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I wasn't referring to you by the way mantis. It was some of the previous idiocy posted by noodnuts, among others, which caused that outburst.

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Originally posted by mantis
Police attacked by over 200 rioters in Kalamunda WA last night, Police were injured by rocks & bottles being thrown by the unruly rioters.

Why didn't they just bring out the rubber bullets, that's all these thugs deserve for injuring Police, who were only doing their job. :mad:

Something needs to be done about these people, who have nothing better to do than cause trouble, I hope the police catch them all & throw them in jail, that's all these lowlifes deserve.:mad:
Some of these ****s need a serious wake up call. Unfortunately the few that are charged will get community based orders and spent convictions - that'll teach 'em!:rolleyes:
Originally posted by mantis

Why didn't they just bring out the rubber bullets, that's all these thugs deserve for injuring Police, who were only doing their job. :mad:

Something needs to be done about these people, who have nothing better to do than cause trouble, I hope the police catch them all & throw them in jail, that's all these lowlifes deserve.:mad:

Do you mean criminals or aboriginals?:confused:
Originally posted by Nic
Do you mean criminals or aboriginals?:confused:

I mean these people that just go around looking to start a fight & ruin peoples parties & then when the police intervene, they throw rocks & bottles at the police, same as the morons that are causing trouble at Scarborough Beach, the police are trying to make it a safe place for families, but the druggies & drunks are doing the same thing there.

They seem to think that they can do what they please & the police should leave them alone.

By the way, no aboriginals have been involved in these altercations.
Originally posted by Professional

Of course not, you wouldn't have posted it otherwise you racist *****.

ROFLMAO you sad, sad, little person. :D

By the way, 5 *****, what word is that, did you maybe put one too many *. :D
Originally posted by mantis
Police attacked by over 200 rioters in Kalamunda WA last night, Police were injured by rocks & bottles being thrown by the unruly rioters.

Why didn't they just bring out the rubber bullets, that's all these thugs deserve for injuring Police, who were only doing their job. :mad:

This is a problem that needn't have happened and the police have to take some of the blame. I'm assuming this was a party that got out of hand.

Back in the 80's there was a party in Scarborough that got well out of control. The police rolled up in their riot gear to try and control things and that just got the party goers more excited. From that night on, everytime a party gets big (hundreds of young people hanging out at the party and in the street), the police don their riot gear and make their way over. These days a party is a failure if the riot squad don't turn up.

The police should realise that some young people who attend these parties want the riot squad to come so they can have a bit of fun. Perth is the only place where the riot squad get called out regularly to parties so you have to question whether the police took the right tact back in the 80s.
This time I actually agree with you bunsen. I have been to many a party as a teenager in the 90's (you must be a bit older than me) where the police have unnecessarily showed up for no other foreseeable reason than to cause trouble. They would provoke teenagers in the hope that they'd lash out, so they could then beat the bejesus out of them. It's this sort of practice which makes me very suspect of the police in general. The thing which really sh¡ts me, is the way that the media always lays the blame firmly with the kids. Portraying teenagers as criminals (especially if they're aboriginal), is a definite ratings winner.
Originally posted by bunsen burner
This is a problem that needn't have happened and the police have to take some of the blame. I'm assuming this was a party that got out of hand.

Once again you assume wrong, the parents of the boy who were throwing the party, rang the police when the 200 odd gatecrashers turned up causing trouble, the police were outnumbered & had to call for back up, because thery were getting the beejesus kicked out of them.
Originally posted by Milkman
the police have unnecessarily showed up for no other foreseeable reason than to cause trouble.
Yeah, right, like the Police have nothing better to do with their time.

There are certainly many people showing up for no other reason than to cause trouble but they ain't the Police.
Originally posted by scmods
There are certainly many people showing up for no other reason than to cause trouble but they ain't the Police.

I've seen it with my own eyes on a number of occasions, as have countless others. They'll get a noise complaint from the neighbours, next thing you know there's 20 of the buggers there, starting trouble where there was none to begin with. Around here, it's common knowledge that they behave this way.

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Originally posted by mantis
Police attacked by over 200 rioters in Kalamunda WA last night, Police were injured by rocks & bottles being thrown by the unruly rioters.

Why didn't they just bring out the rubber bullets, that's all these thugs deserve for injuring Police, who were only doing their job. :mad:

Something needs to be done about these people, who have nothing better to do than cause trouble, I hope the police catch them all & throw them in jail, that's all these lowlifes deserve.:mad:

This happened just around the corner from me. Mantis I am not sure if you know Kalamunda/Lesmurdie area.......but this is really rare to happen up here!! The family having the party for their child had people crawling over her roof, gaining entrance into the party in the rear of the yard. They werent asked to come!!

And no they werent aboriginals!! It was idiots that couldnt handle there grog. Where are the parents of these kids:mad:

When we lived in Darwin i often felt so sad for the young Aboriginal kids growing up. This kids are fantastic.....but they will often turn out to be just like their parents:( . And the white people that hang off them are just as bad!!

All Children (and yes teenagers are still bloody kids) need responsible parents. So many disfunctional familes these days:( . Boys so often growing up with no father figure.

The toughest job we have ever had in our life is being a parent, but the most rewarding. Its a never ending job....And that is where the problem begins.......So many parents just DONT CARE:mad: .

All kids/teenagers need parents that care. I dont judge a person on their skin colour, weather they are rich or poor. Kids cant help where they are born (e.g Redfern) but if they are being born into something that no one is willing to change.....the next generation will be like the last:( ......I will help anyone of any race that will help them selves........but I have no time for people who disrespect other peoples propertys, who are lazy, who dont work!!

No-hopers :mad: who want it all handed to them...be they black or white are just that NO HOPERS:mad: . And if they break the law...pay the price!!
Originally posted by PortProudWA
And no they werent aboriginals!! It was idiots that couldnt handle there grog. Where are the parents of these kids:mad:

No-hopers :mad: who want it all handed to them...be they black or white are just that NO HOPERS:mad: . And if they break the law...pay the price!!


I am well aware they weren't aboriginals, I was just trying to make the point, that it isn't only aboriginals who cause trouble, strange that the ones calling for Aboriginal trouble makers to be dealt with harshly, aren't commenting about these thugs.

Except a few did try & blame the police for this trouble, yet when it was the aboriginals, the police were blameless & just doing their job. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by mantis

I am well aware they weren't aboriginals, I was just trying to make the point, that it isn't only aboriginals who cause trouble, strange that the ones calling for Aboriginal trouble makers to be dealt with harshly, aren't commenting about these thugs.

Except a few did try & blame the police for this trouble, yet when it was the aboriginals, the police were blameless & just doing their job. :rolleyes:

Totally agree with you, as I said....black or white.....all should be dealt with the same.

But how do you fix the problem....when so often the parents of all kids that are caught and sometimes sadly killed refuse to acknowledge that there was/is a problem.

The children are the future in all areas.....scarey to think what the future may hold for a lot of them:(

ok day off today whoooo hooooooo, and this is depressing...going for some sun:)

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