Discussion Ablett Website

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The Ablett family originally wanted a big wooden cross to accompany his stance in the photo but the PR guy decided it wouldn't be such a good idea.;)
You said it was a 'Truly classless act' to try for a comeback.

TJ - one of the good things about this board is that the regular posters typically know the intent of the other posters, who don't have to wordsmith every post. Hopefully over time you'll see that the poster was saying that Ablett's comeback attempt was classless - not that all comeback attempts are classless (although I actually do think that #23's was pretty lamo - so was Pluggers).
This is not a "HAHA WE WON THE GRAND FINAL" post, so please don't treat it as such given I'm a Geelong supporter.

But it's a gentle reminder that ALL clubs have their fair share of fallen heroes and players that have been on the wrong side of the law. Including yours. Ablett Snr has obviously had a colourful - that's one way to put it - past but has cleaned up his act in the past decade or more and is now returning to Kardinia Park on a regular basis to watch his son play, something that would have been unthinkable when he left the club. You stress that a couple of current players on your list are treated unfairly by opposition supporters when they were accused but never charged with anything; Ablett was fined $1,500 after pleading guilty for four drug offences and that was the end of it, in the eyes of the law.

As for Ablett Jnr, it's extremely unfair to criticise him based on his father's past, and nobody has any other goss on Jnr other than that he *may* go to the Gold Coast and that he cried when he lost a grand final. Big whoop.

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I had a feeling a Cats supporter would post on here, and I was waiting to get angry. But not so - a reasoned opinion, fpm84.

But my problem is that it was put on the front navigation page of the Gary Ablett website with the heading "Cats to honour hero".

First of all, Ablett isn't a hero. No footballer playing today is.

Secondly, as I keep stating, they could have put any picture up. They chose that one.
This is what the Ablett family choose to celebrate on the front page of their website:


"Cats look to honour hero". Hmmm. Anyone recognise the circumstance of the picture?

The set of legs at the bottom of the picture, laying horizontally, belong to Kristian Bardsley. Obviously not shown in the picture is the horrible, smashed mess of Bardsley's nose, blood freely flowing from it.

On the other hand, compared to some other people who encountered Ablett Senior, Bardsley got off lightly. Some hero.

That happened right in front of me, during my only trip to Kardinia Park. It was a dog act. Leaving aside any other judgment about Ablett, putting that photo on the front page is terrible. Cropping Bardsley out of history is even worse. It's a disgrace.

When you marry Ablett's post-incident comments with this pictorial re-write of history (it's not even a great photo. In fact he looks unco in it), it starts to seem like a deliberate choice.
Hey, Jumping Jack, if you ever did something anywhere near important as play in an AFL Grand Final and not win, then you'd realise crying is a completely reasonable thing to do.

Of course, Mal Brown probably doesn't think so.
But my problem is that it was put on the front navigation page of the Gary Ablett website with the heading "Cats to honour hero".

First of all, Ablett isn't a hero. No footballer playing today is.

Secondly, as I keep stating, they could have put any picture up. They chose that one.

Ablett is a hero to all of the Geelong Faithful. You cannot deny his talent and how a player of his calibre made life exciting for 10 years. We may not see another player have such an impact on the game for a very long. To say he isnt a Geelong hero is just crazy.

I agree with the picture though. I was expecting one the many famous pictures - His day out vs Essendon, 89 Grand Final picture, Gary Pert mark and pretty much any mark from his 1993 season.
That happened right in front of me, during my only trip to Kardinia Park. It was a dog act. Leaving aside any other judgment about Ablett, putting that photo on the front page is terrible. Cropping Bardsley out of history is even worse. It's a disgrace.

When you marry Ablett's post-incident comments with this pictorial re-write of history (it's not even a great photo. In fact he looks unco in it), it starts to seem like a deliberate choice.

I'm sure they put that photo on there just to get under the skin of St.Kilda fans..
I can understand the point of view for Punter starting this thread, but I do not think it's needed to be honest on a St.kilda forum. Let Geelong celebrate Gary Ablett Snr and his amazing feats on the field.

