AFL Cairns -- Season 2014

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Why not just tell Boxsell he can't play that week? Not a great precedent but I'm sure this may happen maybe 1x every 10years... Bit harsh kicking the whole club out bc they were not confident in their welfare (for reasons brought up by the actual league, not some lacky off the street).
Can anyone here, confirm or deny, that not all presidents attended the last meeting with AFL Cairns & that another meeting has been scheduled?
Why not just tell Boxsell he can't play that week? Not a great precedent but I'm sure this may happen maybe 1x every 10years... Bit harsh kicking the whole club out bc they were not confident in their welfare (for reasons brought up by the actual league, not some lacky off the street).
Sam wasn't playing. Problem was the risk assessment of whether the "unnamed individuals" would then seek retribution against any of the other players, their families or club supporters.

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Can anyone here, confirm or deny, that not all presidents attended the last meeting with AFL Cairns & that another meeting has been scheduled?
I understand they all attended the information meeting with the board & that another meeting is being arranged.
You are an idiot. What would you know? The average age of our team this year would be the lowest in the comp & many of our colts tasted senior football. As for your comments on our juniors, sounds like you are a bit jealous. We've balanced our books so go have a little lie down & comb your mullet.

What a muppet, check your facts first. The day I'm jealous of the "Cairns City Lions" is when Val Schier becomes Prime Minister of Australia.
so let me get this straight, as I'm not sure I am following this correctly as an outsider?

The Hawks were scheduled to play Port Douglas.

AFL Cairns heard on the grapevine that there were possible recriminations aimed at a player from the Hawks from people involved with, or playing for Port Douglas including genuine threats of violence.

AFL Cairns considered the threat credible enough that they contacted the Hawks and let them know of these threats.

AFL Cairns put forward a half baked (and quite poor) plan to avoid potential violence.

The Hawks then took it to a player vote, and due to the credible threat of violence, as outlined to them by AFL Cairns - chose not to participate in the game due to player safety concerns.

AFL Cairns then suspended the Hawks from the 2015 season, because they chose not to participate in a game due to concerns about player safety, that AFL Cairns actually notified them about.

Surely, SURELY there is some information missing from my above summary?

AFL Cairns couldn't possibly be this incompetent and stupid could they?

Who is this Boxsall character, what has he done and why do people want to 'square up' with him?

Why would AFL Cairns notify a club that their player safety is at risk, then suspend that same club for acting on the advice of AFL Cairns?

What a complete balls up of a decision, if these are indeed all the facts. Someone give me a petition, I will sign it!

You have summed it up pretty well, AFL Cairns have a lot of problems that need sorting out e.g. incompetence for one. As for Boxsall, he was involved in an altercation with a team mate and since then, has been persecuted on this forum ever since he went to play for the Hawks. If anyone was serious, they would make the effort to hear the kid's side of the story before coming onto this forum and spruiking about how bad he is when they don't even know the bloke.
I read & re-read the supposed time line of emails that flew between the League, PD, Hawks. It mystifies me why this got out of hand ? So quickly

1. Why didn't PD just deal with the threat themselves,

--- ok tell AFL Cairns
that 30 players wanted too tango, but then tell them at the same time WE HAVE DEALT WITH II.
Hawks then told as a matter of courtesy that all was well.

2 AFL Cairns then informs Hawks "they heard on the grapevine" Grapevine ---- PD informed them ---so now PD are a grapevine ???

I can read into this ----there is a huge amount of incompetence involved in this saga, one with not informing ALL Club Presidents in for a discussion before releasing to the media ----- the Presidents were blind sided and left severely embarrassed when questioned this left them with the terms .-------- " Say What" -------or as Pauline so famously stated. " Please Explain".

Then the league suppose ably call a player a recalcitrant , and attack his character , the man was cleared by the court !! This if this is true it now leaves them open to Slander.

Question ------If they didn't want him to play , why allow his transfer when Hawks asked permission or doesn't one side of the office talk to each other.?

As I said earlier this is what I personally read into from the published so called released emails.
This Gary Young bloke from AFL Cairns -----------------

Is he an employee or in an appointed position
via voting from stakeholders?

From memory he was appointed as a caretaker after the President beforehand left due to a fall out with the league. Melissa was the admin administrator , so she was thrown in the top position till Garry got up to speed ( Melissa did a fantastic job considering all the rubbish going on).
Again from memory, the league head hunted ---advertised for an overall head honcho , but as I heard they couldn't get anyone decent for the money on offer.
Then I read Gary Y. Was appointed to the top position. After this news, I heard many times at various outings when talking football, that he was way out of his depth. And I heard that many many times from at least 2 ex club presidents and numerous various club members from all clubs. The proper person appointed in my opinion should have been Melissa. At least she had a handle on things and did not need to get up to speed.
imo, the crux of the problem is separation of powers, or more to the point, a lack thereof. I understand that there were some valid protests made at the AGM a few years ago when 1 person assumed the role of both general manager & president of the league. Good corporate governance principles would dictate that operational managers should not be answerable to a board they serve upon, let alone preside over. There has always been the potential for inappropriate decisions to be made since that dual appointment. Had there been a separation of operational manager & presidential roles in the lead up to the abandoned game, the outcome would probably have been quite different. Surely a mediation/discussion between the 3 parties would have been more appropriate than emails. Then the mortal decision was handed down without the other clubs' involvement or consultation. It is problematic that a key player in this mess is answerable to himself with another hat on.
But didn't he step down when someone / s else investigated this ???

with the decision laid by " unknowns" then left it back on him to instigate.Do a press release before club Presidents find,

So then the "unknowns" need to be known who helped in this mess

so it can be asked at the AGM

"Please Explain"

as to how did you came to this decision,
when all this could have been sorted out peacefully in the darn beginning
and how does another club in the league , who regularly forfeits games with no known penalty is really any different in this case. They both told the league days in advance they will forfeit.

