AAMI Stadium $5.5mill Lights Upgrade

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Jun 23, 2006
AFL Club
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Norwood Football Club
Andrew Capel said:
THE SANFL has unveiled plans for a $5.5 million lighting upgrade at AAMI Stadium, which it says will allow the ground to host major international events.
The upgrade will allow Adelaide to host FIFA World Cup matches. As part of the stadium's proposed $100 million redevelopment in the next five years, four new state-of-the-art, 76m light towers will be erected by the start of the 2009 AFL season.
They will replace the original, controversial 57m lights which were built in 1984 after six years of haggling with residents over their height and design.
"This is all about bringing AAMI Stadium up to international standard," SANFL executive commissioner Leigh Whicker said. "The new lights will not only be great for football but provide quality lighting for any international sporting event, including FIFA's requirements on soccer."
Mr Whicker conceded the current lighting system was no longer effective and had restricted AAMI Stadium from hosting world-class events.
On Sunday, Football Federation Australia chief Ben Buckley said AAMI Stadium and nearby Adelaide Oval were under investigation to see if they are capable of hosting World Cup matches as Australia considers bidding for the 2018 event.
The new lights – which have been granted Major Development status by the State Government – are more aesthetically appealing, will direct significantly more light on to the playing arena, reduce glare and cut light overspill to the stadium's neighbouring houses and roads by about 50 per cent.
This will be achieved by raising the masts and fitting them with new, state-of-the-art headframes. The headframes, which will each consist of 135 lights, also will be tilted at an angle of 15-degrees into the stadium as opposed to the current 90-degrees.
On-site work on the new lights is expected to start in September next year and be completed by March, 2009. Local residents will receive a brochure from the SANFL within the next 48 hours detailing the lighting upgrade.
"The design of the headframes is as good as anything you'll see in the world and we're confident this is a win-win for everyone," Mr Whicker said, adding the SANFL had come up with the design after a thorough review of interstate and overseas lighting systems.

We should play in the pitch black, we play better at night...Lets rally to stop the lights going up! ;)
Look at all the comments and votes. South Australia has spoken, we need a new stadium. West Lakes is in the middle of no where. It tarnishs our image as a state when our main venue is in a suburb.

Time the SANFL and its little sidekicks AFC and PAFC actually listened to the people that put the money in there pockets

the $100 million they are spending could have paid for 1/5 of the stadium. Frustrating.

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Agreed we are all suffering through the pahtetically narrow minded SANFL, they will force their agenda over the public interest. Just like they said SA didnt need the AFL. They are obsessed with the past and really have not much idea about the future.

AAMI stadium is rubbish, has been for 10 years. The SANFL can spend what they want but its still going to be an old POS that is an embarrasment to South Australia.
Look at all the comments and votes. South Australia has spoken, we need a new stadium. West Lakes is in the middle of no where. It tarnishs our image as a state when our main venue is in a suburb.

Time the SANFL and its little sidekicks AFC and PAFC actually listened to the people that put the money in there pockets

the $100 million they are spending could have paid for 1/5 of the stadium. Frustrating.

Try 1/10 See the latest estimate for the new WA stadium If the goverment heavily subsidises it we could keeps the ticket prices down to $250 a game
We need a new stadium.

We MUST stop injecting money into the concrete jungle that is AAMI.

How much easier would it be to get to a stadium in town. And what the hell is Victoria Park used for anyway?!

It makes far too much sense to have it in town, obviously.
Jesus, I'm get frustrated at how 'small' adelaide is at times, but 1421 votes?

South Australia has spoken? hope Santa brings you an abacus for christmas :p

Come on Crow-Mo surely you being the financial wiz you would have studied statistics at some point.

Seems a big enough group for some relatively accurate statistical info. Yes the target group might be a little slanted, but certainly the numbers and percentage are large enough to get a fairly good gauge of the football public in SA's opinion on the matter.
We need a new stadium.

