AFL Live 2012/13 Wishlist Thread

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Work with the makers of premiership coach and make 1 awesome AFL game with manager/career mode, drafts, trading, unlockables (State teams, TAC cup, state leagues etc.), continuous clock count like the real AFL and the ability to choose the shorts for each team (Brisbane home - can choose maroon home shorts or white away shorts or West Coast Home - can choose navy home shorts or white away shorts).

Can't disagree with this. I'd love for this to happen.
AFL Live is a good game and seeing how everyone has already mentioned the obvious stuff about what they want in the next game, I'll mention the other stuff that has to be in, the following are must haves in the next game:

Make the game harder the 'f' sake how easy is it. The games easier than Kim Duthie, which is saying something! LOL
Actually make shots from the boundary line hard, as they are hard in real life. in this game you snap,banana,drop punt from the boundary and it's almost a certainty to go in, regardless of the player your controlling!
Instant Replay, so obvious, also decent replays and goal celebrations
The game tends to freeze a lot!!!
Why does the opposition miss most of their set shots?? wtf
You kick it from 40m on the run and you don't get the distance, WTF!!! unrealistic much? You shoot for goal on the run, yet the kick ends up no where near the goals but to your teammate in a marking contest?
Why don't the opposition EVER use their SUBS?
What is with all the random injuries? Ball is in the forward line and somehow my fb is injured, WTF!
Be able to control speccies and be able to look at players stats (so obvious)
Marking contest, make it an actual battle for it, make it realistic
88% of the game is tackling

People reading this, I know you got a laugh out of it and surely you must agree with me?

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Seriously the biggest thing missing is good quality sound from the crowd.
If you are the interstate team and kick a goal you don't want to hear a massive roar the same same as the home team. Its just too fake. You should also include some team chants that the crowd sings out during the game. Another one is commentary.. damn it was bad.

^ this

If say, Joel Selwood has cleaned up a couple of hawks players with late hits at the G, it would be great to hear the crowd turn against them & boo every touch they get. Or if Tom Murphy has just fed it down Bartels throat for the 5th time id love to hear the bronx cheers come out.

Also this mechanic should work in reverse, if an opposition star forward is turning on the game of his life, the initial boo's would turn to elation just as Jono Brown struts in for his 8th goal in a nail biting finish.

Sorry if my points have been raised before. But, make that happen and add some form of a manager mode over multiple seasons and I shall play that game forever.

88% of the game is tackling

I'd love to move around without having to hold the tackle button just in the hope that you happen to lock on to someone running past
Adding in much better sound, such if a player is on fire and they are lining up for goal then the crowd should roar when they get the ball. Much better sound would improve the game dramatically.
A big improvement I'd like to see is more tactics, I want my players to be able to have a shoulder to shoulder tag so often I get torn up by a player even while tagging them they are still letting them free.

Being able to double team a player is very important sometimes you need the extra help down back but there's just no way to do it.

I could keep going on but you get the idea, better tactics all across the field would be excellent.
A big improvement I'd like to see is more tactics, I want my players to be able to have a shoulder to shoulder tag so often I get torn up by a player even while tagging them they are still letting them free.

Being able to double team a player is very important sometimes you need the extra help down back but there's just no way to do it.

I could keep going on but you get the idea, better tactics all across the field would be excellent.

I know what you mean. An extra option to have a loose man back or extra doubling on the ball would be good. You can't really get loose men on 'attacking' even if you try and switch play through the back line.

The only tactics I have really noticed that makes a difference is setting your Ruck forward or back as he provides that extra player but can be cancelled out by the oppositions ruck.

What annoys me the most is the team mate AI. Hate how 10 players congregate on the ball and provide no options to clear from the pack. Especially if the ball is heading to the wing and every man and his dog thinks it would be a good idea to slip out of position and chase the pill like under 9's footy...
Career mode
Career mode with trading, drafting and player development is obviously the big one. But not with stupid trades like the last AFL game. Annoyingly enough, the two main games I play are AFL games and FIFA games. In AFL, the real world has barely any trading but the games went stupid with it. In FIFA, the real world has a shitload of transferring but the games barely have any. A system with 15 or so average players and maybe 1 or 2 quality ones moving per season would be nice. And please don't have us drafting 'Simon Gwilt' and 'Ben Giansiracusa' into our sides at the end of the year.