They should of used a better image in terms of showing Gary Ablett showcasing his skills. I.e Taking a huge mark.
I've had a look at the website, and I don't think that the photo is quite as prominent as the OP suggests. but I do agree that it is an inappropriate photo to use.

Mind you, a few people here have short memories if they think some saints players haven't been known for on field violence ...

As for it being the view or promotion of the "Ablett family". Well, obviously it's just a commercial operation set up for two of them. But fair to assume that those two had to approve what is on the site.

But, yep, they should replace that photo.
Mind you, a few people here have short memories if they think some saints players haven't been known for on field violence ...

Do they think that though?

If Plugger had a website with a picture of himself after having smashed Peter Caven's face in, St Kilda supporters would almost universally agree it was inappropriate.
Do they think that though?

If Plugger had a website with a picture of himself after having smashed Peter Caven's face in, St Kilda supporters would almost universally agree it was inappropriate.

fair enough. I suppose the Ablett photo has edited out the injured player (almost). Most people wouldn't identify the incident. (but still agree it should be removed)
I'm sure they put that photo on there just to get under the skin of St.Kilda fans..

Intent often does not translate unless specifically stated, that is the problem with such cases and why Punter gave the example he did.

In both situations we would be celebrating the player, this would be the intent that we assume everyone would get and have no issues with. However, in using such an "emotionally charged" picture you then ultimately take the converse intent with the few and the momentum then swings.

Take the current racist remarks making headlines. In your opinion would it be prudent for the Saints / AFL to then use Winmar's iconic image? Would people not then auto assume that it was against Collingwood and would a few then not focus their intent on ribbing anything Collingwood as "racist bigoted pricks" instead of focusing on Winmar and his message? Would this message then be further hindered if they used the Long & Monky image since these 2 instances were paramount in the AFL stamping out racism?

How many would support the message and how many would stick the boot into Collingwood on Bigfooty?

It was not the original intent to anger St Kilda fans through the image, however due to the nature of the image this is a possible outcome of the intent of the picture being published outside of the "neutrality" of the media. It's ultimately what happens when you use such images, you can hardly claim that people are wrong for reacting as such.

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Isn't that picture taken at the G? Didn't the Bardlsey incident happen at Cat Park? Or is it just the combination of players with Bardlsey being cropped out that has caused offence?


Will the Datsun make it back up the freeway with all that weight in the car? And I'm not talking about the cups.

Does it easy - absolutely no problem.

Seems to run well most weeks up and down the highway and seems to come into it's own and purr along nicely around September. It loves the trip.

Unlike some other cars (and UD Trucks) that cough and splutter particularly towards the end of September.

We can keep going - but you ain't gonna win this one. And just remember who started the tone. I merely jumped on your board to see what the fuss was about the website. Ablett Snr had a chequred past and there are some acts that even the most one eyed Cat fan would'nt defend. But some of the slurs on this site are a bit rich. I had a bit to do with the Lockett family in my early years and I can comfortably say that both on and off field there's a few people throwing the proverbial stone in the glass house.

In the end - one of your favourite sons and one of ours will go down as all time greats but history will also show that neither has a criminal conviction - something which Saints fans should consider carefully before posting some of the responses to the Ablett website issue and more importantly, making slanderous statements towards innocent persons. Due care should be taken in making some of these comments as I'm sure posts in this site make their way onto the desks of some interested parties who would gladly take the matter further.
Jumping Jack

As was stated previously, a picture on a St Kilda website with either Lockett standing over Caven or O'Dea standing over Greening would not be defended by many of us on here, especially me.

