Multiplat Alien: Isolation

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As a bomber fan, I don't think you need any more stress in your life, This might tip you over the edge

This thing is unforgiving, You could feel like you are doing everything right, then WHAM. 10 minutes of work down


What difficulty setting are you playing on and are you able to save frequent?
I would recommend horror fans definitely buy this.

I finished the game (hard difficulty today) and it's definitely tough. I got used to the game as it went on, worked out little things here and there and if a non-stealth expert can beat it on hard then it's nowhere to hard to play on medium.

It's pretty hard to ask for more from it.

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I would recommend horror fans definitely buy this.

I finished the game (hard difficulty today) and it's definitely tough. I got used to the game as it went on, worked out little things here and there and if a non-stealth expert can beat it on hard then it's nowhere to hard to play on medium.

It's pretty hard to ask for more from it.

So would you recommend playing it on hard as the game recommends? Or medium? I just started the game and I'm on medium but don't want to just breeze through it. I'm not looking for a really frustrating/annoying/unfair experience but I don't want it to be too easy either. Probably stick with Medium?
So would you recommend playing it on hard as the game recommends? Or medium? I just started the game and I'm on medium but don't want to just breeze through it. I'm not looking for a really frustrating/annoying/unfair experience but I don't want it to be too easy either. Probably stick with Medium?

It was tough on hard but never tough enough where I believed I'd need to knock it down to medium.

I wouldn't bother changing the difficulty once you've started though... You should need to start over to get the trophy for beating it on hard. :p
I'm up to the area where you first encounter the alien and have to get to the other side of the lobby area to get to through the elevator. This shit is so scary. I'm a stealthy type of gamer usually but I'm finding it particularly challenging to stay hidden and silent. There was a moment where I got to the elevator, turned around and the alien was there in front of me before it unleashed it's teeth into my head... I was actually shuddering with fear when I turned around and saw it. Love the challenge and the intensity of the atmosphere. Hope the game continues to deliver!
I'm up to the area where you first encounter the alien and have to get to the other side of the lobby area to get to through the elevator. This shit is so scary. I'm a stealthy type of gamer usually but I'm finding it particularly challenging to stay hidden and silent. There was a moment where I got to the elevator, turned around and the alien was there in front of me before it unleashed it's teeth into my head... I was actually shuddering with fear when I turned around and saw it. Love the challenge and the intensity of the atmosphere. Hope the game continues to deliver!

It scared the shit out of me a few times.
Been busy with fifa and shadow of mordor, plus also got to finish wolfenstein and ACIV, but Im interested in this one, going by you guys it's a really good horror game.

Think I'll pick it up when it drops in price a little.
Took me about an hour to finish that medic level, really hard. Haven't come across any of these 'unfair' deaths that was written in the IGN review. Every time i died was a result of something i did, even subtly - usually i am a locker for most of them by letting go of breathing too soon or something. It really excels with a decent set of headphones, i'd almost say they are a must considering how much you feel as though you're relying on them. Especially when you're in a locker waiting on the Alien moving out of the area by listening to where its footsteps are. I think this is an excellent game really well done and to be honest i think the IGN review is either a load of shite or a publicity stunt to get people to talk about it.

It has to be a publicity stunt or i must be speaking too soon. I sit and have a session on the game and after i get off i think to myself IGN must have reviewed the wrong game. For those that finished it, any opinions on how it fares after chapter 5 compared to up until then? Just as scary, challenging or am i yet to discover some of the unfair deaths that frustrated the IGN reviewer?

For me, they've actually put the fear back into the Alien with this game. Probably sounds a bit wanky, but eh, i'm finding it quite suspenseful. :p
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Reminds me of this game


Alien Trilogy.
Gets better the further played I reckon
The fact they manage to keep it fresh all the way through, in the somewhat stale atmosphere of a space ship deserves kudos.
Little possible spoiler but the best parts for me when heavy into the game when the weapons are taken away and no alien is around

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Level 10 was my kryptonite.

I hated that bitch.

Yeah that mission was a bitch i was running around like a headless chook for a good 40 mins till i find out where to go to progress to the next mission.

