Multiplat AFL 23 - PS/Steam Releasing May 4, Xbox TBC

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  • PlayStation (Physical): Thursday 4 May
  • PlayStation (Digital): 8:01am AEST Thursday 4 May
  • Steam: Currently 8:01am AEST Thursday 4 May, may be moved to 12:01am AEST
  • Xbox (Digital or Physical): TO BE CONFIRMED, unlikely to be 4 May

Those that pre-ordered PS versions will be able to play on Thursday, disks will have already been mailed by retailers, they will also be available in-store.

Steam will also be available Thursday.

Stating the obvious, we are still having issues with XBox.

Seriously, anyone that looks hard knows there’s issues - why do you think there are so many exclusives for a particular platform that are not marked as exclusive, but are only on that platform.

If I took that road, life would have been a lot easier.

Xbox digital and retail will release at the same time - that is not a decision we get to make.

It applies now and I will no doubt pay a price.

Re: commentary team
Hamish is still there, Daisy didn't make it into the final version of the game.

We added Gary and increased the workload of Harf.

Re: game availability/release dates
I can never give 100% guarantee about anything in the future, but as it stands today, the statement I am prepared to make it that all stock that is at retailers on 4 May will be available for sale.

As to the amount that will be there for sale, and whether it is enough, that is a question I cannot answer.

It will be made digitally available on the various platform holder electronic stores.

Clarifying, the game will not release prior to 4 May 2023.

I am vague as there is one platform that has had sufficient stock at retailers and the other has not, and I cannot name them (contractual reasons).

The game will not be further delayed because of the numbers of units in stock.

Re: Steam listing
I've already put in a request for the screenshots to be replaced with current ones, they'll probably only be there for a day.

As much as the feedback has generally been positive, these are old, meant to be placeholder only and were not meant to go live.

Re: playing lists
All playing lists are accurate for the 2023 season.

Re: content creator footage
This is all prior to day one patch (as some have noted updates like numbers etc are apparent)

Re: Career mode
A head's up on Career mode.

At the AFL 23 Launch night I mentioned the non-team based Individual Career Mode in an interview with Dean (Twistie3). As alluded to at that same event, we were working with the AFL and AFLPA to include as many past legends in the game as possible.

The great news is that we have received approval for far more AFL legends than were previously envisaged, but this has meant that we had to make the tough decision to divert resources away from the Individual Career mode development. The individual Career Mode function will not make it into AFL 23, Career Mode will be entirely team based. I expect this mode to be include in future iterations of the game.

Re: microtransactions
You do not have to make purchases, things can be earned.

Re: general development
So fundamentally flawed, in so many ways, it’s bananas.

We are doing AFL as it’s a passion project, without us doing it there would not be one being made.

So much more upside with making games that are played internationally, let alone one that will not even be played in every state in this country.
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If the guy who has talked to BA devs and play tested the game for himself isn’t too concerned then no one should be overly concerned. Yes there were some sore spots but weren’t we expecting that? Last I recall, people were expecting a 6/10 game at best, why has expectation doubled in the past month?
I also want to acknowledge that there will definitely be things that need further patching and tweaking, no game is perfect at launch.

But at the end of the day people can only form an opinion on what they have seen, and I get that.

I just feel they have a lot of this smaller bugs under control already.

Like said, it wont be flawless, but nothing ever is, but I think the final version will look and feel much different again to what I have played / posted.

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Here’s another one from the AFL Evolution 2 thread. Times haves changed with NACON in the picture now but poor Ross really jinxed himself in that thread.

The most compelling thing is control, we are the only video games company in Australia that is a licensee, developer, publisher, distributor, and as we are fast learning outside of games, it is important to control the supply chain. It's only since we took this approach that we could make our dates.
Out Of Time Fire GIF by Andy Suzuki & The Method

24 hours folks
Alright that's me done for the night.

I hope I was able to provide some type of context to the gameplay shown.

end of the day we are all just footy nuffies wanting the best game possible. And despite some of the bickering we all have with one another, when it is all stripped back, all the comments and suggestions are coming from a place of love and care.

We just want a good game.

And I think we will get that.

Don't get too caught up on the little things. flag them, but don't let them bring you down, as things are easy fixed.