Just pick another photo instead of getting us all riled up.
Ah, the memories. Its what Footy is about, the passion, the story telling, the history, the appreciation of great individual and team skills.
The Captain IMO has been well restrained and very observant, as have nearly all on this thread. Its been a good read.
When men were men and it was a standup sort of world. The day that fine scholarly well educated teacher of chidren, AKA Big Carl, stood on his own, face to face and took down the entire Geelong team at Kardina Park one bleak Saturday afternoon, was one of the classiest acts of the noble sport of boxing any man could hope to witness. Big Carl is spoken about in hushed terms of respect, admiration, fair, a man you would want beside you when your back is against the wall. Contrast that with GA Sr.... Great footballer.........BUT!!! And that is really how a man is measured, with the BUTS. This web site, well intentioned as it may be, sticks true to the family lineage....BUT!
Does it easy - absolutely no problem.

Seems to run well most weeks up and down the highway and seems to come into it's own and purr along nicely around September. It loves the trip.

Unlike some other cars (and UD Trucks) that cough and splutter particularly towards the end of September.

We can keep going - but you ain't gonna win this one. And just remember who started the tone. I merely jumped on your board to see what the fuss was about the website. Ablett Snr had a chequred past and there are some acts that even the most one eyed Cat fan would'nt defend. But some of the slurs on this site are a bit rich. I had a bit to do with the Lockett family in my early years and I can comfortably say that both on and off field there's a few people throwing the proverbial stone in the glass house.

In the end - one of your favourite sons and one of ours will go down as all time greats but history will also show that neither has a criminal conviction - something which Saints fans should consider carefully before posting some of the responses to the Ablett website issue and more importantly, making slanderous statements towards innocent persons. Due care should be taken in making some of these comments as I'm sure posts in this site make their way onto the desks of some interested parties who would gladly take the matter further.

You're obviously too paranoid to see past your own face. I think you'll find the point of the OP was that the Ablett family is celebrating the dog act that was that incident, going into the rematch next weekend. This is simply not on, and the Ablett family evidently think they are god's gift to the earth.

The point of the thread has nothing to do with anybody's chequered past. So get over yourself.
Jumping Jack

As was stated previously, a picture on a St Kilda website with either Lockett standing over Caven or O'Dea standing over Greening would not be defended by many of us on here, especially me.

Just pick another photo instead of getting us all riled up.
Why? Because a couple of St Kilda fans are having a sook on BigFooty?

Here's an idea - if they wanted to rile you up, why did they crop out him lying on the ground? Or would that be too obvious?

Gary Ablett is many things but he ain't subtle. The most likely explanation is they picked the picture because it looks good because he's holding out his arms (as you previously said, it's the reason you remember it) and snapping for goal.

A less likely explanation is they deliberately looked for a good picture with a St Kilda player in the background given the rematch, saw that one and cropped out the guy to not be controversial.

The least likely explanation (and I consider that you are Gary's manager and you chose this picture deliberately to cause a controversy and then call it out to reverse sentiment towards the Saints as more likely than this one) is that he is deliberately baiting people in an incredible subtle way by selecting a photo of a player having been flattened, then cropping him out and assuming those involved with St Kilda would instantly recognise it, refer back to the incident and feel outraged and wound up... Gary Sr may have done some stupid and reckless things in his past but he's hardly a criminal genius - I think most of us would agree he's pretty f'in stupid. The malice, intent and aforethought you're accusing him of is just incredulous.
From memory of the incident your all claiming ablett to be guilty of here, Im pretty sure Kristian Bardsley had longer hair/dreadlocks when that happened ????

Maybe im wrong, But this doesnt just seem right.
I think the point here is that the choice of photo used is offensive to us at St Kilda. We have the sense to see that a picture on a website with either Lockett standing over Caven or O'Dea standing over Greening would be offensive to the victims' respective clubs.

We hope that it isn't a deliberate act (to choose that particular photo because of the act it depicts). We're not assuming it is, we simply are offended by that choice. We would hope that Gary could spend some time going through more pics to find one of himself looking Jesus-like without a bloodied carcass at his feet. Surely that is not how he wishes to be remembered: as a cheating thug. He was such a skilfull player.

Do yourself a favour Gary, and spend some time on it. Pick a better pic and all is good.

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Discussion Ablett Website

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