Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

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The frequency of patches was a pretty good sign early on but, honestly, this game was the most fun 45 days ago. Around a week after release when they turn AI tackling on. It was still a mess but at least it was occasionally a fun mess. Players stopping when they recieve the ball, defenders letting players run straight through them if they've recently received posession, hit outs, the whole marking system and handballs might be the kind of thing that just require a complete rebuild. I assume that they would have been fixed by now if it were possible but BA seem unable to repair the game.

I had zero interest in Ultimate Microtransaction Mode but I hoped it would be successful and make AFL games profitable but I can't see them launching it now. It would be like a bad joke to ask people to funnel their money into the game in the current state.
6 months ago I thought we might be about to see Big Ant release 5 decent AFL games over the next decade. Now I doubt we'll ever see them release another one. Anyone know what the guys from IR Gurus/Transmission Games are doing these days?
Also wondering how many people have been pulled away from Cricket 24 to try and fix AFL.

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Oh wow, just saw they've actually announced Pro Team will go ahead soon. With a peak of 70 concurrent players this weekend, I hope people enjoy seeing "searching for oppondent..." when it drops. Xbox still over a month away. That "late shipment of Xbox copies" was really late. Must have just taped a bunch of copies to some ducks or something and hoped the made it to Aussie shores.
Players stopping when they recieve the ball, defenders letting players run straight through them if they've recently received posession, hit outs, the whole marking system and handballs might be the kind of thing that just require a complete rebuild. I assume that they would have been fixed by now if it were possible but BA seem unable to repair the game.
Itā€™s got the feeling of a wicked witch game, where despite having 5 goes at an AFL title the issues that plagued the first game were apparent through all the releases.
I'm good at the other recent AFL games.

I'm good at FIFA.

This game is extremely difficult for me to play for some reason.

I've played around 12 hours of it on PC

Marking impossible.

Handball in the direction I want or with the power I want impossible.

Stopping players from running through me very difficult.

Not sure what to make of it all as I read others here find it easy but for me, it's an extremely frustrating and clunky game, and I find the original bigant version and WW iterations seem far superior as far as gameplay and control go.
I'm good at the other recent AFL games.

I'm good at FIFA.

This game is extremely difficult for me to play for some reason.

I've played around 12 hours of it on PC

Marking impossible.

Handball in the direction I want or with the power I want impossible.

Stopping players from running through me very difficult.

Not sure what to make of it all as I read others here find it easy but for me, it's an extremely frustrating and clunky game, and I find the original bigant version and WW iterations seem far superior as far as gameplay and control go.
It's not just a you problem don't worry. The game is just really bad. Lets just hope this bunch don't make the next AFL game, it's embarrassing.
It's not just a you problem don't worry. The game is just really bad. Letā€™s just hope this bunch don't make the next AFL game, it's embarrassing.
Letā€™s hope they do make the next one.
Like it or not thereā€™s nobody else out there thatā€™ll do it.
BigAnt have a passion for it.
What happened was bad but theyā€™ve worked hard and are fixing it and I hope they get another crack.
Letā€™s hope they do make the next one.
Like it or not thereā€™s nobody else out there thatā€™ll do it.
BigAnt have a passion for it.
What happened was bad but theyā€™ve worked hard and are fixing it and I hope they get another crack.


All of the trash talking that was done with Evo/Evo 2, Big Ant served up something worse and have major egg on their faces.

Elements of game play being glitchy and bugged
Major game modes being compromised and still not fixed.

People say "they have the engine and can modify it in future installments". If they get another crack at it, it would want to be 1000 times better than '23.

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Letā€™s hope they do make the next one.
Like it or not thereā€™s nobody else out there thatā€™ll do it.
BigAnt have a passion for it.
What happened was bad but theyā€™ve worked hard and are fixing it and I hope they get another crack.
It's a shame because the player base probably isn't big enough for the AFL to invest big money into it. I must admit in the first few weeks I was probably way too harsh and should have given the benefit of the doubt. But as a consumer of a game I paid $100 for which is more than a lot of the big title games out there, I think I have the right to be upset. To say they are "fixing it" is quite laughable. Two months on and the game is still in such a bad state. I'm sorry but for incorrect disposal to not be called 90% of the time is just not on. You would think them going to weekly updates would fix an issue like this. Instead, after 3 weeks the issue is still not fixed. What's the point of submitting tickets if nothing ever gets fixed.
It's a shame because the player base probably isn't big enough for the AFL to invest big money into it. I must admit in the first few weeks I was probably way too harsh and should have given the benefit of the doubt. But as a consumer of a game I paid $100 for which is more than a lot of the big title games out there, I think I have the right to be upset. To say they are "fixing it" is quite laughable. Two months on and the game is still in such a bad state. I'm sorry but for incorrect disposal to not be called 90% of the time is just not on. You would think them going to weekly updates would fix an issue like this. Instead, after 3 weeks the issue is still not fixed. What's the point of submitting tickets if nothing ever gets fixed.

