Correct, always has been and always will be.Well in everything in life there is a line that divides between affordable and non affordable.
That line is being changed.
And that line is already artificial by the way borrowing on a second property is handled. Government tax breaks for second properties are keeping people out of being first home buyers. Why aren’t they given incentives like this?
The line to invest has always been a floating one, don’t whinge when suddenly you are on the wrong side of it.
I used to be an unaffordable, now can afford, it's not like your born to be forever affording or not. For some it's easier to get there than others, that's life, life isn't fair - that is certain.
Costs like land tax, food, petrol, supply chain you name it, always get passed onto the the end user.
In this case the tenant does, however like I said, I don't wanna raise the rent but maybe forced to. Guess that makes me a bad person right?
Neg gearing is not the panacea that you seem to be making it out, the property value is what the attraction to property is, not neg gearing. Nor is it the driver of property value, that would be a moronic view to take.
There are many factors that put housing out of reach to those at the bottom of the socio economic table, not just tax breaks for property investors.