AFL wins the first war.

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what are you ... a wombat , those prices are HALF of the Titans membership prices
YEAH , the Suns one are subsidised :rolleyes:

You calling him a Wombat?
Top of the line package for Titans is $615 for 2012.
That is not double what our so called Wombat quoted.
Basic is $210. Again, get out your calculator and tell me if that is double.

If you going to troll at least present some facts and not gibberish although as a LU poster we shouldn't expect too much.

<EDIT> Sorry - I forgot to add the stupid eyes up... here we go....
The State of Origin series is watched by over a million plus the top line games.

100,000 viewers for Swans but what will a new franchise on the bottom of the ladder get?

the Swans got 100K only twice all year .. & they were both for Finals

they average about 60K :eek:
GWS will be lucky to get half this :D

H&A NRL games in Sydney average about 400K
about the same as an AFL game does in Melbourne
How is that a fair comparison? The Titans weren't competing with any other Gold Coast teams in 07...............were they?

The Titans 21489 average in their first season was greatly inflated by playing a 47k "home" game against the reigning premiers (the Broncos) at Lang Park. True, the Suns also benefited from a 25k "home" game at the Gabba against the Lions but the Lions were winless and bottom of the ladder and coming off a horror season. The differences in averages between the two is right there. Of course the Suns had the much better stadium but this was balanced by their very poor form and regular 100+ point beltings - by contrast the **** were competitive winning a respectable 10 matches in their first season.

I actually expect the two teams to over time have pretty similar crowd averages with form the major difference. I reckon it's more likely the **** average over the next couple of years will be better as the NRL free agency model will give them the opportunity to rise up the ladder quicker than the Suns who will have to wait a while for their early draftees to mature.

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Everyone knows AFL gets better crowds and makes more money off that while the NRL gets more viewers and gets much more money from tv.

Oh wait.
what are you ... a wombat , those prices are HALF of the Titans membership prices
YEAH , the Suns one are subsidised

And .. don't worry .. the no one will go thing will be alive n kicking soon enough , the honeymoon is ova
time for reality to set in.

you want an apples v apples comparison for Year One , you put the Suns of 2011 , up against the Titans of 2007
& even thats not fair ...because the Titans played at the Old Carrara in their first year .. a delapated cr@p heap .. not a brand new stadium like the Suns.
yet still Averaged nearly 23K .... whats that about .... 20% better then the Suns J Moore ?

you want to compare the Titans of 2011 ... with the Suns

then we need to wait til 2015 to see how the Suns are going then.
& if they're are near the bottom of the ladder then like the Titans are now... lets see if they are averaging 16K like the Titans did
I some how think they won't be anywhere near that mark.

quite simply you give the Titans the same Money the Suns got
& there is no contest
no contest at all.;)

Going by the Titans website, the most expensive full season adult membership is $610, with the cheapest being $210. So what are you, a complete liar? :rolleyes:
you want an apples v apples comparison for Year One , you put the Suns of 2011 , up against the Titans of 2007
& even thats not fair ...because the Titans played at the Old Carrara in their first year .. a delapated cr@p heap .. not a brand new stadium like the Suns.
yet still Averaged nearly 23K .... whats that about .... 20% better then the Suns J Moore ?

yes, that is a better first-year attendance figure than what the Suns managed in their first year.

I was simply taking issue with your claim that the Suns "scraped by" the Titans in terms of average attendance this year. It simply wasn't true. Much like your claim about Titans membership packages costing twice as much.
Not keen to talk about membership prices anymore? :(

yeah I am
its about 50% cheaper .... still quite significant

here are the Titans prices

1. Gold Coast
Adult $615-210
Child $350-130
Family (2+2) $1600-550
Concession $510-180

average price for a member ( Family , adult , Child , Concession)
to a Titans game $414.50

Suns Prices
Adult $540-175
Child $250-90
Family $1200-380
Concession $450 - 145

Average price for a Suns member is $ 323.50

tell me ..... is that membership tally thing right on the Suns site ?


this time last year it was 12,000 :eek: ............ LOL

LOL..... I mean seriously
what the F is going on there ................. LOL
tell me ..... is that membership tally thing right on the Suns site ?


