A thread on politics- have some balls and post

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So are you trying to say that it would all be the LNP’s fault if an apocalyptic climate event occurred?

No. I said exactly what I intended to say. I wasn’t “trying” to say anything else. Implicitly or otherwise.

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I think time will come to reveal Adani as the biggest flim flam job of this election. It may play out very very badly if there isn’t a booming coal industry developing in the Galilee Basin in three years time. And there probably won’t be. A lot of people in that region are going to feel ripped off.

Regardless of the environmental concerns it is dubious in financial terms and the big investors are getting cautious about coal for a reason largely unconnected with the environment directly - the turning to renewables is likely to pick up pace purely from market forces worldwide. Renewables are starting to make sense for investors and the renewable industry looks better and better in quite a few parts of the world now. Investing a billion on a coal mine doesn’t look like a licence to print money for years to come any more. The best existing coal mines still make sense but there are some that are marginal financially already.

And coal is the least financially attractive and most socially and environmentally difficult of the fossil fuels for companies to deal with. BHP already wants out of coal. Others will likely follow because coal is becoming too much trouble. Despite Trump’s tantrums and cheerleading, coal in the US is just not something that investors see enough long term value in. It has to be super cheap to extract and transport to make it worthwhile and even then, the economics are likely to change quickly.

Energy companies will look to renewables more and more because they are just starting to tick more boxes than coal. Coal only has to slip back in the pecking order a little to make even some existing coal mines unprofitable, let alone in the Adani case which has to be built from scratch. We are closing in on the tipping point for renewables.

Unfortunately the regions just heard JOBS! and then stopped listening. But it wouldn’t surprise if most of those jobs quietly evaporate over the next couple of years. The numbers show a distinct sign of not adding up on coal. And the coal industry knows it too. The next word they will probably try to get parroted through their media supporters will be SUBSIDIES! (You know, help protect all those coal jobs! Won’t somebody think of the miners!!)

Some form of Adani will likely be built but it’s long term prospects are a risk. Even if Adani claims it will effectively be its own customer for all that coal, it is a very sketchy company at best and a companies analyst I know said any company getting into partnership with them might find itself regretful. And involved in years of costly disputes and court action.
Interesting interaction at work the other day. On of my colleagues was talking about how terrible it was that the Alabama govt was attacking women with their abortion bill how he couldn't understand why they would be wanting to criminalise a straightforward surgical procedure. Now I normally avoid getting into political conversations at work but since he seemed so legitimately dumbfounded as to what could possibly motivate such Neanderthal behaviour I mentioned something along the lines of 'well I suppose if you were someone who believed that people were killing children when they do an abortion then it would make sense from their perspective …'

His response … 'well they would be wrong' … end of conversation.

I don't remember who said it but someone said that until you can describe someone else's position using their own terms you don't understand them. This guy wasn't interested in understanding any alternate viewpoint and was perfectly happy demonising them for the crime of disagreeing with his side.
Yeah I’m with Louie CK on the abortion issue. I’m passionately pro-choice and I believe it should be purely a decision between women and their doctors but it’s hard to completely demonise the good faith abortion protesters. Once you accept that they genuinely believe they are murdering kids in there, picketing seems like an underreaction if anything.
So are you trying to say that it would all be the LNP’s fault if an apocalyptic climate event occurred?

I doubt brown dog would suggest that, though I would think those that voted for them may have to take some of the blame if such an event was to come about. After all, "they" are only doing what their voters want them to do, aren't they?
I doubt brown dog would suggest that, though I would think those that voted for them may have to take some of the blame if such an event was to come about. After all, "they" are only doing what their voters want them to do, aren't they?
So it is the LNP voters who are to blame for an apocalyptic event if/when it occurs?
So it is the LNP voters who are to blame for an apocalyptic event if/when it occurs?