This should have been handled a lot better than it was , as I previously said in an earlier post.

Great that PD handled the situation and need applauding for it,

Do we have a case of Dead Man Walking , after being thrown under the bus ????

but should have never gotten to this stage in my opinion
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*long time listener, first time writer*
Who is running the show at AFLCairns? Surely not an AFL person? Especially removing a club over something like this...over anything! If it was an all in brawl in a match (no names), a drug saga like Essendon or a salary cap/points breach, you still don't kick the club out - 2 teams gone! Talk about cutting your nose off to spite your face!

From my understanding the Hawks had a lot of players under 18 in both grades and from reading above, 'a majority vote' was reached? Which means it could be close to half the players wanted to play but couldn't. So afl cairns suspends them for a year! As well as trainers, volunteers... The list goes on.
Why not suspend the hawks committee for a year if they run the club, or a fine/8point reduction or something to start the next year, then have a meeting with ALL the other club presidents and put things in place so this doesn't happen again?

All aflcairns have done is bully any club who thinks about abandoning a game for safety(weather/unfit ground/anything) with suspension for a year and yet not address or fix any problems.

As for the players, did hawks have 80 players on their books? What do they do now? I know rugby league and soccer are licking their lips. How are you trying to grow the game when you're giving your competition your players?
I can't believe aflq support this decision. It's a giant leap backwards for afl.

This will affect other clubs players as well. Imagine 8-10 A grade players from hawks play at another club, that could mean 8-10 normal reserve graders won't have a game now. They might be good club people but how will they feel, what will they do? Some will leave their clubs because of this decision. I feel for them.

Can someone who cares about the game and knows how to run a business please take over the top jobs - and I don't just mean at afl cairns level.

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Anyway have any clubs bad their vote counts or presentation dinners yet. Saints count is tomorrow with Rohan Couch and Jack Roy hot favourites I reckon
Anyway have any clubs bad their vote counts or presentation dinners yet. Saints count is tomorrow with Rohan Couch and Jack Roy hot favourites I reckon
Manunda Hawks presentation night was on Friday night. Colts :- b & f - Jeffrey Hudson; r/up - Corey Flint. Ressies :- b & f - Craig Waldon; r/up - Hayden King. Seniors :- b & f - Cameron Duffy; r/up - Willie Aisi. Rising Star :- Mugzy Mooka.
Cutters Presentation Night Seniors B&F Zac Ewer R/Up Paul Smith Reserve B&F Denzel Cooper R/Up Shaun Wedner Colts B&F Denzel Cooper R/Up Liam Kermode
Cutters Presentation Night Seniors B&F Zac Ewer R/Up Paul Smith Reserve B&F Denzel Cooper R/Up Shaun Wedner Colts B&F Denzel Cooper R/Up Liam Kermode

The Cutters would be very happy with these 2 recruits...Z.Ewer winning the B&F and Crathern Medal and P.Smith kicking 100 goals and R/U to the B&F.
A media statement has been released from Manunda Hawks. The committee has decided not to pursue legal avenues against the 12 month suspension imposed by AFL Cairns.
So ture Flintsone. The Hawks committee should be forced to resign over this scandal! No one to blame but the powers that be at Hawks. A lot of young talent will leave the club and never return due to the foolishness of the committee! Bunch of SFA!!'s Whole heartedly agree with the CAFL in suspending these buffoons, feel for the kids though.

'' Nah U jelly! Doc say my nut awesome and want one like my! Ture mc nut"
So ture Flintsone. The Hawks committee should be forced to resign over this scandal! No one to blame but the powers that be at Hawks. A lot of young talent will leave the club and never return due to the foolishness of the committee! Bunch of SFA!!'s Whole heartedly agree with the CAFL in suspending these buffoons, feel for the kids though.

'' Nah U jelly! Doc say my nut awesome and want one like my! Ture mc nut"

Why should they resign ?

The players made the decision , the committee acted on this !

The league has overreacted, duty of care , 2 cops & security guard --- you pay says league --- WT

It was handled all wrong from the beginning , As previously said PD had a handle on it and should have stayed that way
this joker from AFL Cairns who alerted Hawks to danger, then suspended them for showing a duty of care to their players for danger that HE alerted them of is the one that should resign.

What a complete balls-up. Why would you contact them saying a player is in danger, if you're then going to kick them out of the league for behaving in a reasonable manner in response to an issue YOU BROUGHT UP?

Bizarre, absolute amateur hour.
this joker from AFL Cairns who alerted Hawks to danger, then suspended them for showing a duty of care to their players for danger that HE alerted them of is the one that should resign.

What a complete balls-up. Why would you contact them saying a player is in danger, if you're then going to kick them out of the league for behaving in a reasonable manner in response to an issue YOU BROUGHT UP?

Bizarre, absolute amateur hour.

That is very good point and one that I have wondered about since the debacle began. At no stage did the person even say where the online threats were coming from. I have often wondered if there was some sort of conspiracy happening. Who knows???
Interesting comments above, you have to give some thought to the conspiracy theory that Flintstone has mentioned. However. I have heard in recent weeks on the grapevine and unofficially that the main reason that Hawks didn't go to Port Douglas was simply because they didn't have the numbers because the Colts players were in the finals. And I also heard there was no official player vote to abandon the game.

Can the Hawks people confirm or deny these rumours??

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AFL Cairns -- Season 2014

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