Alex Jones - CIA Disinfo plant, Nutjob or Info Warrior?

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Caught a bit of this latest shtick, he's been talking to his 'contacts' in high level government positions etc. If you actually believe that I'm not sure what to tell you.

Alex Jones claims a lot of things. Here's but a small selection of his previous claims and predictions;
  • EU dissolved by 2020
  • 15 European nations collapse by June 2012
  • US dollar will devalue by 90% in 2 years
  • Martial law months away in the US
  • Staged assassination attempt of Obama, to be blamed on a Tea Party affiliate
  • Deep state will murder Trump
  • WW3, constantly
  • Biological weapon attacks in the US, constantly
  • a 2nd US civil war, constantly
  • False flag attacks, constantly
  • Media will officially announce extra-terrestrial life in 2009
  • Mass de-population (80-90% of world population) due to covid vaccines
  • US and China to be at war by 2022
  • The movie "Machete" will start a race war :tearsofjoy:
This is his MO, he sells fear. No one is feeding him information - he's just constantly predicting all manner of scattershot s**t, so he can dine out to his adoring rubes should any events that could conceivably somehow be shoehorned into an "I told you so" actually happen. He'd have to be running at well under 1% accuracy.

I think Alex also said the NWO was going to kill us all with the swine flu vaccine.
Caught a bit of this latest shtick, he's been talking to his 'contacts' in high level government positions etc. If you actually believe that I'm not sure what to tell you.

Alex Jones claims a lot of things. Here's but a small selection of his previous claims and predictions;
  • EU dissolved by 2020
  • 15 European nations collapse by June 2012
  • US dollar will devalue by 90% in 2 years
  • Martial law months away in the US
  • Staged assassination attempt of Obama, to be blamed on a Tea Party affiliate
  • Deep state will murder Trump
  • WW3, constantly
  • Biological weapon attacks in the US, constantly
  • a 2nd US civil war, constantly
  • False flag attacks, constantly
  • Media will officially announce extra-terrestrial life in 2009
  • Mass de-population (80-90% of world population) due to covid vaccines
  • US and China to be at war by 2022
  • The movie "Machete" will start a race war :tearsofjoy:
This is his MO, he sells fear. No one is feeding him information - he's just constantly predicting all manner of scattershot s**t, so he can dine out to his adoring rubes should any events that could conceivably somehow be shoehorned into an "I told you so" actually happen. He'd have to be running at well under 1% accuracy.
You forgot: Businessman Jeffrey Epstein owns a private island that he flies children in to to have sex with, alongside members of the US government and the entertainment industry.
You forgot: Businessman Jeffrey Epstein owns a private island that he flies children in to to have sex with, alongside members of the US government and the entertainment industry.
No, I mentioned his approx 1% accuracy rating.

Also worth remembering that Epstein was eventually brought down by investigative reporting from a gasp MSM journalist.
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Welp, chalk another one up for Alex. I guess those 'high level contacts' in government gave him the bum steer lol
he's likely a controlled opposition TBH.
doubt anyone can get away with what he has said without being controlled. he speaks some truth along with some crap

There’s some stuff he hasn’t said which leads me to believe that he is controlled
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Yeah OK, I googled it - don't really know about the supposed connection there. From what I can gather the allegation is that he is a Zionist working for Israel to;

1) Place blame for 9/11 on the US government (inside job) to deflect attention from Mossad who were responsible
2) agitate for a second US Revolution in the States so that Israel can take over - except the Zionist already control the US apparently so not really sure what the purpose of that would be

Jones is silent on Israel from what I've heard (other than when he is describing them as the only nuclear power in the region when talking about Iranian nuclear ambitions?) however he also tends to focus on things which directly relate to the US/the "globalists" that he talks about. Israel should be on the radar there so there may be something to his having Israeli links but there's no clear evidence that he is not genuine.

