Autopsy AFL 2024 Round 4 - Freo v Blues Sat April 6th 4:20pm AEDT (AO)

Who will win and by how much?

  • Freo by a goal or less

    Votes: 8 10.7%
  • Carlton by a goal or less

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Freo by 7 - 20

    Votes: 20 26.7%
  • Carlton by 7 - 20

    Votes: 27 36.0%
  • Freo by a lot

    Votes: 5 6.7%
  • Carlton by a lot

    Votes: 12 16.0%
  • Draw

    Votes: 3 4.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

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If he knew it was touched, because it was so obvious apparently - why would he berate himself.

Clearly aimed at the umpire.
Yet Clark on fox footy said that the umpire said to Pearce he couldnt here what was said but he thought it was demonstrative.

So he paid a free kick for a comment he didnt hear....

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So article has been released stating that Clark called himself an F'n idiot for letting Cottrell mark.

The ump took it as being aimed at him.

Watch Clark's teamates run over to him instantly to shut him the F up and calm him down as he's gobbing off to the Umpire.

They knew what he just did.
Yes let’s believe Clarke
Right? Let's all take the known loose cannon at his word, despite all other available evidence and his teammates practically panicing at his words.
I never said what Clark did was acceptable. I’m saying it’s a response to a howler of a decision. He’s penalised accordingly but he doesn’t open his mouth if the correct decision is made. EVERY Freo player is calling touched. EVERY Carlton player looks sheepish.

So, my analogy is accurate. Often the biggest penalty is because of a massive mis call and the subsequent reaction to that. It’s not acceptable. There’s penalties in place. He paid the full price.

Unsure what you’re trying to suggest I’m saying. My post is what often happens in sport. It’s a reality. Not some one eyed view.

I do think the umpire could’ve taken 2 seconds to assess it all, perhaps asked him to calm down, but he blew his whistle instantly. Without knowing exactly what was said, that’s his decision. From a Freo perspective he just doubled down on the initial poor decision. That’s extremely hard to take.

I like analogies. Here’s another. It’s like taking $500 to the casino. You grind away playing safe. Work your way up to $300 having a good night. The night is about to end. So, you think I’ll just put all my profit on a bet. $300 bet and you lose. You double down and just bet the whole $500 and lose. Now you leave with nothing and lose it all in the last 2 bets. That’s what it feels like ONLY the casino is the AFL and you should never bet against the house when it comes to Carlton.
I don’t think I trust Clark.
There’s a stronger chance he said ‘You ****ing idiot’ then claims it was at himself.

However, if he did say ‘You ****ing idiot, Jordan’ and copped the dissent, the umpire simply needs to be stood down.

The umpire has already said to Pearce they’re not sure exactly what was said, but it was demonstrative.

I mean one eyed or not. How can you make any decision based on something you’re unsure of??

There’s an easy fix. Release the audio AFL. If you’re right Clark come across as a complete bellend.

I can only think of one reason why they wouldn’t release it. That’s because they’re in the wrong.

This shouldn’t be a hard one to clarify. The umpires are mic’s up.
I don’t think I trust Clark.
There’s a stronger chance he said ‘You ******* idiot’ then claims it was at himself.

However, if he did say ‘You ******* idiot, Jordan’ and copped the dissent, the umpire simply needs to be stood down.

The umpire has already said to Pearce they’re not sure exactly what was said, but it was demonstrative.

I mean one eyed or not. How can you make any decision based on something you’re unsure of??

There’s an easy fix. Release the audio AFL. If you’re right Clark come across as a complete bellend.

I can only think of one reason why they wouldn’t release it. That’s because they’re in the wrong.

This shouldn’t be a hard one to clarify. The umpires are mic’s up.
Puck you miss
Yet Clark on fox footy said that the umpire said to Pearce he couldnt here what was said but he thought it was demonstrative.

So he paid a free kick for a comment he didnt hear....

Clark had been verbally abusing the umpires all game, and apparently he admitted this to his team mates post game.

