AEW Revolution - Monday March 6th 2023, 12pm AEDT

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I love AEW, but jesus I find the PPVs hard to watch. I started watching the pre-show at about 11.30... it's taken me 9 hours to watch the show. It's just sooo damn much, it's all back to back, and I just cannot watch them in one sitting. It generally takes me 3-4 sittings.

That said, man I loved today's main event. Ironman matches can be a bit hit or miss, but this was perfect, the way it flowed, it constantly built, and then the extended (albeit predictable) ending. Probably won't be in match of the year conversations because I find the re-watchability of ironman matches to be extremely low, but I enjoyed it today for what it was.

Glad FTR are back, and I love the development of the women's storyline - but the fact you can watch a 4 hour PPV + pre-show, and you know what I'm talking about when I say "women's storyline" is such an indictment on the company. To have so many talented women, and to only have one women's story happening in your whole country, is a disgrace, and while AEW has been a great alternative in professional wrestling, more and more I don't think it's an alternative for female wrestlers. You couldn't possibly leave WWE for the alternative at the moment expecting you'll get an opportunity if you're female. Toni and Ruby got really lucky with their timing.
The womens stuff is the weakest part of every show (wrestling, ufc, and boxing alike). Im no huge wrestling fan compared to you guys but aew are nailing that by not overdoing this...
I find myself more and more fast forwarding the B grade womens stuff lately. Will still absolutely watch top tier stuff, but my god there’s a lot of clunky and botchy womens matches going on lately.

nobbyiscool, after saying it was far too long today, and also highlighting not enough women’s matches on the card, what matches would you have cut?
lets assume you wanted to see 2 more women’s matches - what 2 are you going to cut from todays ppv?

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a great PPV

Mox has earnt a well earnt rest as he's carried the house for the past 12 months
Omega has served his "penance" and is ready to hit the singles circuit
FTR back and with Santana and Ortiz due back the tag division will be a pleasure to watch for the next 12 months - Punk for mine comes back and does his penance in tags or a MJF's partner (team up with the devil you know) to prove that he's a team player before getting a singles push
House of Black has some momentum - would love to see Malakai v Omega and Matthews v Danielson
Starks IMO gets the shot at DON (and is unsuccessful)
Hangman has some more aggro - i expect Jarrett to pass the torch with Jeff as "the last outlaw" to set Adam up for the 2nd half of the year
Women's division still needs work - but if they make it Britt, Hayter, Cargill, Riho and Shida v Rosa, Storm, Ruby, Saraya and Athena i'll watch
FTR back and with Santana and Ortiz due back the tag division will be a pleasure to watch for the next 12 months
Women's division still needs work - but if they make it Britt, Hayter, Cargill, Riho and Shida v Rosa, Storm, Ruby, Saraya and Athena i'll watch
Not sure that Santana is coming back, if the rumours of him and Ortiz falling out are true.
Maybe Deeb instead of Rosa?
Sooooo am I right in saying that my decision to not order this and just check the results was a poor one?

First PPV I haven’t ordered for a long while.
Unfortunately yea. Poor build but one of AEW's absolute best PPVs. I have it as good as the first Revolution and only bettered by All Out 2021.
Really disliked how the end of 60 minutes was handled in the main event, but overall that was an outstanding PPV. Usually I’ll struggle through even a decent 4 hour show, but this had me gripped start to finish. As good as anything they’ve put out.
I'll probably check out the Iron Man match but when you have people saying that it's the greatest one of it's kind when Hart vs HBK exists makes me think people are overcompensating. I've seen some people calling it one of the greatest PPVs in wrestling history.

I'm sure it was good, greatest Iron Man match of all time though? I doubt it.

That's the way, make a judgement call before you've actually watched it.

Also who says HBK vs Best is the best one ever? It's often a little maligned.

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That's the way, make a judgement call before you've actually watched it.