We get who / what we voted in and their policies and any consequences that may stem from that, be it climate change, war or whatever, the voters put them there, the voters had their say, so the voters can't blame any but themselves as a whole, so yes.
We get who / what we voted in and their policies and any consequences that may stem from that, be it climate change, war or whatever, the voters put them there, the voters had their say, so the voters can't blame any but themselves as a whole, so yes.
If an event like this happens within the next 4 yrs, is that a result of this election?
And, if an event like this happens in 4000 yrs where we will have 500+/- changes of government before then, will that be as a result of this election?
If an event like this happens within the next 4 yrs, is that a result of this election?
And, if an event like this happens in 4000 yrs where we will have 500+/- changes of government before then, will that be as a result of this election?

Could be, I'm not to know but I do believe in the butterfly effect, sort of the one straw revolution.

The only argument I can see that you are making is that the (all) government is / are not to blame for any decisions they make and therefore those that voted for them are immune to any blame also. It's a democracy in which I strongly believe, as much as I believe in your or my right to vote however we see fit, and with that comes the acceptance of blame if things go wrong now or 4000 years down the track because of decisions made now.

That's all I will say on the matter.
If you can't immediately fix a complex, global, generational challenge in one national election, you shouldn't even support candidates who are at least leaning meaningfully towards positive steps in that direction.

Let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Awesome lesson.

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If an event like this happens within the next 4 yrs, is that a result of this election?
And, if an event like this happens in 4000 yrs where we will have 500+/- changes of government before then, will that be as a result of this election?

Pretty optimistic to think humanity will still be around in 4000 years time.
The planet will be fine guys..... it's the humans who'll be f....d. As George Carlin said- The Planet will shake us off like a dog shakes off a minor flea infestation.
I thought, in Australia, we had the right to know what our government, police, armed forces etc were up to, whether they are doing the right or wrong thing, but apparently not.
This scares the crap out of me with people such as Dutton holding such power. If I misunderstand the laws governing our rights concerning this type of thing then I think the laws must be changed.
Whistle blower copping it from the ATO and now the Feds raiding journalists, what's not to worry about.
For the podcast lovers. Listened to this one a while ago. Covers the complexity of having multiple countries agree on what they should spend $ on to do the greatest good and that to make a tiny change for the benefit of the environment the cost is too great at the moment with science and technology. Not just about the environment though, includes things such as public health for the developing countries.

I know for solar power that your average home set up you're only getting 15-22% of the energy which is enough for some households. I recall 5? years ago that CSIRO worked out a way of "printing" solar panels and had developed a way of getting 40-45% of the energy but that hasn't changed what is available to your average person wanting solar power installed. Perhaps in 10-15 years with more efficient solar panels and better batteries as well as the energy supplied back into the grid would mean that there is a chance that developed countries could transition to more houses with solar power than not.
For the podcast lovers. Listened to this one a while ago. Covers the complexity of having multiple countries agree on what they should spend $ on to do the greatest good and that to make a tiny change for the benefit of the environment the cost is too great at the moment with science and technology. Not just about the environment though, includes things such as public health for the developing countries.

I know for solar power that your average home set up you're only getting 15-22% of the energy which is enough for some households. I recall 5? years ago that CSIRO worked out a way of "printing" solar panels and had developed a way of getting 40-45% of the energy but that hasn't changed what is available to your average person wanting solar power installed. Perhaps in 10-15 years with more efficient solar panels and better batteries as well as the energy supplied back into the grid would mean that there is a chance that developed countries could transition to more houses with solar power than not.

Trouble with Lomborg his whole shtick is

Global warming advocates: "Global warming is a problem"
Lomborg: "We shouldn't do **** about global warming because look micronutrients are a higher priority! Global warming advocates are racists for prioritising otherwise."
Governments: Well we're not doing micronutrients to Africa because <muffled>. And, look, this unbiased expert Lomborg here says we shouldn't do **** about global warming.
Governments: <spends billions of dollars on fighter jets>

Micronutrients advocates: "We should provide micronutrients it would save lives"
Lomborg: <might not actually exist>

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A thread on politics- have some balls and post

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