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First point: you will never be able to work through paradox and contradiction while ignorant of materialist dialectics.

I do find it hard to understand why working people have never thrown in their lot with the Trots.
I wont get into that debate, as it sounds too serious for me.... but, I do like the relative efficiencies of capitalism (yes, yes, Im well aware of market imperfections etc).

Sometimes when im in a drunken/drugged haze I do dream of the concept where our consumer preferences change from 'consuming' bigger and 'better' things to where we want to consume/purchase/allocate resources to things like conservation. environment, social equity etc.

But, sadly, the vast majority, today, yesterday and tomorrow will always want a bigger and brighter item

Less is more.

In a world full of Hawaiian pizzas, it is our moral duty to right these wrongs, one Napoletana at a time.
I do find it hard to understand why working people have never thrown in their lot with the Trots.
Never thought I would make such comments to you, because up until that comment I have read closely and enjoyed what you wrote. But to make such a joke about the murder of Trotsky only comes about due to ignorance.
You are clearly well read on many other topics.
But to me that was an offensive comment which can only be explained by ignorance.

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Oh, you mean "I was just joking" ?

No, I meant "messing with you".

"Joking with you" would require you to be graced with a sense of humour.
I wont get into that debate, as it sounds too serious for me.... but, I do like the relative efficiencies of capitalism (yes, yes, Im well aware of market imperfections etc).

Sometimes when im in a drunken/drugged haze I do dream of the concept where our consumer preferences change from 'consuming' bigger and 'better' things to where we want to consume/purchase/allocate resources to things like conservation. environment, social equity etc.

But, sadly, the vast majority, today, yesterday and tomorrow will always want a bigger and brighter item

The dangers of drink....just try to stay away from thinking about a better world
Agree with the second point.
First point: you will never be able to work through paradox and contradiction while ignorant of materialist dialectics.
Your offensiveness flows from this ignorance.

every so often you overplay your hand.... but the character that you've created is amusing..
Well that's a damnside closer to the truth than what Zevie and his mate wipey have been hitting me with....

well done trotty....and you are a person suspended in time during the russian revolution?

You had your weird little cry yesterday. Still waiting on you to address the question asked. So soft.

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just a message to all the pie fans.....we're playing the bombers tonight and they're promising that several 2000lb bombs will be dropped...
Nothing is humorous about mocking the murder of Trotsky. Only cynics and anti-communists think that it is funny.

I find humour in anyone in 2024 who thinks communism or socialism is a good idea. The big problemo is that bugbear known as self-interest which creates haves and have nots. It’s always been the way.

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I find humour in anyone in 2024 who thinks communism or socialism is a good idea. The big problemo is that bugbear known as self-interest which creates haves and have nots. It’s always been the way.

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Thanks for making a non-insulting, non-condescending and honest reply. Few and far between here. This argument is very frequently made, it is equivalent to the argument of original sin (ie humans are essentially selfish and evil,....) and this precludes any possiblity of further human progress. Naturally, I don't agree with it. If it were true, then it would be impossible to explain the course of human history since the Enlightenment.
But I won't go on...I don't think many here would want me to.
Nevertheless, thanks for the decent response.
The adjective "cultish" is a common word used by those who love the status quo to ridicule those who wish to change it.
Except I wasn't using it to describe a movement, but instead the idolisation of a leader - the cult of personality, which can occur in any political and economic system.

I'm just glad you found a harmless archaic rabbit hole with a couple of dead blokes to idolise. You so easily could have found yourself cheering on January 6th.
the tragedy of the commons is a nice little story why people just cant have nice things to share... drafted couple of centuries ago now, story still apt though
Except I wasn't using it to describe a movement, but instead the idolisation of a leader - the cult of personality, which can occur in any political and economic system.

I'm just glad you found a harmless archaic rabbit hole with a couple of dead blokes to idolise. You so easily could have found yourself cheering on January 6th.
You have no idea what you are talking about.
Nothing is humorous about mocking the murder of Trotsky. Only cynics and anti-communists think that it is funny.

I can't linger on this, because I have to make a run to the supermarket for cookies and cream ice-cream.

But I urge you to have a think. My joke did not mock the murder of Trotsky. It's intended humour can be found in the second part of the offending sentence, not the first.
Thanks for making a non-insulting, non-condescending and honest reply. Few and far between here. This argument is very frequently made, it is equivalent to the argument of original sin (ie humans are essentially selfish and evil,....) and this precludes any possiblity of further human progress. Naturally, I don't agree with it. If it were true, then it would be impossible to explain the course of human history since the Enlightenment.
But I won't go on...I don't think many here would want me to.
Nevertheless, thanks for the decent response.

You see Sidey for his goodness

Not even Jesus could
What was it, something along the lines of “I’ll post what I want”?

You embarrassed yourself by going to that instead of addressing a substantive question. So so soft.

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you missed out the bit where you worked me out and didnt have to communicate with me anymore....
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