We MUST stop injecting money into the concrete jungle that is AAMI.

How much easier would it be to get to a stadium in town. And what the hell is Victoria Park used for anyway?!

It makes far too much sense to have it in town, obviously.

Agreed, I heard Whicker on the radio about it once. Totally shot down the idea and said even if they had unlimited funds they most probably wouldnt look at it :confused:

When I heard that interview it confirmed my worst suspicions about how inept and visionless the SANFL Commission actually is. This is the group that tried to tell the SA public for years that SA didnt need the AFL. History says that the SANFL will do nothing even if it is in the best interests of football in SA until their hand is forced.
Come on Crow-Mo surely you being the financial wiz you would have studied statistics at some point.

Seems a big enough group for some relatively accurate statistical info. Yes the target group might be a little slanted, but certainly the numbers and percentage are large enough to get a fairly good gauge of the football public in SA's opinion on the matter.

I've studied enough stats to know 2 things:

- that sample is irrelevant, given it comes from a biased group.
- a new stadium ain't going to happen, ain't needed, and some people need to lay off the pixie dust. it's a stupid idea.
Problem is Port Adelaide, or their badwagon jumper supporters. They get 43k to a final, but avereage around 30 for most other games. Adelaide United only average about 12k to games. The conservative minded (I know its a Labor govt, but the are conservative by nature as is the SANFL) government and SANFL will not look at spending over $1billion for a new stadium that will essentially cater for one team. We could have a 60,000 stadium and there will be (on average) 52k there each week for Crows games. Every game of ours sells out.

New Stadiums in Australia have to cater for more than one sporting organisation.

We may laugh at Port and their lack of crowd pulling power, but in reality they are holding us back. There will never be another stadium built in Adelaide untill most Port games sell out, which will never happen.

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Can we please get it out of your minds about a new stadium. It just wont happen just because the younger ones here think it's a great idea. That's just it an idea that isn't feasible due to two big constraints, money and lack of suitable location.

The money it would take to build a multi purpose facility, and that's what it would have to be, would need public money and the populace wouldn't wear that sort of money to be spent just on a sports facility when there are more pressing needs for that money. It would be political suicide.
We cant even have a new grandstand at Victoria Park FFS. Why would anyone think building a new stadium there has any chance of getting off the ground? The only sports stadium capable of hosting large crowd football games that will ever exist in the city is Adelaide Oval, and I support the SANFL when it comes to the use of the oval.

Lets face it, nothing significant will ever be built in the CBD of Adelaide, ever!! We have a city that is controlled by a bunch of old farts who still ride their horse and cart to work. Their stuck in the 1950's and nothing but death will change their stance on developing our city and moving forward with the times.

Having bagged the old pricks though, I dont really mind going to AAMI anyway. Its OK IMO. Certainly not as bad as some are suggesting. It needs some improvements to the facilities, and certainly needs improved access for both public transport and for car parking, ect. But IMO it will do just fine.
I've studied enough stats to know 2 things:

- that sample is irrelevant, given it comes from a biased group.
- a new stadium ain't going to happen, ain't needed, and some people need to lay off the pixie dust. it's a stupid idea.

I guess if I lived overseas I wouldnt think it was needed either.

Yes it wont happen, but unfortunately the reasons behind it not happening are not related to whether the stadium is needed or not. Remember the main people telling us that it isnt needed are the same people that told us we didnt need an AFL team either. The SANFL's motto is always about looking after themselves, they dont care if the crows cant grow etc just as long as they are getting 10 million profits each year.

Can you tell me then, if a new stadium isnt required, how the SANFL are addressing the no-shows at Port and Adelaide games and how Football Park in the future will attract those people to come to the games and more speficially how football park will allow the AFC to further build its supporter and membership base ??

Even though it is horribly outdated if the SANFL began looking into a 15k seat expansion it might be a good place to start if the SANFL are that adament that Football Park is to remain.
Jesus, I'm get frustrated at how 'small' adelaide is at times, but 1421 votes?

