Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

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So now people arenā€™t allowed to air their grievances on the game based on their experiences because you say so? I canā€™t speak for others but I never said I hated the game, but the bare bones of it in its current state added in with bugs doesnt entice repetitive plays for me.

Also, weā€™re not allowed to point out the game is buggy from its patches? Wipe 85% of this thread then. Wait around all you want, the games been out for 8 weeks exactly, not an unreasonable amount of time for things to have been fixed to an acceptable level. Oh and its also still not available on an entire console, but sure, have a dig at those less patient than you. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø

Did I say people werenā€™t aloud to? I donā€™t recall in any part of what I said that people canā€™t speak their mind. This is this problem with this forum now, everyone is out to get everyone itā€™s a joke. Iā€™m not out to get anyone, I just canā€™t deal with the constant hate that gets spewed repeatedly from the same people and when people donā€™t agree with them, they get abused.
Itā€™s just a repetitive cycle and I can see why everyone is jumping ship to the BA forums cause thereā€™s not arguing or toxic bullshit.

Please read below and tell me you donā€™t feel exactly the same because, I think your missing the point of my comment.

This forum has absolutely gone to shit over the last few months. It started off as such a good place, people came here to read peopleā€™s issues and constructive criticism of the game. Criticisms that actually helped fix parts of the game on some of the patches.

The problem is the more people that found the forum and had a different agenda, that constructive criticism then turned into abuse of the devs, abuse of the game, granted I know someone of it I can understand was warranted. It then got to people that were in it from the start actually enjoying the game. They would come on here and post something positive and then get abused for it by the majority that had now come through on BA negativity vendetta.

Once that took over thatā€™s pretty much where it stayed. The people that were enjoying the game no longer posted anymore, If they did they were posted over about how shit the game is and they just gave up. Now itā€™s at the point where there is literally no positivity and everyones over it. Itā€™s literally a place where you post something and someone will have an issue with it and an argument will start.

BA has started their own forum now and Iā€™m not surprised everyone has flocked there. People are back to posting positivity about the game and are excited about whatā€™s to come and surprise surprise you came back here and everyoneā€™s makin fun of the posts saying theyā€™re a kiss ass like really? No people are doing exactly what they used to do on here before being positive and enjoying something suddenly was such an issue.

Sorry for the long post, I feel like I had to explain myself. Also lastly whats with your screen shot? lol exactly what Iā€™m talking about.
Love how itā€™s been 2 months and handballing is still broken with no fix in sight
Like how ? Surely BigAnt arenā€™t naive enough to believe that itā€™s fine in its current form
Or is that gonna be the main selling point for AFL25?
ā€œItā€™s time to fly!ā€ to ā€œYou can finally handball!ā€
At least your favourite bug the man in front of the man on the mark is gone šŸ˜‚

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Did I say people werenā€™t aloud to? I donā€™t recall in any part of what I said that people canā€™t speak their mind. .

They would come on here and post something positive and then get abused for it by the majority that had now come through on BA negativity vendetta.

I don't think I've ever seen anyone say someone can't enjoy the game šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø
Yes, but they are damned ultimately because they released a broken game. From there actions speak louder than words, and if it's all words (or no words) and no action, then the lack of action means that no communication style would work.

Basically, make a good game = not damned.
Make a bad game and don't fix it = damned.

Let's not put the onus on the customer to offer them some absurd benefit of the doubt. We are consumers and they are producers. We paid for a product that hasn't been delivered, and we aren't getting clear communication on when we can expect this to be rectified, if at all.

The fact that they cop some abuse or criticism when they promise a deadline and miss it isn't an excuse for them to stop communicating to all of their customers. This is the real world, business and customer, not some petty Facebook argument where spite rules the roost.

Did Commbank put out a tweet when their systems were cooked on Monday saying "You know what, * you all. We have a huge number of customers and make X billion per year, we must be doing something right. If you're gonna abuse us like this we just won't communicate anymore - serves you right. Did I mention we make X billion per year btw?"
All fair arguments. I personally, without all the facts from behind close doors tend to give the benefit of the doubt, thatā€™s my choice. I donā€™t expect others to šŸ™‚
Did I say people werenā€™t aloud to? I donā€™t recall in any part of what I said that people canā€™t speak their mind. This is this problem with this forum now, everyone is out to get everyone itā€™s a joke. Iā€™m not out to get anyone, I just canā€™t deal with the constant hate that gets spewed repeatedly from the same people and when people donā€™t agree with them, they get abused.
Itā€™s just a repetitive cycle and I can see why everyone is jumping ship to the BA forums cause thereā€™s not arguing or toxic bullshit.