Guess you missed that bit from Fox Footy
Such an easy fix. After the Coniglio fiasco, the AFL could have made 'dissent' reportable.

Report the player - deal with it the tribunal.

Too obvious? Probably.
It's an interesting idea. Problem I have with it is that it's exploitable, both from a club perspective and an AFL perspective.

A club - say, for example, Hawthorn under Clarkson - can choose to ignore the tribunal/suspensions, using it to infuse his list with an us against them mentality to go with the warrior mindset. that can accompany the desire to hurt players. We do not know whether there's an inherent advantage in playing for free kicks and exhorting the umpire verbally nigh constantly to adjudicate in a particular direction; we do know that Richmond under Hardwick had his players essentially surround the umpire on occasion, seeking to have their own interpretation of the rules upheld. We've also had players openly ignore suspension in order to rub out opposition players before, at the behest of coaches; while dissent would be a weird thing to ignore, I'm not putting it past AFL coaches to come up with some method to take advantage.

And the AFL has always at tribunal level looked after some players over others. This would simply add another layer of separation between the ordinary footballers - who would absolutely suffer the consequences of this - and the good. If a subsection of fans country wide think the AFL manipulates tribunal outcomes right now, imagine how much worse that'd be if you could get done for a highly subjective occurrance like dissent?

It'd be like getting done for diving. There'd be two/three landmark cases, but it'd never happen outside a two month period.

While it might feel unfair (unjust even) there were two dissent frees paid this week. This mightn't feel like it, but it's the best way to ensure that the full consequence is felt both in the moment and on the day, both of which are important for changing behaviour.

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So article has been released stating that Clark called himself an F'n idiot for letting Cottrell mark.

The ump took it as being aimed at him.

So, uber soft free kick goal to Carlton then.

I await the Carlton fanbois saying that players cant berate themselves on field.............

... you mean, a full minute after Cottrell takes the mark, around 5 seconds after he goals, whilst turning his head to look straight at the umpire before doing so, Clark proceeds to say, "****ing idiot!" but was referring to himself?

Sounds likely.
So article has been released stating that Clark called himself an F'n idiot for letting Cottrell mark.

The ump took it as being aimed at him.

So, uber soft free kick goal to Carlton then.

I await the Carlton fanbois saying that players cant berate themselves on field.............

That just doesn't seem remotely true.

Even if we take out that he alleges he was yelling at himself and we assume Clark eyeballed the umpire and called him a 'fn idiot', that's not sufficient for Alex Wheeton to take it upon himself to go against every other umpire in the fraternity and randomly pay a single dissent free kick in front of goal with 40 seconds left after many other examples of dissent throughout the season (even within the same game he was umpiring).

I honestly thought it was going to be something absolutely horrid or a vile personal attack. "Idiot" is on the lowest end of the spectrum for abuse one would have thought. I get called worse by my wife...regularly.

There's no way someone could think they were that self-important to the game.

Fake news I reckon.
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... you mean, a full minute after Cottrell takes the mark, around 5 seconds after he goals, whilst turning his head to look straight at the umpire before doing so, Clark proceeds to say, "******* idiot!" but was referring to himself?

Sounds likely.

Definitely doesn’t pass the sniff test BUT just release the audio.

Clark has made his claim.

Umpires have admitted they’re unsure what was even said, only that it was demonstrative.

Once again, easy to sort this out.

To quote Anthony Edwards ‘send da video’
... you mean, a full minute after Cottrell takes the mark, around 5 seconds after he goals, whilst turning his head to look straight at the umpire before doing so, Clark proceeds to say, "******* idiot!" but was referring to himself?

Sounds likely.
Let assume it was at the umpire.

Was it that "idiot" was the offending word? Or that he used an expletive?

I'm not sure what is worse. That the expletive (one of many) was singled out (and we pretend no other player swore at any stage of the game), or that "Idiot" so offended him that he ****ed up a game of professional sport to get his small man revenge.

You decide.