You're well known for your fervent Hillary lovings, anyone with fervent lovings of anything (especially when it is based on shaky grounds) is attacked on this thread.

Hillary isn't bad it's just that Obama is better, and most democrats would do well to realize this.
It's quite evident that there are many Hillary-haters and pro-Obamaniacs that post in this sub-forum, and it is getting to be a bit much, which is not bringing out the best in me. A few weeks ago I stated that I wanted a Democratic candidate to win the presidential election, and that my preference is Hillary Clinton, although I stated at the time that I had no ill-feeling toward either Barack Obama or John Edwards because their policies are similar, and for the most part, somewhat capable, and more so than the GOP alternatives.

Unfortunately though, most of the Obama supporters do not feel this way, and many of them would rather see a Republican become president again instead of Hillary Clinton. My preference for Hillary Clinton has now become a strong defence for her due to all of the "visceral loathing" for her that is displayed, and it has even inspired me to volunteer for her when I had no intention of getting involved until after a Democratic candidate was nominated.

It is clear that my preferred candidate is the minority in here, and the unjustified and completely unreasonable and blind hatred of her is simply out of control, and much of it has been directed at me. My support for her has grown because of this, and the strong points that I have made in her support have been ignored and inaccurately and unfairly labelled as bias and propaganda, while in some cases personal attacks have been directed at me due to my preference. Hypocritically though, these people don't direct anything toward the Hillary-hating Obama-lovers.

In the last few weeks, I have put more people on 'ignore' than I had since I became a member. I do realise though that these particular people most likely have issues with themselves though if they can personal attack me simply over my preference, and I wonder if they feel this way about other people with preferences that are in the minority as well. Quite possibly, so therefore not reading their posts isn't a great loss.

One person that I am aware of actually prefers to discuss their hatred for Hillary than their preferred candidate which is not even Barack Obama! Quite sad indeed. In an attempt to minimise the addition to my ignore list for people such as this, I thought that I would begin this thread for these people to vent their hatred for Hillary, and/or their unabashed and blind love for Obama, while hopefully leaving the rest of the forum for somewhat more reasonable discussion.

People can also direct any view of me that is based on my preference of Hillary Clinton if they like, because I won't be coming to this thread again to read them. Have fun! :)

Now you know how it feels to have been a left-liberal supporter of W's policies here after 9/11! Delicious. Joe Lieberman would understand the feeling too. Maybe he'll be McCain's Veep, what d'ya reckon?

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A Thread for the Hillary-Haters and Pro-Obama Supporters

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