Please read below and tell me you donā€™t feel exactly the same because, I think your missing the point of my comment.

This forum has absolutely gone to s**t over the last few months. It started off as such a good place, people came here to read peopleā€™s issues and constructive criticism of the game. Criticisms that actually helped fix parts of the game on some of the patches.

The problem is the more people that found the forum and had a different agenda, that constructive criticism then turned into abuse of the devs, abuse of the game, granted I know someone of it I can understand was warranted. It then got to people that were in it from the start actually enjoying the game. They would come on here and post something positive and then get abused for it by the majority that had now come through on BA negativity vendetta.

Once that took over thatā€™s pretty much where it stayed. The people that were enjoying the game no longer posted anymore, If they did they were posted over about how s**t the game is and they just gave up. Now itā€™s at the point where there is literally no positivity and everyones over it. Itā€™s literally a place where you post something and someone will have an issue with it and an argument will start.

BA has started their own forum now and Iā€™m not surprised everyone has flocked there. People are back to posting positivity about the game and are excited about whatā€™s to come and surprise surprise you came back here and everyoneā€™s makin fun of the posts saying theyā€™re a kiss ass like really? No people are doing exactly what they used to do on here before being positive and enjoying something suddenly was such an issue.

Sorry for the long post, I feel like I had to explain myself. Also lastly whats with your screen shot? lol exactly what Iā€™m talking about.
I donā€™t recall ever seeing a negative poster attack a positive poster because they didnā€™t want them to enjoy the game
In fact, if anything, itā€™s been the exact opposite. Certain ā€˜positiveā€™ posters have come on and attacked the negative posters.
Sorry for the long post, I feel like I had to explain myself. Also lastly whats with your screen shot? lol
exactly what Iā€™m talking about.

All good mate. Iā€™m gonna have to start referring to you as Kyrie because wow, can you dribble. The screenshot was because from my perspective, what you said over on the BA forum wasnā€™t echoing what you were saying here, at least not in a contextual manner. Youā€™re saying this thread is a vendetta train and accusing people of doing the exact same thing in your book of a response to what I replied to you with.

I think the numerous responses you just got from several different users on here echoes exactly what Iā€™M talking about. Nobody ever said anyone else cant enjoy this game and take it for what it is. Some are happy how it is and good for them. Its a thread, we can post about this game, good or bad, as we see fit. Jog on.
It never ceases to amaze the lengths people will go to give the benefit of the doubt even after being repeatedly let down time and again.
Sunk cost fallacy?

As anyone would know I'm definitely glass half full kinda guy, and been generally more positive on the game, but do I love paying $79 for a yet to be complete game? Not exactly. Do I continue hoping for the best because of the cost, both money and time, I've put into it? It's arguable.

That said I actually am getting some enjoyment out of it, its the barebones management and stoppage fest stuff that are my frustrations. Career mode in these games tends to be one of the draw cards for me.
Latest odds with Daisy from PointsBet:

ā€˜Thanks GTL16. Well punters are jumping off the tiger train to make the 8, now at $17. We also have a lot of movement in the gaming market this week. The odds for
  • an AFL23 patch coming to PS5 today is at $3.50
  • if you like a patch release on any platform next week, it is going at $1.25
  • an AFL23 release on XBox before September will take you back just $5.30
-if you would like to consider an AFL25 in the works, you might like the price of $7.20

As always please gamble responsibly, and happy punting.ā€™
Last edited:
Okay this seems to be the current state of things:
Gameplay: still full of glitches, crashing etc and strange occurrences

Career mode: barely any depth and not worth playing

Ultimate team: sounds like it won't be introduced any time soon

Online: basically just play a random... And that's it

So basically the only thing that works in this game is the play now mode and maybe the stadium creator ?

Disappointing. Even afl live 2 was better than this lol.

Though I have to say this game does have the best presentation and graphics out of all of them. A shame that the meat of the game is basically stale.

Kind of like a polished turd
Okay this seems to be the current state of things:
Gameplay: still full of glitches, crashing etc and strange occurrences

Career mode: barely any depth and not worth playing

Ultimate team: sounds like it won't be introduced any time soon

Online: basically just play a random... And that's it

So basically the only thing that works in this game is the play now mode and maybe the stadium creator ?

Disappointing. Even afl live 2 was better than this lol.

Though I have to say this game does have the best presentation and graphics out of all of them. A shame that the meat of the game is basically stale.