Most of the stuff he discusses/reports is interesting and usually leads me to look into some stuff that isn't generally reported in mainstream news so I find it can be pretty informative - not necessarily for the opinions experessed but for the topics they are actually discussing. I disagree with a lot of what he says (I am anti-religion for instance), I also think he contradicts himself often (China is apparently the model blueprint for the global government however then he/the people on his program talk about the US formenting agitation within China for separtist groups to create a "Chinese Spring" to destabilise the government) and often does himself and his followers no favours when he appears on mainstream TV and acts like a lunatic. However I think he is probably genuine and I find some of the stuff he talks about opens the doors for me to look into some of the topics further. I also like his doco's although again I don't just accept everything within at face value.

Another question I was going to pose as a topic is, where do people generally get their news from? For me the majority comes from The Age and then I also get bits and pieces from other websites, like Info Wars or Crikey or Green Left on occasions for instance. I'll then google the topic and see what comes up on other news sources. On TV I'll watch ABC/SBS for news and occasionally BBC. So where do you guys get your news from?
Maybe he’s been told he’s dead and so is family if he goes near Israel?
Wasn't his legal defence he's an entertainer and nothing he says or does should be taken seriously, a sort of a Mr Bean of the conspiracy universe?
Yeah playing a character or similar I think it was.

Which he is, but he's also a proper nutcase as well. Both things can be true.
No, I mentioned his approx 1% accuracy rating.

Also worth remembering that Epstein was eventually brought down by investigative reporting from a gasp MSM journalist.
You can now add predicting Donald Trump assassination attempt followed by a cyber net outage, as 2 more things that he predicted correctly
You can now add predicting Donald Trump assassination attempt followed by a cyber net outage, as 2 more things that he predicted correctly
rofl. "Predicted correctly" :tearsofjoy:

Made a post in another thread that I think may be applicable here, no offense to you personally lol

Jones declared the same thing (that there would be an assassination attempt on Trump) in both the 2016 and 2020 election cycles, and all through his term as president. Thats his MO - constantly predict all manner of scattershot bullshit, forget all the 99% of stuff that doesn't happen, dine out on the 1 or 2 things that do. His dutiful rubes do the rest, "aLeX JoNeS wAz rIgHt!!1".

That people are still taken in by this guy is legit mind boggling.
The idea that what happened over the weekend is what he 'predicted' in terms of cyber attack is pretty funny, I think ol' mate Alex may have been thinking just slightly larger than that, and specifically an attack rather than an outage. Shall I tell you how many time he's predicted that over the last decade?

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The hits keep coming!

Predicted last week that Biden will also be killed, possibly by destroying the whitehouse with a low yield nuke :tearsofjoy:

"They" will also try again for Trump, via poisoning or trucks packed with explosives.

Nerve agent attacks will also be carried out in major cities and against Republican leadership. The drones are loaded and ready to go with the nerve agent, "its all in the plans" apparently :tearsofjoy:

Finished off this fever dream with "they don't like me coz I know this stuff" :tearsofjoy:

He's good for a laugh ya gotta give him that!
The hits keep coming!

Predicted last week that Biden will also be killed, possibly by destroying the whitehouse with a low yield nuke :tearsofjoy:

"They" will also try again for Trump, via poisoning or trucks packed with explosives.

Nerve agent attacks will also be carried out in major cities and against Republican leadership. The drones are loaded and ready to go with the nerve agent, "its all in the plans" apparently :tearsofjoy:

Finished off this fever dream with "they don't like me coz I know this stuff" :tearsofjoy:

He's good for a laugh ya gotta give him that!
I see that you and Chief are keen viewers of AJ.
he wasn't that great. i used to love him as a teenager but that's because you're angry as a teenager and it resonates more. anyway he's had a hell of a career hasn't he - if you consider he is also jones
he wasn't that great. i used to love him as a teenager but that's because you're angry as a teenager and it resonates more. anyway he's had a hell of a career hasn't he - if you consider he is also jones
Wasn't that great pfft! Bill Hicks still easily sits alongside Carlin, Pryor and now I think Chappelle and maybe Burr as one of the greatest comedians. Too young for Lenny Bruce but others include him here also.

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Alex Jones - CIA Disinfo plant, Nutjob or Info Warrior?

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