Also who says HBK vs Best is the best one ever? It's often a little maligned.
Bret v HBK hands down the best one for me ever and won't be topped. You had the best technical wrestler against the best overall performer and they told a classic story inside the ring. It didn't have flippy floppy spots or a ton of kick out finishers and falls it was just pure 1 hour wrestling clinic and beating the shit out of each other. I was a major Bret fan so it made me just HATE HBK. Come to think of it as much as I hated Shawn there is no doubt the man is the best ever overall performer in my eyes, I mean the guy has been involved in the best Iron Man , Hell in a Cell, Ladder match and probably the best ever WM match I have watched.
The only thing that was annoying about the Ironman match (and yes I am nitpicking here) was the referee counting people out (and this is coming from a fan of Bryce). There was literally 5-6 seconds between each count to count people out of the ring.
Hated the finish at the end of regular time the submission or pin to get beaten by the countdown clock has been done to death now. I do understand that it is almost the only way you can create suspense in that type of match and the only other minor negative I had was Danielson getting double pinned after a low blow to only just kick out with ease on the 3rd attempt. Didn't mind the low blow spot but could have hit a finisher or big move after the low blow and get the double count then Danielson just gets the arm up for the 3rd attempt.
Very good show overall. Not every match was a home run hit, but they did well to get the old Bischoff smorgasbord of all types of wrestling in.

I thought the main event and trios match shared match of the night honours. What AEW do with each member of The House Of Black moving forward (ie: in say 1 years time) is going to be interesting and maybe telling... Because all 3 look freakin' awesome right now.

Lol, predictable but well done.

Obviously MJF screwy finish incoming.

I'm all for omens... A PPV with a casket match and an Iron Man Match that goes to sudden death clearly means that it's 1996 all over again... & you know what that means:

Bret v HBK hands down the best one for me ever and won't be topped. You had the best technical wrestler against the best overall performer and they told a classic story inside the ring. It didn't have flippy floppy spots or a ton of kick out finishers and falls it was just pure 1 hour wrestling clinic and beating the s**t out of each other. I was a major Bret fan so it made me just HATE HBK. Come to think of it as much as I hated Shawn there is no doubt the man is the best ever overall performer in my eyes, I mean the guy has been involved in the best Iron Man , Hell in a Cell, Ladder match and probably the best ever WM match I have watched.

Rude vs Steamboat is another classic Ironman match. Danielson vs MJF definitely top 5. Hart and Michaels and as stated Rude vs Steamboat are just classics imo.
I suspect that anyone trying to call Michaels vs Hart good in 2023 either hasn't watched it, or hasn't watched it in the last 2 decades.

The match is slow, boring and turgid, it absolutely does not hold up in 2023, and it's the worst example of an ironman match I can think of off the top of my head. I watched an ironwoman match between 2 Australian women at the Thornbury Theatre about 3 months ago that would've shit allover the HBK/Hart match.
it absolutely does not hold up in 2023

It was not that great in 1996 either.

Melzter's report at the time:

The WWF's self-proclaimed greatest title match in history on 3/31 in Anaheim, CA was an interesting 62 minutes. Live, despite post-show proclamations and testimonials, the crowd was largely dead for the majority of the match. Quite frankly, it was downright boring live unless one was sitting in the bottom rung of the building where the hardcore WWF maniacs, many of whom traveled from around the country were.

Fans were leaving the building during the main event. To say they were leaving in droves would be an overstatement, but there were probably a few thousand empty seats by the time the match reached its climax and the pop for the title win couldn't compare with major babyface world title wins of the past.
Inflation has hit that match something shocking...

This'll be another case of me showing my age...

But when WWE realised the goldmine they had in match footage in the very early 2000s they started pumping out best of DVDs. It was wild to me that the "Shawn Michaels: From the Vault" DVD included the ironman match as one of only 7 matches. (I still have it, I still break it out to watch HBK vs Mankind sometimes - that is a ****ing incredible match!)

I wonder if that had a little to do with people overrating that match. It's "second coming" on that dvd came coincided with the 2nd phase of Michaels' career, and also coincided with a revival of wrestling on the independent circuit, so I think people were just really desperate to like it.

I love HBK, but it's among his worst big matches.
The context of it was massive, the match itself is almost an afterthought. I don't think it holds a candle to yesterday's match.
Don't think it's limited to Iron Man matches. I think the quality of wrestling across the board is generally far better than the earlier decades when it wasn't the focus.

That being said, the criticism of overuse of hardcore wrestling in the indies, and some 'spot-fest' type wrestling in the major companies is valid. Appreciate that everyone tastes are different though in that regard.
Don't think it's limited to Iron Man matches. I think the quality of wrestling across the board is generally far better than the earlier decades when it wasn't the focus.

That being said, the criticism of overuse of hardcore wrestling in the indies, and some 'spot-fest' type wrestling in the major companies is valid. Appreciate that everyone tastes are different though in that regard.
It is a classic for that reason the new age stuff is more flips, flops, finishers, kick outs, weapons etc. Far less about the story around it but its like sports these days 20/20 has taken over because people want the big hits and high action.

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