Kind of like a polished turd
I really would love to see them get one more crack though. Given what happened day 1 I just donā€™t think this version will ever reach where it was supposed to.
In saying that weā€™ll probably never know exactly what went wrong on day 1 or what exactly the full game was intended to look like.
Iā€™d be happy to give them one more go to build off the positives that do exist in this game to improve it to what we were all hoping for.
Latest odds with Daisy from PointsBet:

ā€˜Thanks GTL16. Well punters are jumping off the tiger train to make the 8, now at $17. We also have a lot of movement in the gaming market this week. The odds for
  • an AFL23 patch coming to PS5 today is at $3.50
  • if you like a patch release on any platform next week, it is going at $1.25
  • an AFL23 release on XBox before September will take you back just $5.30
-if you would like to consider an AFL25 in the works, you might like the price of $7.20

As always please gamble responsibly, and happy punting.ā€™

I'd be wanting longer odds on a "PS5 patch today" than $3.50...! :)

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Okay this seems to be the current state of things:
Gameplay: still full of glitches, crashing etc and strange occurrences

Career mode: barely any depth and not worth playing

Ultimate team: sounds like it won't be introduced any time soon

Online: basically just play a random... And that's it

So basically the only thing that works in this game is the play now mode and maybe the stadium creator ?

Disappointing. Even afl live 2 was better than this lol.

Though I have to say this game does have the best presentation and graphics out of all of them. A shame that the meat of the game is basically stale.

Kind of like a polished turd
Bread goes stale, not meat. I used to be a butcher, it goes far worse than stale...
Based on what JNT said on the bigant forum, considering how long it took for a response to ā€˜the spamā€™, Iā€™m putting two and two together and thinking it doesnā€™t look like a patch will be out this week.
I feel really sorry for JNT_BA. Has been asked to face the music on the forums but has been heavily restricticted in what he's allowed to say that anything he says is essentially useless. Almost better him not posting.
View attachment 1725268

So now people arenā€™t allowed to air their grievances on the game based on their experiences because you say so? I canā€™t speak for others but I never said I hated the game, but the bare bones of it in its current state added in with bugs doesnt entice repetitive plays for me.

Also, weā€™re not allowed to point out the game is buggy from its patches? Wipe 85% of this thread then. Wait around all you want, the games been out for 8 weeks exactly, not an unreasonable amount of time for things to have been fixed to an acceptable level. Oh and its also still not available on an entire console, but sure, have a dig at those less patient than you. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø
I only agree with that the developers should have had more time to iron it out, but that being said, the game should have been delayed 6-12 months, so not to overwork them.
After much patience, I'm pulling up stumps on this game and just going to forget that a pay $100.

To be honest I couldn't care less about the money, was just hopeful of getting a quality AFL game. Despite what the haters thought, it had potential to be good if the bugs and missing content were fixed.

Au revoir.

On VOG-L09 using mobile app
AFL 23 was laying the foundation (player likenesses)

Hopefully AFL 25 will nail the game play (AND NO CRASHES)
making a very strong assumption the AFL haven't forcibly removed the contract from BA by that point..
I feel like this is all people are asking. If this is the case, while it would leave management mode quite bare despite promising the deepest ever, we would have clarity and not be here every day holding onto hope that we just might get what was promised.

Spot on. They talked it up themselves.

It's actually hilarious that this has ended up being the most bare management mode in AFL gaming history. 05, 06, 07 had everything this has plus player development. Players actually got injured and suspended.

AFL Live 2011 only had a single season mode. While the Wicked Witch Wii 2011 AFL game was even more in depth than AFL 23.
There is player development in the game, and i prefer it alot more than the "training" development in previous games where you could get all your players up to 99 speed and 99 marking.
I only agree with that the developers should have had more time to iron it out, but that being said, the game should have been delayed 6-12 months, so not to overwork them.

110% agree with you. It should never have been pushed for an April release if it wasnā€™t ready for it (which the launch night clearly indicated) I wouldā€™ve preferred BA not announce a release date instead of all this scrambling which has led to an absolutely epic dropping of the ball.
All fair arguments. I personally, without all the facts from behind close doors tend to give the benefit of the doubt, thatā€™s my choice. I donā€™t expect others to šŸ™‚
Can I earnestly ask what you think happened with the launch of this game then if it isnā€™t BAā€™s fault in your mind?
Can I earnestly ask what you think happened with the launch of this game then if it isnā€™t BAā€™s fault in your mind?
I don't think anyone thinks the broken launch (i.e the Day 1 patch failure) WASN'T Big Ant's fault.
But it clearly wasn't on purpose. A big mistake was made with that patch.

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Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2 with added Pro Team

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