South Australia has spoken? hope Santa brings you an abacus for christmas :p

1421 votes. Mainly the youth of this state. THE FUTURE.

Think long term, AAMI is never ever going to be seen as a premier stadium, ever. Its a whole, which no one likes to drive too. Attendances would go up and the ability to attract concerts, sporting events and other events would also go up.

$110 million they are apparently spending on the stadium. Add the value of the land (will skyrocket due to the Quays developement). ALSO Federal and state funding (Would be a vote winner for a state government). Then AFL would dip in I hope.

At least WA has balls to build a new stadium, RESPECATA
Can we please get it out of your minds about a new stadium. It just wont happen just because the younger ones here think it's a great idea. That's just it an idea that isn't feasible due to two big constraints, money and lack of suitable location.

The money it would take to build a multi purpose facility, and that's what it would have to be, would need public money and the populace wouldn't wear that sort of money to be spent just on a sports facility when there are more pressing needs for that money. It would be political suicide.

Santos Stadium site would be perfect.
Apart from the location, really, I feel there is nothing wrong with footy park at the moment (btw i come from the hills so its not as if its close), that couldn't be fixed. If we need more seating, surely they could extend the stand on the Max Basheer reserve side. If media mike was short of an election winning idea, build a proper tram/train line from the city to footy park, and perhaps a couple of other major centres. Facilities could do with an upgrade, but thats nothing serious, they are doing the lights, a new score board wouldn't hurt, just put up a new super-screen. They are trialling "licensed areas", really, don't see a "need" for a new stadium, would love one in the city, yes, but need it, no.
Santos Stadium site would be perfect.

I think if you look at the site and surrounds on Google Earth you will find that there's not a lot for car parking as is sits between two bridges and the railyards. An even better site would have been over the railyards with perhaps the Morphett St bridge being a tunnel next to it.

But I get back to the main reason it won't be built for the next 20 years is the money needed for more important infrastructure than a sports stadium.
Besides they still have an outstanding load on the northern stand and not sure when that is paid off but I think that will take about another 5 years or so.

Unrealistic proposal at the minute.

Like the Republic stance, it wont happen overnight but it will happen, eventually.
Nah the queen sits nicely with me, but anyway.

Santos would work, as the parklands could be used as one massive carpark. I've always thought the clipsal site would work nicely. That or if the West End Brewery folds (we can only prey) take that land and build it there. Move the 36ers to the entertainment centre and TA DA. You having a sporting Precient. Add maybe an aquatic centre or something near by and Commonwealth games here we come.
I guess if I lived overseas I wouldnt think it was needed either.

you're right, you'd have a much better view of the overall standard of the stadium, rather than just complaining :)

Yes it wont happen, but unfortunately the reasons behind it not happening are not related to whether the stadium is needed or not. Remember the main people telling us that it isnt needed are the same people that told us we didnt need an AFL team either. The SANFL's motto is always about looking after themselves, they dont care if the crows cant grow etc just as long as they are getting 10 million profits each year.

again, with more perspective you'd realise the trend for new stadiums is actually smaller.

Can you tell me then, if a new stadium isnt required, how the SANFL are addressing the no-shows at Port and Adelaide games and how Football Park in the future will attract those people to come to the games and more speficially how football park will allow the AFC to further build its supporter and membership base ??

no shows at Port games? lol :p

you've made an unsubstantiated assumption, that the future has to revolve around attracting a higher number of people to the game. that is not where professional sports is going as is placed. hell, why do you think Channel 7 built telstra???

but anyway, a more important question:

- Would you personally be prepared to pay higher state taxes to fund this new stadium? say $1,000 over the next year. Yes/No?
- Do you think the general population would support that? Yes/No
I love playing at night it way better then afternoon. I dont know why but just love it I guess it is always a nice tempreture insed of being hot in the afternoon or the sun doesnt get in your eyes

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AAMI Stadium $5.5mill Lights Upgrade

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