Possibly having a 'reserves stats' thing in season where the game comes up with some stats for how a non-selected player did in the lower leagues and you can base who you bring into the side on that.

Online mode not allowing two against one games unless the one agrees to it. Same deal with custom sides.

A 'download latest squads' feature.


Ferrier's kicking idea:
ferrier18 said:
This game gives you barely any time as it is, the length of time it takes to power up a kick in a given situation is too long. Powering up for passes when you're in space is fine however when you've just received a handball out the back of a pack and you want to bomb it towards the boundary for safety etc you can't because it takes 3 seconds to power up and by that time you're caught holding the ball. It's like in Fifa/Pro evo, the shoot button can be pressed in your defensive half to bomb it long. The lock on system is good but doesn't always work too well.

As JobeWatson said, skill moves. 'The ability to side step, spin out of trouble, take a step back to get more space, etc. would be very usefull in congestion'.

Smarter AI who act like real footballers would, not just doing nothing but running to wherever the ball is like U9's.

Player personalities like in FIFA. Every player basically acted exactly the same on AFL Live. I want to see guys like Yarran and Rodan going on runs, guys like Jason Gram always bombing it long and guys like Kane Cornes looking for easy touches and being more careful with their disposal.

What this guy said:
ThunderPower 14 said:
Okay, I have an idea regarding sidestepping/evasive type moves. I feel like these kinds of moves would be a nice addition gameplaywise to the next game, as in this game line breaking runners like David Rodan can't be used in the way that they play in real life. Being able to round a stationary defender while at full pace should be possible without having to break tackle.

My idea is to have the sidestep as the same button as break tackle. Whether the player attempts a break tackle or a sidestep depends on both attributes and situation.

If I have David Rodan running at a defender and hit triangle, ofcourse he'd sell some candy and sidestep, but Dean Brogan in the same situation would be far more likely to use a don't argue.

If a player presses triangle but is too late to sidestep, the player will attempt the traditional break tackle.

So triangle (on the PS3) becomes an all purpose avoid being tackled button with attributes and the situation determining what effect it has. And that's my idea.

Players having secondary positions and not just having three guys who get put wherever they're needed and 18 other guys who play nowhere but their position, coupled with smarter player rotations. To use examples from my own team, when my forward pocket goes off the ground I don't want Steven Salopek to move into the forward pocket, I want Robbie Gray to move into his secondary position of forward pocket and Steven Salopek to replace Robbie in the midfield. Or when my back pocket goes off, I don't want Salopek to go to the back pocket, I want Salopek to go to his secondary position of half back, taking Tom Logan's spot, and Tom Logan to move to the back pocket. On a similar note, when Jackson Trengove goes off I definitely don't want Tom Logan or Jasper Pittard to be playing centre half back while Troy Chaplin sits in the back pocket.

Another positional thing. A cool idea would be to have a '7th defender' or '7th forward' added to the positions. They default to not being used, but if you want to drop a loose man into defence you move them out of another position and into the loose man in defence role, and then the opposition can use their '7th forward' to make them accountable (but 7th forward should only be usable when the other team has a 7th defender in place).

What he said:
Treehill said:
Oh and also the AI being able to change their tactics automatically depending on the situation in the Game.
So say the AI just kicked a goal to give them a 5 point lead with 1 minute to play, they will automatically Flood the Backline.

And what he said, although less fussed on the dribble kick:
Furn said:
Rucks should have neutral taps where no one gets a clear tap and maybe an option of nullify the opposition ruck for playing Freo.

A dribble kick from the angle for goal.

Customizable player ratings (is there a way to do this that I'm missing? If not, there should be one. Jack Redden should not have a rating 22 points below Andrew Welsh's). They shouldn't apply online though.

The ability to save a different online roster and an exhibition roster for teams.

Go back to the AFL '07 team management screen. Pretty much the only thing that game got right.

Allow us to change the Victoria/All-Stars/Aboriginal All-Stars side. Allow the player to select any Victorian player for his Victorian side, any non-Victorian for the All-Stars side and any Aboriginal for the Aboriginal All-Stars side.

