I'd agree with that for the most part. I don't think Starks vs Yuta should have been on this ppv card - although Moxley amazingly stating it was finally Yuta's 1st singles ppv match may have been the reason.
I don't have much of an issue with The Bucks overall - although (presuming FTR was going to beat AO), I genuinely thought they were the team most UNlikely to win - or need the win - here. It's those kinds of results that understandably rub people the wrong way.
Great show overall. Any criticisms are nitpicks. Feel bad for Aussie Open, not only for the injury, but if they'd hit 2 moves cleaner, that match would have been near 5 star worthy!
I do think it's a bit soon for FTR vs Bucks 4, but having said that there isn't much heat in any other tag teams either. The Gunns maybe, though they've been concentrated in BCG stuff. It is an interesting point with AO - there is a non-zero chance an audible was called due to the injury. Really unfortunate.
The biggest issue with the tag title match was the placement, crowd didn't have the energy for it. That should have been the spot for Starks and Yuta.