this time last year it was 12,000 :eek: ............ LOL

LOL..... I mean seriously
what the F is going on there ................. LOL

143 is the membership figure for 2012. 12k was the membership number for 2010 before they were even a team. GC are simply selling their memberships earlier than last year.
yeah I am
its about 50% cheaper .... still quite significant

That's not what you said though, you said that the Suns memberships were half the price of Titans memberships.

here are the Titans prices

1. Gold Coast
Adult $615-210
Child $350-130
Family (2+2) $1600-550
Concession $510-180

average price for a member ( Family , adult , Child , Concession)
to a Titans game $414.50

Suns Prices
Adult $540-175
Child $250-90
Family $1200-380
Concession $450 - 145

Average price for a Suns member is $ 323.50
Haha, Jesus Christ.
tell me ..... is that membership tally thing right on the Suns site ?


this time last year it was 12,000 :eek: ............ LOL

LOL..... I mean seriously
what the F is going on there ................. LOL

Membership counting for next year started yesterday, I believe.
143 is the membership figure for 2012. 12k was the membership number for 2010 before they were even a team. GC are simply selling their memberships earlier than last year.

well when did they go on sale .......... 5 minutes ago ? :eek:;)

143.... ha ha ha ha

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the Swans got 100K only twice all year .. & they were both for Finals

they average about 60K :eek:
GWS will be lucky to get half this :D

H&A NRL games in Sydney average about 400K
about the same as an AFL game does in Melbourne

Yep, basically GWS is a giant black hole that the AFL is going to stuff money into.

money that could be better used for other Clubs.

In 10 years time, after spending millions and millions, no one in Western Sydney will still watch AFL.
yeah I am
its about 50% cheaper .... still quite significant

average price for a member ( Family , adult , Child , Concession)
to a Titans game $414.50

Average price for a Suns member is $ 323.50

..... Okay.

Suns will be a hell of a strong club, and in 10 years will be well up the AFL food chain.

GWS will be a much tougher battle, but I feel they can find a good niche in the market and become, at the very least, financially passable. They won't be anywhere near Suns levels, however, I don't think.
well when did they go on sale .......... 5 minutes ago ? :eek:;)

143.... ha ha ha ha

Last Wednesday actually, what's the Titans current membership number as I look forward to us catching and passing it in the next few weeks
well only til next year ;)

No. Leaving aside the numerous other reasons why the AFL Broadcast rights are worth more (longer games, more ad breaks, 3 game breaks, 50% female viewers, national exposure etc), once again the NRL is going to be a victim of bad timing.

This year's Friday night NRL matches were broadcast live into their two biggest (only) capital city markets; Sydney and Brisbane (technically two games, designed to maximise appeal to the two markets). The AFL's Friday night game was broadcast on delay into its three biggest capital city markets; Melbourne, Perth and Adelaide. Despite this, the AFL regularly won Friday night in the capital cities.

In 2012 - the year the NRL will be negotiating its broadcast rights - AFL's Friday night games will be broadcast live into its biggest market Melbourne, and on a less significant delay into Adelaide and Perth. To give you a taste of what that's going to be like, in round 8 this year when AFL's Friday night match was broadcast live into Melbourne, it rated 911,000 capital city viewers.


The value of media space is - rightly or wrongly - determined using the OzTam capital city ratings. Regional networks make a tonne of money off of NRL, but they sure as hell don't pay for the privaledge.

Also, Fox have stated numerous times that they paid over the odds for AFL, to increase subscriptions in the southern states. They're not going to pay the NRL the same figure. NRL fans are already subscribers, that battle was fought and won for them years ago.

But the proof will be in the pudding, these are all just words. And in 7-8 months when your broadcast rights deal is announced, we'll be writing a lot of them on Big Footy :)
The GC was always a pretty solid expansion, didn't have any concerns about the viability of it; and it isn't League heartland.

GWS is a completely different story.


The Gold Coast is a tricky little market, so things aren't going to be completely plain sailing for the Suns. However, I reckon their future looks bright overall, and our code should in time come to dominate the region. Their financial position will likely stabilise, and they will become self-sufficient.

GWS is a completely different kettle of fish - League heartland, a tough market to crack, and they are starting from complete scratch. The AFL has to be prepared to prop them up for 30+ years (at least), and develop the code via a patient grassroots approach along with the right marketing. If they have got the will, the right plan, and the projected finances then anything is possible.