Fix the subs glitch, and when you're playing the CPU have them make a sub at some point. The CPU should also change tactics according to the game situation.
Have player stats available during the game, not just the top 3 possession winners at every quarter time break.

Instant replay. Preferably uploadable.

Have difficulty levels etc. available in the settings screen from the top menu, not just before you enter a game.

Agree with the comments people have made on crowd sizes/noises.

Minor one, but kind of annoying. Umpires not saying 'in the back' anytime ANY free kick occurs.

And it was nice for you to include a famous Welsh singer on Port's team, but his name is actually Tom Jonas.
The number one gameplay adjustment that HAS to be made is bumping. Totally ruins the game. Running full tilt and someone is able to put enough force from a metre behind to stop you dead in your tracks? Come on, thats just ridiculous. I'm fine with the bump should players be running towards each other or if one is standing still,that makes sense, but when you have two players sprinting to the ball and someone just pushes you in the back effectively and then you are at a disadvantage is beyond a joke. This is a crucial element that needs to be addressed in the next version. Playing anyone online who uses the bump in every contest, every chase, every piece of play sucks all the fun out of the game. I just put the controller down and leave or chuck the controller to my nephew as I just dont have fun playing those games.
The number one gameplay adjustment that HAS to be made is bumping. Totally ruins the game. Running full tilt and someone is able to put enough force from a metre behind to stop you dead in your tracks? Come on, thats just ridiculous. I'm fine with the bump should players be running towards each other or if one is standing still,that makes sense, but when you have two players sprinting to the ball and someone just pushes you in the back effectively and then you are at a disadvantage is beyond a joke. This is a crucial element that needs to be addressed in the next version. Playing anyone online who uses the bump in every contest, every chase, every piece of play sucks all the fun out of the game. I just put the controller down and leave or chuck the controller to my nephew as I just dont have fun playing those games.
This, either they need to change the bumping mechanism or frequency reduced, clearly the game is unrealistic, you don't play footy just bumping when chasing the ball and you leaving it, just not real
The game really needs the ability to save multiple rosters. Other sports games have had this since the 90's so the next version of AFL really needs it.
At least then we have the option of going back to the original rosters at any time without losing all our custom teams. Or mucking around with the original teams (fantasy draft style) without ruining the proper teams.

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The emphasis of any developments needs to be with gameplay first and cosmetics second. No one wants to pay for a game that looks and feels different but plays the same as the one they already have.

I am 100% in favour of adding a franchise mode, which I think the majority of users would greatly enjoy, as long as it doesn't come at the expense of more realistic gameplay. Faster players should be able to bust the packs, players like J Brown should be able to hit the target from 60m, the AI players should shepperd and move into better handball receive positions, the man-in-front should not be outmarked by a man behind who doesn't even jump. A few more marking and kicking animations, as have been already suggested, would be great, as would some tweaks to the ruck contests.

All up, it's totally awesome to be able to play a very solid AFL game on PS3, and Big Ant have really delivered with this one when you conider how much more complicated Aussie Rules is to sports like soccer / NFL / Ice Hockey / tennis. When the new one comes out, I'll be happy to part with another $100, and even put up with the crappy BT commentary and unrealistic Crows-coloured MCG, as long as there are improvements in the way the game plays.

One final thing, post and in-game stats are critical. When a player gets over 30 possessions in three consecutive games and shows up as 'out-of-form', there's clearly something wrong.

(Some things that need to be rethought or fixed)

Deflections: Happens a lot and the ball kind of floats like its injected with a bit of helium. Strange one

Bumps: Needs to be rethought. Needed in the game but it really damages the enjoyment of the game when overused.

Marking: Seems more a luck thing as it is. Very hard to know when the right timing is and usually means people just spoil in most contested situations.

Goal kicking: The current one isn't bad, but probably could be made a touch more difficult

Rucking: The ruck contests at centre bounces are fine, the one for ball ups could use some form of jostiling to push a player off the ball a bit and effect the tap.