where are the 50m penalties ?
where is the deliberate out of bounds ?
why does the ball rebound back into play after hitting the goal post and play continues until it's either out of bounds or kicked through the goals again ?
Why do the legs of the tackler and the tackle-ee violently shake around when they are both on the ground with the ball ? :p
Passion is all you need.
Funny how for this situation, passion is apparently their get out of jail free card. If your AFL team has a passionate player who plays like crap however, then calling for him to be delisted is the only outcome for most. But hey, at least Big Ant are passionate, lets keep giving them $100 for sub par gameplay.
I thought I'd have a little look at how the reception of the game is going in other places right now and yeah, It's about as bad as you'd think and at the moment, there's someone going around on Reddit at the moment mentioning stuff that might debunk quite a bit of what Ross said a few nights ago but I'm pretty skeptical on these. Even with how Ross has handled things. Some things just don't add up with what was said.

Considering that this person is also going around that the game needs to be withdrawn and cancelled with someone else getting the license makes me think that they're kinda full of crap here and kinda telling that they might just be making this stuff up on the spot to try and get a refund for this game they don't like. It doesn't make them a reliable source IMO without receipts from the people they claimed to talk to. I feel like these could be easily debunked TBH. Especially the license thing as Ross said that you've got to pay millions just for the honor of having it. They don't just give it away.

But that is what's currently going around elsewhere right now... It ain't pretty... and I don't think it's gonna get much prettier at this point. Unless things miraculously turn around with the Xbox Launch.
Iā€™ve been more patient and positive than most on here and Iā€™ll remain that way for now.
Iā€™ll give them until Xbox comes out but the expectation is that the game is COMPLETE by that stage.
If itā€™s not, my tune will change šŸ˜‚
I thought I'd have a little look at how the reception of the game is going in other places right now and yeah, It's about as bad as you'd think and at the moment, there's someone going around on Reddit at the moment mentioning stuff that might debunk quite a bit of what Ross said a few nights ago but I'm pretty skeptical on these. Even with how Ross has handled things. Some things just don't add up with what was said.

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Considering that this person is also going around that the game needs to be withdrawn and cancelled with someone else getting the license makes me think that they're kinda full of crap here and kinda telling that they might just be making this stuff up on the spot to try and get a refund for this game they don't like. It doesn't make them a reliable source IMO without receipts from the people they claimed to talk to. I feel like these could be easily debunked TBH. Especially the license thing as Ross said that you've got to pay millions just for the honor of having it. They don't just give it away.

But that is what's currently going around elsewhere right now... It ain't pretty... and I don't think it's gonna get much prettier at this point. Unless things miraculously turn around with the Xbox Launch.
Wow. This is really eye opening. As I stated in my last post, I hope another dev comes along in the future. I know ross says there aren't any but well from what this reddit post has said, it seems like you really don't need a big budget company to make them....

I hope I'm proven wrong however and this game turns out great. I think Big Ant got a big head (no pun intended) and that caused significant errors. Finger crossed that this game gets fixed and the next game is way better
I havenā€™t touched this game in around 3 weeks. Is management mode still just 27 ā€˜play nowā€™ games? Has it even changed in 3 weeks at all? If it hasnā€™t, thatā€™s ****ed.
The gameplay is better but yes management mode hasn't changed or got new features. They've fixed some bugs but thats about it for the mode
I havenā€™t touched this game in around 3 weeks. Is management mode still just 27 ā€˜play nowā€™ games? Has it even changed in 3 weeks at all? If it hasnā€™t, thatā€™s ****ed.
Still needs a fair chunk of work with drafting and trades/free agency.
Havenā€™t seen any significant player development yet.
Iā€™ve been more patient and positive than most on here and Iā€™ll remain that way for now.
Iā€™ll give them until Xbox comes out but the expectation is that the game is COMPLETE by that stage.
If itā€™s not, my tune will change šŸ˜‚
I'm of the same mind if a little more negative at times. If it's not complete and fixed by then... I don't know how bad the reaction is gonna be...

They have to have the game fully working and complete by that stage, Surely...

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Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

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