My opinion on GWS is that the AFL has got the will at the moment (a desire to block League in that region), and they have got a plan (although the jury is still out on it's long-term effectiveness.) However, where they are going to ultimately fail is with the long-term financing. I don't believe that the AFL will be prepared to continue funding the Club for the length of time required for them to have a chance of becoming self-sufficient. Perhaps the AFL might be able to win the ground war with the NRL i.e. out-spend, out-market and win the hearts and minds of a generation of West Sydneysiders. After all, the code always has been, and likely always will be a superior brand as a sport than League. I just believe that the AFL will over time lose the will to continue to finance the Club, for the several decades needed to perhaps break even financially.

You may be asking yourself, well what about the AFL with the Sydney Swans?..... That is a good question. However, I will give you at least two good reasons why their situation with the AFL was different to GWS. Firstly; the Swans arrived in Sydney just prior to the VFL's big push to go national, and attempt to become Australia's premier football code. As far as the VFL was concerned, failure was not an option. They simply could not have attracted the type of sponsor required to be a national entity, unless Sydney was included in the deal. Secondly; the South Melbourne Football Club was such a basket case, that the VFL had absolutely nothing to lose with the move. It is true that several VFL Clubs at that time were on shaky financial ground as well, but I guess the VFL decided that South where the most ripe for picking, and would offer the least amount of resistance to such a move.

It is not completely impossible that the AFL could continuously fund a Club wherever it wants via the TV Right Deals and other future revenue streams. They have certainly proven that over the greater part of the past three decades. However, can their will survive indefinitely? Perhaps their priorities will change and a move into the great football state of Tasmania will take precedence. It is even possible that Canberra may take funding priority in the future, as they are a region with a formidable sporting tradition.
Call it whatever you want...but it is not a war. Now I really hate NRL, but it's unlikely for the forseeable future that AFL will overtake NRL in Western Sydney, if it was to happen it would take generations. The AFL isn't looking to overtake NRL in Western Sydney with this expansion. The AFL are simpley just after a piece of the pie. Western Sydney is a large market.
Greenmachine pretty much everything u say is wrong, get off this AFL forum and go back to ur thugby u troll... same for u blessed, probably same person who has wayyyy too much spare time (wonder why, talks like a FLOG)
You may be asking yourself, well what about the AFL with the Sydney Swans?..... That is a good question. However, I will give you at least two good reasons why their situation with the AFL was different to GWS. Firstly; the Swans arrived in Sydney just prior to the VFL's big push to go national, and attempt to become Australia's premier football code. As far as the VFL was concerned, failure was not an option. They simply could not have attracted the type of sponsor required to be a national entity, unless Sydney was included in the deal. Secondly; the South Melbourne Football Club was such a basket case, that the VFL had absolutely nothing to lose with the move. It is true that several VFL Clubs at that time were on shaky financial ground as well, but I guess the VFL decided that South where the most ripe for picking, and would offer the least amount of resistance to such a move..
Are you kidding me? The AFL ignored the club for the better part of a decade after it was moved up here and even entertained a number of moves to kill them off.

Failure wasn't an option? Could have fooled me.
Are you kidding me? The AFL ignored the club for the better part of a decade after it was moved up here and even entertained a number of moves to kill them off.

Failure wasn't an option? Could have fooled me.

Well let's put it this way then Shotties..... Fitzroy would have loved to have been treated as well as Sydney was by the AFL, but for some strange reason that never happened. :rolleyes::cool:
Well let's put it this way then Shotties..... Fitzroy would have loved to have been treated as well as Sydney was by the AFL, but for some strange reason that never happened. :rolleyes::cool:

Rather than that, how about you detail the behaviour of the AFL in the 10 seasons from 82-91 that leads you to make the statement that the AFL believed that failure was not an option.
Well let's put it this way then Shotties..... Fitzroy would have loved to have been treated as well as Sydney was by the AFL, but for some strange reason that never happened. :rolleyes::cool:

Not only were the swans privately owned, but they had almost no VFL funding until the AFL repossessed the license AFTER years of private mismanagement. If Fitzoy had the same treatement they would have been in the grave LONG before they were.

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AFL wins the first war.

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