Breaking tackles: Works well but it slows your player right down and by breaking the tackle he will often be immediately tackled again as others have caught up. Makes it near impossible to break a pack

Prescripting: Things like when you are bumped or when you are tackled and lay on the ground for 5-10 seconds can be quite annoying. When you get bumped and are stunned for a short period of time and so forth are things that could be cut down or shortened'

Running bounces: A manual bounce button for when you are sprinting would be great, make it have something like a 50-50 chance of screwing up or something. Maybe even a player confidence thing.

Defender AI: This happens so often, you have a defender playing infront, the kick comes in and instead of the defender (who is closest to the ball and could easily gather and clear) running to the ball he turns, runs behind his opponent and then chases his opponent. Even can happen when you select that player manually which is even more frustrating.


Franchise mode:

Would love a 10+ (I'd really like 30+) year franchise mode that includes drafting, trading, training, list management, injury management, salary cap management, deep level of tactics and options and hiring of staff such as recruiters that could be used to identify the type of player you are after.
A must for this mode is to make it so a team cannot stay the best team for the entire stretch of the franchise mode. Retirements, injuries and drafting blunders should also be considered. Would be best to be challenging.
One thing about AFL premiership 2007's franchise mode was that, after one trade week, teams would have 3 or more players from other teams in them. Also, all draftees would have a surname of an existing player so you'd end up with 5 Rougheads in the game and 5 Judds. I'd prefer a heap of generic surnames be added.

Weather: Dynamic weather would be nice. Start the game off in cloud or in the sun and as the game goes on a storm rolls through and effects the game. The current system is ok but dynamic changing weather could add something to the game

Player Creator: Current one is great but lacks editing of the players body.
Create a draftee would be a cool feature too, make it so that you can't make a super player straight up though of course as that would be stupid.

Online season mode: Give players the option to play a season match online. Say they are playing as Hawthorn and are coming up against Collingwood, give them the option to search for macthes online for anyone playing as collingwood (with no created players, created draftees could be allowed).

Tournaments: online tournaments or knockout competitions would be good. Get up to 18 teams in a knockout game.

Replays: Allow for players to manually replay the last 30-60 seconds of the game. Must have feature. Also, the ability to save a game replay would be handy. As would the option to watch the game in a TV broadcast style on replay

Injuries: More variety and more realistic would be good. A player sprinting after the ball and twangs the hammy, player lands heavily on the shoulder and dislocates it. Concussions!! If a player cops a big hit in the sweet spot then concussion should come into play. Obviously you'd disabke this in online games as it would be abused.

Fights: Not so much a punch on but some spot fires that could be fought off the play. Wrestling etc. Maybe add it for when a game is 2 v 2.

Tribunal: Big hits, trips or high contact could be reportable.


Punch and Tap should be of equal power. If I choose to tap and the oppoition chooses to punch then it should just be based on timing.

If not evened out, punching should have a failure level which sees the ball being hit directly to an opposition player. It'll eliminate the twats online with a mediocre team then a maxed out player who makes ruck work the most boring thing ever. No one likes playing a game where they aren't even a chase of winning a contest, sucks the fun out.

Centre bounces are pretty poor really, there are 3 structure variants which are randomised and annoying. I understand the changes as they are strategic and what not but the user has no control over them. Give the player the ability to make set ups, position players and execute those in game.

General play

The game feels crowded, you get the ball and within a millisecond you are being tackled. It's almost as if the ground is too small or the players have far to much reach. Players need to be given more space, more room is needed.

Ruckman can't chase down the fastest players in the AFL but they can in this game. The idea of the ball carrier being slowed down when in possession is nonsense. I'm fine with the bouncing as I have stated above, but a manual bounce is definitely needed.

Watching the defenders it has become clear that they are useless at watching their player. You'll have a forward 20 metres in space and your defender 20 metres away on his own. I'd understand if a zone was in place but it isn't and its frustrating. Also, Defenders tend to have a mind of their own when in player control, they will often run the opposite direction temporarily before responding to the command. In that time you've lost the marking contest and most likely conceded a goal.
I'll think of more....
Fights never work in non-fighting sports games imo. In every NHL game that had fights, i would turn them off after a few games because they disrupt the game play, and the mechanics were horrible. They'd always occur at the worst of times and never when you were actually aggro and wanted to punch an opposing player. I guess they work in games like NFL Blitz, but that's not the direction i want AFL games to take.
The AFL would never allow it so it's a non issue, but i really wouldn't want to see it in AFL game anyway. If i want to fight i'll throw WWE in.

