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The Congress is hard a hallowed place.

There are at least as many creatures which slither as walk in that place, Netanyahu just made a longer journey.

But still, there is something extraordinary about his appearance and reception, an incredible exhibition of the fact that the US has lost its mind.

Standing applause for the genocidal and colonial overlord from Israel and his tired lies.

Was always going to be the winner of the inaugural Hasbara award....
What further proof does anyone need that the US is totally behind the genocide in Gaza, enabling the Netahayu government to carry it out, politically and financially? As JB mentioned above, standing applause for a war criminal of the same kind as those who were hanged at Nuremberg for their role in genocide.

Karmela Harris fled the scene because of popular outrage that the war criminal Netahayu was invited to Washington DC. She will deliver her support for the Zionist genocide in Gaza to Netahayu behind closed doors instead.

It is clear that the Zionist genocide expresses the policy of the US ruling elite itself. Both the Democrats and the Republicans are united in their support for the ongoing annihilation of the Palestinian people. Trump not long ago declared his desire for Netahayu to "finish the job".

It is not America that has lost its mind, it is the American ruling class and its political servants who have lost their minds. They have lost their minds because Wall St profits now depend on US domination of the globe.

Because the US is no longer the economic hegemon, it is resorting to the only asset it has: military power.

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The Congress is hard a hallowed place.

There are at least as many creatures which slither as walk in that place, Netanyahu just made a longer journey.

But still, there is something extraordinary about his appearance and reception, an incredible exhibition of the fact that the US has lost its mind.

Standing applause for the genocidal and colonial overlord from Israel and his tired lies.


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What further proof does anyone need that the US is totally behind the genocide in Gaza, enabling the Netahayu government to carry it out, politically and financially? As JB mentioned above, standing applause for a war criminal of the same kind as those who were hanged at Nuremberg for their role in genocide.

Karmela Harris fled the scene because of popular outrage that the war criminal Netahayu was invited to Washington DC. She will deliver her support for the Zionist genocide in Gaza to Netahayu behind closed doors instead.

It is clear that the Zionist genocide expresses the policy of the US ruling elite itself. Both the Democrats and the Republicans are united in their support for the ongoing annihilation of the Palestinian people. Trump not long ago declared his desire for Netahayu to "finish the job".

It is not America that has lost its mind, it is the American ruling class and its political servants who have lost their minds. They have lost their minds because Wall St profits now depend on US domination of the globe.

Because the US is no longer the economic hegemon, it is resorting to the only asset it has: military power.

Lovie, I think you overstate what the Israelis are trying to do. They want the incorporation of Sumaria and Judea into Israel. I think they are happy for Palestinians to live, as long as they accept that and are willing to live there with jewish israelis in charge. The goal is the promised land, not the death of palestinians. If israelis dont seem to value palestinians, you could argue that the israelis would be bombing anyone who challenges their authority over the land.

It was revealed by the Times of Israel in early January, that Israel was in discussions with the Congo to have Palestinians moved get them out of the promised land. Even right wing israelis in government have expressed the view that they want the Palestinians out of the promised land...yes they want them punished for oct 7 but most of all, they want them out of judea and sumaria one way or another, and they want a docile palestinian population if any remain.

The goal of the israelis is the goal of re-establish the promised land. to incorporate judea and sumaria into rebuild the temple on the mount....

The following might provide a clearer picture of what the israelis are trying to do.

The lies pushed out by Israel about rapes and the murder of babies on October 7 were evil.

They sought to manufacture reality, as if the violence which actually occurred wasn't enough, to sensationalise events and cast the Palestinians as sub-human.

The media bought into it, and very few outlets have been decent enough to revise their initial reporting.


And that's all the media did. They simply reported what Israel said as if it was the truth, which it wasn't.

They happily made themselves unthinking ciphers of racist lies.
It is the same when former Israeli captives have been silenced and shamed for daring to suggest that their Hamas captors were kind.

The humanity of the Palestinians must be denied. It is not allowed to be possible.

How else can you accept that they should be butchered in their tens of thousands?

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I pose the philosophical question, is a lie really a lie when it is told to a non-believer? If they don't believe in your truth, do they deserve to be told the truth? If they don't believe in your goals, why bother telling them the truth?
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THe following Times of Israel article has death stats from Sept 7:

2 babies, 12 between 1 and 10, 36 between 10-19.

50 out of 1200 are children

360 out of 1200 were IDF/police or security.

As horifically indescriminant as Sept 7 killing was, the outcomes were less indescriminant than the IDF's killing has been.

Lets be clear. Civilians were targeted deliberately and strategically on October 7th.

The regime that perpetrated that attack states that they do not care about the welfare of their citizens.

The IDF has strict protocols and checks, yet without any confirmation of details/numbers from one side you are willing to make a judgement.

Modern day Holocaust deniers.

That's an utterly ridiculous thing to say.

The fact is that the initial reports of October 7 contained grotesque untruths and things which have not been verified for the purposes of propaganda.

It contained outright lies.

Photos from other sources and other contexts have been produced as 'evidence', such as the photo of a victimised Kurdish woman from 2022 who was presented as an Oct 7 victim.


Netanyahu and others (it seems including you) have been peddling complete trash.

What upsets me the most, other than the obvious attempts to deny the entire humanity of Palestinians, is that these fabrications are a disrespect to the victims of that day.

What their experience not enough? Was their fear as they hid for hours not enough? Was being shot at a music festival not horrific enough for you?

No, it wasn't. You had to go and invent other victims instead, like babies burning in an oven.
Also from your source JB.

I'm not a Prof. but...
View attachment 2059141

Hey Zev. I've never heard the stories about the ten toddlers who were beheaded.

The war upon children being waged by Israel, by bombs, starvation and sniper fire, is quite enough for me.

Did you see the reports of US doctors talking about sniper wounds (plural) in young children in Gaza? As well as the children having their bodies ripped apart by bombs filled with metal fragments?

I suppose that these things are more humane because the victims are at a bit of a distance.

This genocide thing gets quite ugly, doesn't it?
Here's a detailed fact-check of the reports of October 7, and the falsities which Netanyahu and genocide apologists continue to peddle.

I've posted it before, but it does need some replaying.

Lets be clear. Civilians were targeted deliberately and strategically on October 7th.

The regime that perpetrated that attack states that they do not care about the welfare of their citizens.

The IDF has strict protocols and checks, yet without any confirmation of details/numbers from one side you are willing to make a judgement.


Just about every independent organisation suggests that the Gazan Ministry of Health numbers are legit.

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