AFLW - Carlton v Collingwood Season Opener Gameday Discussion/Autopsy

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Why do you care?
Doesn't want to accept any guilt or blame for the state of affairs. Also doesn't like being wrong about things, and is willing to commit to several ministrokes and psychotic episodes to secure his point of view.
The joy is not due to the product.
It's the hype and getting along to pp for free plus the media hype..

Embryonic stage ?
Women have been playing football for a long, long time.

Netball is a sport but it is a stand up sport. Stands up because it's not artificially inseminated.
This isn't about women playing football as much as its about the afl shit scared and trying to be under every rock and cranny .
All its going to do is dilute the game even further

It's a pathway to nowhere
No Olympics
No world cup

A six week competition with three females per side that have a clue and padded out by another twenty five that are seriously crap.
Add to that the two new artificial clubs and all the other clubs in financial distress..
When we move into a fully blown recession the whole thing will pop


All for a seriously crap game that were supposed to kid ourselves with that it's "joy"
Netball will has passed and will pass the test of time because it's an organic sport with real competition and it's elite.


Can we thread ban this dinosaur please?
Doesn't want to accept any guilt or blame for the state of affairs. Also doesn't like being wrong about things, and is willing to commit to several ministrokes and psychotic episodes to secure his point of view.

Won't be doing it in this thread anymore.

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Can we thread ban this dinosaur please?
Understand the sentiment, fear he may never learn any different if not exposed to reasoned discussions.

I pity anyone prepared to go through life with their eyes shut so they don't have to look at all the wonders of the world because it challenges their thinking. Ignorance is not bliss when it is a conscious choice.
Understand the sentiment, fear he may never learn any different if not exposed to reasoned discussions.

I pity anyone prepared to go through life with their eyes shut so they don't have to look at all the wonders of the world because it challenges their thinking. Ignorance is not bliss when it is a conscious choice.
Normally I would agree there but as Jimmae said, he never accepts being wrong about things.

In any case I'll stop talking about him, now that he's been banned from the thread.
Apart from 'burying a few ghosts' for me, the AFLW is also teaching me a lesson in tolerance. Not everyone supports women making progress, and I am learning to tolerate that with gritted teeth.
I'll knit you MEB

Comments on my youtube are saying things like "this is incredibely offensive" and "Political-garbage. This is cancer.", But my favorites are the guys who are using the bible to justify their dislike. I have no idea if this person is on Bigfooty or not, and frankly I dont care if they are.

Me thinks they are just trolling you. While some people are unfortunately that ignorant, this seems more deliberate.
Hanlon's Razor says no.

Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
I think the internet age has unfortunately reversed that. Most stuff like this on the interwebs can be attributed to malice (although I'm fairly certain that stupidity still plays a large part in the malice).

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Comments on my youtube are saying things like "this is incredibely offensive" and "Political-garbage. This is cancer.", But my favorites are the guys who are using the bible to justify their dislike. I have no idea if this person is on Bigfooty or not, and frankly I dont care if they are.

my eyes - the goggles do nuzzing...........
Its entirely due to a long overdue Womens league being finally underway, and for many women, the recognition by the league that they too can be represented on the national stage. A LOT of people seem to support that ideal. The hype stems from that. Not the other way around.

That doesnt explain the crowds at other venues that werent princes park. Theres nothing wrong with hype in any case. Hell, theres supposed to be hype when you launch something.

Not at this kind of level. But you already know that.

Womens AFL is hardly being any more articifically inseminated than the new National netball league starting soon. national comps have to start somewhere.

The AFL had nothing to be scared of, with or without womens footy. It dominates from march through to september - and further due to coverage of the draft and other events.

By adding a new national competition of players who were previously ignored by the league? Riiiight.

So's the AFL. Never stopped it or prevented it from doing anything. Most people accept Australian football for what it is in that regard.

Actually its a 7 week season and a final.

Every club added since 1991 has been "artificial". Even Port given the nature of their license arrangement at the time. This womens league is hardly going to add to the financial burdens given costs are pretty much covered by current sponsorship and foundation membership levels, with the remainder subsidised by the league.

The league got through the Great Depression, two world wars and the global financial crisis. Im pretty sure its got a more sound footing than people believe.

You've utterly missed the point of the "joy" if you think its all about the standard of play.

"organic sport", and somehow australian football - which has had women playing it for decades - isnt. Ok champ.
er, game-set-match, wook - new balls........

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