A thread on politics- have some balls and post

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Going to be interesting to see how Labor handles the leadership from here - difficult to make a case for Bill to stay on following this result.

He’s a dead man walking.

Not sure who the rising star is though. Tania Plibersek feels like she missed her real shot. Terri Butler has the mojo but not the Portfolio experience.

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The saddest part is how many voters are so happy for us to wallow in visionless mediocrity while other countries are putting genuine transformative forward thinking policies on the debating table. We could never have a Hawke/Keating government again. Too many voters are just donkeys following the carrot dangling right in front of their eyes as they slowly trudge towards a cliff.

What the **** does the future of Australia actually look like? No one seems to give a toss? Instead we have an election campaign on a policy debate the size of a postage stamp. Franking credits ffs? Get real...

End stage capitalism. Everyone is just wrapping their arms around their trinkets and saying “**** you, I’ve got mine”.
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I recall last federal election there was a backlash against the state labor government over the handling over the volunteer fire fighters vs union fire fighters (someone correct me if I'm wrong, but that's how I remember it). Was there a similar backlash in Qld against the state Labor government for any particular reason?
The saddest part is how many voters are so happy for us to wallow in visionlsss mediocrity while other countries are putting genuine transformative policies on the debating table. We could never have a Hawke/Keating government again. Too many voters are just donkeys following the carrot dangling right in front of their eyes as they slowly trudge towards a cliff.

What the **** does the future of Australia actually look like? No one seems to give a ****. Instead we have an election debate on a policy contest the size of a postage stamp. Franking credits ffs? Get real...

End stage capitalism. Everyone is just wrapping their arms around their trinkets and saying “**** you, I’ve got mine”.
Don't worry too much about it TBD, put all your energy into your health battle. Life goes on and we make the best of our circumstances.

BTW I voted *Green today for the 1st time in my life because IMO the 2 major parties are so similar it's not funny. I just had a look and Labor retained the seat easily and the Greens got 17% of the primary vote.

* The only other choices were Labor, Liberal, One Nation, Anning conservative and United Australia(whoever the hell they are).
We live in a sad time for real ethical leadership and nation building.

Too many people are far too short sighted and selfish. The future will judge this period in our history very harshly.
What a surprise result. It appears Labor really missed the mark with their messaging and policies in qld somehow. Absolutely horrendous result in this state. Appears as if labor are blaming Palmer and One Nation for the result though which isn’t exactly going to help them win supporters back. Not taking ounce of responsibility for their own poor performance. Some labor supporters on twitter really not handling this result well.
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The saddest part is how many voters are so happy for us to wallow in visionless mediocrity while other countries are putting genuine transformative forward thinking policies on the debating table. We could never have a Hawke/Keating government again. Too many voters are just donkeys following the carrot dangling right in front of their eyes as they slowly trudge towards a cliff.

What the **** does the future of Australia actually look like? No one seems to give a toss? Instead we have an election campaign on a policy debate the size of a postage stamp. Franking credits ffs? Get real...

End stage capitalism. Everyone is just wrapping their arms around their trinkets and saying “**** you, I’ve got mine”.

You honestly think a different result tonight would have produced a party and leadership that could arrest Australia from that?
Gotta laugh at Bill Shorten's legacy. The most pathetic 'other guy' in Australian political history.
A country in the throws of political stagnation and frustration, in a cycle of 'vote for the other guy because he might be better than the one we've got', media behind him, and general tone that he should take it because he's the alternative and he can't even do it.
Instead country decides to stick vote for comfortable and familiar misery or the complete opposite with third party candidates because they've been pushed to the point where they have absolutely no other voice.
Suck shit. Couldn't even fall across the line. Was so uninspiring that couldn't even illicit voters to take a chance in a cycle that's been going for almost two decades.
Biggest loser in Australian politics in four decades. Quite an effort.

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Same with the folk that ran Palmer's advertising campaign
Every video my five year old watched on Youtube had a Palmer ad before, after, and during it.

I'm not convinced that was an efficient usage of resources, unless he's aiming for the 2032 election.
Every video my five year old watched on Youtube had a Palmer ad before, after, and during it.

I'm not convinced that was an efficient usage of resources, unless he's aiming for the 2032 election.

Yeah...$80 million with a return of Doughnuts....
Every video my five year old watched on Youtube had a Palmer ad before, after, and during it.

I'm not convinced that was an efficient usage of resources, unless he's aiming for the 2032 election.