Much love to all, and I'll see some of you Thursday in stream no doubt!
Here’s another one from the AFL Evolution 2 thread. Times haves changed with NACON in the picture now but poor Ross really jinxed himself in that thread.
Jeeze everything coming back to bite him.
He'll either be the one laughing on the 4th or we'll be laughing at him
Jeeze everything coming back to bite him.
He'll either be the one laughing on the 4th or we'll be laughing at him

In fairness he couldn’t have predicted being bought out by NACON or the global shipping issues of 2023 at the time. Just a funny coincidence more than anything.
From what I took from the last 5 pages it’s that people need to change sliders to make the game better. Do people realise the sliders changing wont work for Pro Team/online games. Which is probably going to be the most played game mode
Minor little audio notes:
*The whistle sounds very artificial? I have an official umpire whistle (I umpired when I was a tad fitter) I could record that? haha, could the broadcasters/afl provide a clean feed of the umpires and or sounds from the can be more harnessed?
*Overall crowd atmos sounds great! Are there cheer squad chants in the game that would be a fantastic addition?
*MCG Siren seems muffled.. maybe o distant and or drowned in reverb? and I saw another clip that had Marvel's Siren at Adelaide Oval.
*Will we get to hear the full team song recording at the end or it will it always partially play and go straight to the player's song in the rooms?
*Commentary is great but some breathing room would be great.. a bit overwhelming seems like it's a full tilt the whole time.. is it possible for it to be more dynamic depending on the play, time left in the game etc. I imagine that must be very hard to put together!

But impressed none the less. Counting down to Thursday!
Tactics not being included in any version shown is definitely concerning.

Tactics strongly influence how the AI behave, so for them to be excluded in every version we've seen is a concern as I would've thought AI behaviour would've been one of the first and main areas addressed when deciding how the game will play.

Gameplay built on the bespoke Big Ant Studios’ Sports Engine, and featuring gameplans developed in association with AFL coaches to have players react as they would on the field.

A reason as to why a key part of the gameplay has been unable to be included in any shown version so far would potentially clear up the concern.

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Can someone link me to that one thread with a massive dispute about player ratings for Evo 2 with GTL and someone else just going at each other for several pages.

I need to revisit some old memories
From what I took from the last 5 pages it’s that people need to change sliders to make the game better. Do people realise the sliders changing wont work for Pro Team/online games. Which is probably going to be the most played game mode
You’re playing another person online? The sliders is to fix what the AI does

Also I still have my money In management mode being the most played mode,
A problem with AFL Live 1 was that it was ridiculously fun vs another human and online worked very well.

However, against the AI it got boring very quickly. The AI simply wasn't fun.

This wouldn't be a problem if I still lived in Australia but being Stateside...
Tactics not being included in any version shown is definitely concerning.

Tactics strongly influence how the AI behave, so for them to be excluded in every version we've seen is a concern as I would've thought AI behaviour would've been one of the first and main areas addressed when deciding how the game will play.

Gameplay built on the bespoke Big Ant Studios’ Sports Engine, and featuring gameplans developed in association with AFL coaches to have players react as they would on the field.

A reason as to why a key part of the gameplay has been unable to be included in any shown version so far would potentially clear up the concern.
I get where you're coming from and I can defo see the concern but looking on the bright side, BA have stated that it's a key part of the game and its exclusion from the gameplay shown perhaps points towards the fact the build being displayed isn't that close to the final build as we believe? Means there is still alot of potential for polishing... or maybe this is just hopeful thinking..?
An issue that’s been carried over from Cricket 22, when the ball is at a players feet and they aren’t moving, they struggle to pick it up.

As others have said, Huddo needs to chill, it’s like he’s thrown back a few red bulls before the game.
I reckon it makes sense to have Garry Lyon talk a bit more, maybe during the awkward silences in the goal replays

Hopefully there’s a stats/team management screen at quarter and halftime breaks, everything’s just so go go go, I need a chance to catch my breath 😂

I will also say, while there’s definite room for improvement and changes to be made, this looks a million times better than any AFL game before it and I’m a big Evo fan.

Now if Big Ant will just confirm state leagues, I’ll be very happy
If the guy who has talked to BA devs and play tested the game for himself isn’t too concerned then no one should be overly concerned. Yes there were some sore spots but weren’t we expecting that? Last I recall, people were expecting a 6/10 game at best, why has expectation doubled in the past month?
If youve been called in to play test you aren't exactly going to come out and shit on a game are you? Quick way to not get included ever again, means nothing really
What's going on with Steam? Still no release date mentioned. I know we have been told it's 4th May 12.01am, you'd expect Steam to recognise this?
Agreed on too much Huddo, they need to mute every second one of his lines, I'll be turning commentary off after 2 or 3 games at this rate.
Also need to somehow highlight the ball, an indicator or something that follows it underneath, too easy to lose during play.
Given how Ross carried himself in the Evo 2 launch thread I think the level of criticism is more than fair.

Treat others how you’d like to be treated etc etc
Just on this…

I remember in the Live 2 days when Ross gave WW a tonne of crap about the whistle after a goal (rightfully so) but I’d argue most of the main stadiums having the camera/logos on the wrong side of the ground is just as big of a facepalm moment
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