I thought Alien became a pain in the arse towards the end of the game didn't even bother to hide i just BBQ her arse with the flame thrower every time i saw her.

edit - How about the face huger's they were little campaigners had one kill me as i was about to save my game.
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Yeah that mission was a bitch i was running around like a headless chook for a good 40 mins till i find out where to go to progress to the next mission.

I thought Alien became a pain in the arse towards the end of the game didn't even bother to hide i just BBQ her arse with the flame thrower every time i saw her.

edit - How about the face huger's they were little campaigners had one kill me as i was about to save my game.

I was ultra conservative with the flame thrower because I was sure you'd need it for the non-existent final fight.
Have been going through this game bit by bit over the past week. Have finished 9 chapters so far.

Very much enjoying it, although I think the scare factor died off for me quite early on unfortunately (if anything those Seegson Androids give me the heebies more than the Alien!). But then I sort of took the game as a Hitman-esque type of experience due to the trial and error nature and it opened the game up to being more fun than anything else.

I'm not usually a big fan of a game when it presents situations where you almost have to die to figure out the end point, which it feels like this game does a little too often. But other than that, it's a very masterfully created game.

I wouldn't really call it overly hard, so far, as with Ed_Gein I've known exactly why I've died when I have. I don't feel any death has been bullshit. My main issue surrounds that trial and error mentioned above, which would be the same regardless of difficulty level.

So far though, it's been really excellent at atmosphere and keeping every chapter different from the previous. I thought it'd mainly be a cat and mouse game with the Alien, but have been surprised at how little the Alien has actually played a part, which is definitely for the better.

Has anyone given the (pre-order) DLC a go? The Last Survivor and Crew Expendable missions? What are they like?
Just finished up the main campaign (on Hard). And holy shit was it good!!!

I'm not and haven't ever been huge on the Alien bandwagon (I liked the movies, but not obsessed with the series or lore by a long stretch), but this was just a perfect love letter to the Alien franchise.

I've seen a lot of negatives towards the games length and for the life of me, I can't figure out why it's a negative. I understand the 'overstayed its welcome' comment, but that didn't happen here. While the game could've ended at around chapter 12 or 13 (and I thought it was ending), there wasn't any point where I felt like the extra time and chapters were just there to pad out time. Which is the opposite of overstaying your welcome. There was constant variety, which is damn hard with the game and concept like this. There was always something interesting happening in the story and the environments kept things fresh all the way through.

I also don't know how this reviewed negatively from some fairly notable publications. It's an absolutely brilliantly made game, one that far and away exceeded my expectations and managed to keep horror going for nigh on 20 hours of gameplay. And I also simply DO NOT BUY the bullshit about the Alien being random and dropping without notice. There's possibly only one time, that I can remember, where there was a scripted moment of it popping out that is completely unavoidable (there's moments where the Alien will pop out 'around about' that same time, but I found on subsequent load ins it didn't always pop out at the same time so it can't be considered scripted in the same way). You eventually notice a pattern, running causes instant dropping of the Alien, same with any noise really. But on top of that, at all times the Alien is trackable by the motion tracker, so you do know where it is (and yes, sometimes it arrives at areas way too fast, but that's besides the point as if you keep quiet, it won't drop - generally).

Like I said in my above post, I ended up finding the Alien not all that scary after a little while and probably even more so after getting the Flamethrower. But they did manage to invoke plenty of tension and even the odd scare here and there after those points as well. However, most of the fun for me came from that 'Hitman-like' gameplay that ended up coming out of not having as much of that fear factor with rushing my decisions. It allowed me to think tactically about situations and attack them in a way that would see me through in the end. And I loved it!

So yeah, overall an incredible game that I would recommend to any horror fan. Definitely one of the best games of this year. Now onto the DLC!
Have been giving this a go for the last few days. Very difficult for me as I'm not really a stealth player but I'm enjoying it so far. Managed to miss the medikit schematic at the start of the game :$ so had to replay a couple of missions.
Have been giving this a go for the last few days. Very difficult for me as I'm not really a stealth player but I'm enjoying it so far. Managed to miss the medikit schematic at the start of the game :$ so had to replay a couple of missions.

I'm not a stealth player either but found this one fit my interests and was able to get through it.

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Multiplat Alien: Isolation

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