Saw they estimated he paid $1,500 for each vote they got.
You honestly think a different result tonight would have produced a party and leadership that could arrest Australia from that?

I didn’t say that. Like I said, both majors fought over a policy battleground the size of a postage stamp.
Yeah...$80 million with a return of Doughnuts....
Nah, Palmer's ROI is in a government that won't tax him, won't make him pay his debts to workers, and will give him clearance to smash whatever needs smashing in the Galilee Basin.

Mission accomplished.

There's a reason LNP volunteers were handing out Palmer how-to-votes.
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The Left's biggest problem is that the ideological battleground was lost decades ago with the rise of the middle class and they've collectively struggled to redefine their roots to encompass this shift. This has led to many left wing parties being viewed as just "conservative lite-wing" , as opposed to genuinely representing a wide demographic.

Worldwide, left wing parties have had to embrace more extreme policy platforms in an effort to find a position which resonates with voters. That's unlikely to happen here, since we follow more closely the US policy doctrines than European ones, despite the British legacy. Unions are viewed with the same dim light as big business in the mind of the socially progressive but economically conscious middle class.

In my view, the Labor party in Australia should take a radical position on environmental issues and produce the rest of it's policy using the environment as it's basis.
Isn't that what the Greens were supposed to be doing?

Yeah - the problem with the Greens though is they are seen as "urban, upper middle class" and thus have little currency outside of that demographic.
Labor is not and have not been left since Whitlam. I've let a propensity for humanism and a faith in humanity lead me down the support of pragmatic reformism but it turns out it's not pragmatic if it doesn't work. Shame is if we start wheeling out the guillotines I'm still bourgeois enough to be on the chopping block down the track even if I'm not a priority now... Still it's starting to feel like it's worth the risk.

The good news is traditional Liberal economic management isn't going to get us out of the recession that's coming on the economic trade winds once they start winding back the only source of growth that has been sustaining the myth of their good economic management - high immigration. They weren't expecting to have to lie in the bed they've made, I just feel sorry for everyone who is going to suffer for it.

We're never going to see attempts at positive policy based campaigning ever again.
Yeah - the problem with the Greens though is they are seen as "urban, upper middle class" and thus have little currency outside of that demographic.

*nods* pitching yourself as environmental warriors while keeping onside with the workers is a tough sell and if you don't take them with you then either they will transfer to your Liberal side (as TBD mentioned it is not a huge leap atm) or another party will form to take up the slack.

Of course if you wanted to promote a change in society where we were all living less energy extravagant lifestyles (something that can be pitched in multiple ways to a range of elements of society) and you and yours were demonstrating it in your own lifestyles (and not trying to set up laws that ensured that other people paid the price for your preferences) you might gain more traction as a populist movement (and thus make changes to all parties interested in your vote) … although the need to reject consumerism and some lifestyle elements and some levels of individualisticness would make for entertaining push back.
you and yours were demonstrating it in your own lifestyles (and not trying to set up laws that ensured that other people paid the price for your preferences) you might gain more traction as a populist movement (and thus make changes to all parties interested in your vote)

Agree with most of it but no way is this true, otherwise the commune-living hippies of the past would have generated a lot more change. "Demonstrating" doesn't make a difference when 99% of people don't care about what others do in their own lifestyle unless there's an opportunity to play holier than thou one way or another.
Agree with most of it but no way is this true, otherwise the commune-living hippies of the past would have generated a lot more change. "Demonstrating" doesn't make a difference when 99% of people don't care about what others do in their own lifestyle unless there's an opportunity to play holier than thou one way or another.

The demonstrating element was more about avoiding the negative effects … if I am talking about reducing say your carbon footprint and sacrificing for the environment but I am flying all over the country to do it and I am driving my SUV to go to my gym four blocks away and I am carefully constructing the laws I am suggesting so that there is no change to my own personal lifestyle then the hypocrisy element kicks in … its like when someone says 'If my carbon footprint is less than Al Gore's then its small enough'.

Historically I am reminded of the Franciscans - in their early days they were doing the two by two thing literally (no sandals, no purse, asking for hospitality and leaving if not granted etc) and folks were prepared to listen to them … years later they were preaching the same message but while the individuals were still 'poor' the Order had become very wealthy and now living lifestyles above those they were preaching to and people no longer listened … there is a saying I like "Who you are speaks so loudly I cannot hear a single word you say'...

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A thread on politics- have some balls and post

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