Anyway, my preferences lean towards customisation. I don't expect it'd be high on other peoples' priority lists, but here's what i'd like to see. Things like:
Being able to set your players' numbers manually
Setting second/maybe third position preferences for custom players. (David Pittman's second position wasn't rover, and Ricciuto's wasn't ruck).
Fully customisable seasons (rules, finals type, medal names), ie running the 2012 season but with my custom team instead of a default one, and with NAB cup rules all year, should be doable.
That one sort of links into being able to choose individual NAB Cup rules for ANY mode, except online probably. ie, Supergoal On/Off, Out of Bounds Free On/Off.
Tons more guernseys in team creator (like having all current teams, plus this year's customs, but being able to set every colour used and not be dictated by preset palettes)
Possibly the ability to copy a player. So you can make State of Origin teams without either a) creating every player from scratch or b) ruining your default teams. Though this could also be combated by being able to save different roster versions, or at least versions of teams. That way, dropping Fev from Brisbane or keeping the teams up to date with trades wouldn't lump you with a FF logo for life, which makes the average punter online think that i've probably traded in Sandy, Franklin and Judd.
Yeah the gameplay needs tweaks too. But seriously, if those options were in this year's i'd have been happy to wait another 2 for the next version because being able to customise the hell out things keeps it fresh.
In regards to fights, I mean more of a AI controlled wrestle that you could get involved in but would greatly disadvantage you on the field. After a big bump or something a few players will come in and push and shove. I tend to agree it wouldn't work as an in game mini game, but I think some wrestling and pushing and shocing off the ball would be cool, especially if two players found themselves frustrated with each other and didnt hold back in trying to cause pain in every tackle, bump, contest etc.
Would love for banana shots to be make them more spectacular. i.e The amount you hold down the trigger button is the amount of spin you'll put on you have to do the right amount of spin to the power of the shot, making it harder to pull off....
Just would love something where you can do the odd amazing thing...Like an awesome goal in FIFA... Something where I go 'Man, that was awesome, I want to show that off on youtube.'
If not already suggested... some team management stuff...

- default sides still selectable after you make changes to a current side. ie. any changes you make to lists should put the team in your "custom" sides list... obviously make this list much bigger... so the default team list sides are still available for you to use. You should also be able to customise any special teams (like Victoria/All-Stars/Indigenous teams) in a similar manner. Hoping you guys can somehow make all state sides (even use the argument you're doing the under-18 championships sides for the game to justify it to the AFL).
- allow lists to drop below 40 (even if only for offline play, happy to have a "minimum" for online teams) so you can edit lists easily. For example, I'm trying to go through all the delistings/retirements so I can have a quick "2012" season in my spare time, but I can't delist everyone due to the minimum list requirement. I don't really want to spend the time to make a crapload of custom players either to fill the spots, which means I can only really cut the bigger name players.
- have a quicker way to create players in bulk... maybe set a number of "random" created players you want, even have it so you can just enter in names and maybe position/height/weight and then maybe a "star" class (5 best, 1 lowest) and then bang, they are created for you so you don't have to go through each one 1 by one.
- better jumper selections! Have all jumpers (past and present if possible) and also have shorts as a different selectable option. In this year's game, for example, I can wear WCE's home strip with blue shorts, their away strip with blue shorts, their heritage strip with blue shorts but only their clash strip with white shorts. Make it so I can wear blue or white shorts with any combo. And better yet, if their yellow peril guernsey is in, give me option for yellow shorts as well! Do this for all teams. :)
Doesn't the goal kick button basically work as snap? Apart from the way the ball spins anyway.

I'd like Torp and Checkside to be different buttons, or at the very least have an indicator showing which one you'll do from the position you're in. A couple of times i've tried to go with the checkside from a set shot and have been on slighty too good of an angle and torped the bloody thing straight across goal and out on the full.
can anyone tell me if their will be afl live in 2012? i really want to know.


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AFL Live 2012/13 Wishlist Thread

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