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Well, do not go into business as a psychic, because your mind reading is a massive failure.
Your ability to put words into others mouths though….. amazing!
Terrorists are terrorist and need to be held accountable for their actions.
That you appear to support terrorism unfortunately puts you into the wacky 5% of the world population that also believes in Covid conspiracy.
I'm not predicting your opinion, I am pointing out to you the consequences of your hopes that more Hamas and Hezbollah leaders will be assassinated by the IDF. The assassination of Haniyeh in Iran has already led to fears that the conflict might spread into a regional war, as Iran weighs up its retaliation. Israel's strike on Beirut has likewise inflamed the low level war currently being waged between the iDF and Hezbollah.

The more Hamas/Hezbollah leaders that Israel assassinates, the greater the probability that a regional war will erupt, in which the US will inevitably become involved.

Already, the NY Times is announcing that extra US jets and another carrier are being sent to lie off Israel's coast.

If the US becomes involved in a war in this region of such geostragic importance, do you think that the other imperialist powers, as well as Russia and China, will just stand by?

Finally you say nothing about the terrorists in the Netahanyu government, who have made clear that they regard the Palestinians as sub human, and are pursuing a policy of ethnic cleansing which is a form of state terrorism.
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I'm not predicting your opinion, I am pointing out to you the consequences of your hopes that more Hamas and Hezbollah leaders will be assassinated by the IDF. The assassination of Haniyeh in Iran has already led to fears that the conflict might spread into a regional war, as Iran weighs up its retaliation. Israel's strike on Beirut has likewise inflamed the low level war currently being waged between the iDF and Hezbollah.

The more Hamas/Hezbollah leaders that Israel assassinates, the greater the probability that a regional war will erupt, in which the US will inevitably become involved.

Already, the NY Times is announcing that extra US jets and another carrier are being sent to lie off Israel's coast.

If the US becomes involved in a war in this region of such geostragic importance, do you think that the other imperialist powers, as well as Russia and China, will just stand by?

Finally you say nothing about the terrorists in the Netahanyu government, who have made clear that they regard the Palestinians as sub human, and are pursuing a policy of ethnic cleansing which is a form of state terrorism.
Military action in a hostile nation is indeed a dangerous game. I haven't read up on the Hezbollah one, but if accounts of the Hamas leader being the most moderate in the Hamas leadership group are true, it's hard to see how assassinating him on Iranian soil is beneficial for Israeli security.
Military action in a hostile nation is indeed a dangerous game. I haven't read up on the Hezbollah one, but if accounts of the Hamas leader being the most moderate in the Hamas leadership group are true, it's hard to see how assassinating him on Iranian soil is beneficial for Israeli security.

Great for expanding the war though.....occam's razor....

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I'm not predicting your opinion, I am pointing out to you the consequences of your hopes that more Hamas and Hezbollah leaders will be assassinated by the IDF. The assassination of Haniyeh in Iran has already led to fears that the conflict might spread into a regional war, as Iran weighs up its retaliation. Israel's strike on Beirut has likewise inflamed the low level war currently being waged between the iDF and Hezbollah.

The more Hamas/Hezbollah leaders that Israel assassinates, the greater the probability that a regional war will erupt, in which the US will inevitably become involved.

Already, the NY Times is announcing that extra US jets and another carrier are being sent to lie off Israel's coast.

If the US becomes involved in a war in this region of such geostragic importance, do you think that the other imperialist powers, as well as Russia and China, will just stand by?

Finally you say nothing about the terrorists in the Netahanyu government, who have made clear that they regard the Palestinians as sub human, and are pursuing a policy of ethnic cleansing which is a form of state terrorism.

Lovey, your posts are becoming more logical to me....maybe the world is getting crazier. Having said that, I'm not sure if trying to use reasoning works on blackie.... he just loves the is blind, as the saying goes...
I'm sure everyone gets pestered from internet sites that they might have frequented once or twice. I'm getting pestered by various israeli sites trying to sell me israeli tv subscriptions and other stuff. Quora is full of jews from the US and elsewhere making their positions known. So the Quora site sent me this email and it contained a question that sparked my curiosity. It was from Morrie Kremer, a student of israeli military and he provided an answer to the question listed underneath. What makes it interesting is that he posted it in 2018. He provides a pretty pragmatic answer, although he severely misjudges the israeli gov't and the international community. All that study gone to waste....

Why doesn't Israel eradicate Hamas?
Morrie Kremer
B.A. in Economics & History, San Diego State University (Graduated 2019)6y
For a few reasons.
  1. Eradicating Hamas would require a military invasion of the Gaza Strip the likes of which have never been seen before. It would have to be an operation so large and extensive that it would make 2009, 2012 and 2014 look like absolutely nothing in comparison. Shock and awe, probably somewhere in the neighborhood of 80,000 to 100,000 ground troops and multiple divisions of armor as well as thousands of airstrikes a day. Such an operation would be incredibly costly and not worth it for the reasons below.
  2. A military operation of this magnitude would not only risk high casualties that would likely not be accepted in Israeli society but would also directly lead to the death of tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians. The international community already never gives Israel the benefit of the doubt. Case in point these recent protests in which 120 “protesters” attempting to set fire to Israel hiding amongst 40,000 other people is called a massacre. If Israel were to pull off something like this it would give the international community an actual reason for condemnation and may even result in for an intervention. Israel does not want to deal with the political and moral fallout of such a situation.
  3. As bad as Hamas is, they are currently the only capable ruling force in Gaza that provides any level of stability. The leadership of Hamas is bat shit crazy, but they’re not complete idiots. The moves they make against Israel are well planned and calculated and designed to benefit them. Meanwhile, you have lots of other groups in Gaza such as Palestinian Islamic Jihad (who takes in even more hard-line stance on Israel then Hamas, if you can believe it) as well as several renegade Palestinian groups connected with Al Qaeda and ISIS. If Hamas were too fall right now, all of these renegade groups would be fighting for control and Gaza would essentially turn into a miniature Afghanistan pre-9/11 and Taliban control. It is in no one’s interest for Gaza to become a breeding ground for even more terrorism from even more extreme terrorists.
So to answer your question, Israel does not go out right and destroy Hamas because it would create more problems then it would sold at the moment. Hamas does pose a threat to Israel, especially to civilians living around the Gaza border region. However Israel is more than capable of dealing with this threat without pulling such a move. This does mean that Israel may have to occasionally invade the Gaza Strip as they have in the past. But these operations will be temporary and will only happen when rocket fire and cross-border raids become so out of control that the Israeli government feels compelled to act due to the threat face by their civilians in the area.

Profile photo for Morrie Kremer

Morrie Kremer
Studies Israeli military history

B.A. in Economics & History, San Diego State UniversityGraduated 2019

Lives in San Diego, CA

33.6K content views337 this month

Joined October 2016
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It seems that the report on the murder of zomi frankcom has been released by seems that it was an example of the israelis making a mistake. There has been at least 250 mistakes by the israelis during the course of their "mowing the lawn" exercise.. that's a lot of mistakes.

I saw a comment that compensation would be asked for. This is just my opinion, but I would never take blood money....not unless it was enough to break them financially and i dont think a million or two is going to do that.
Look at the keyboard warrior picturing himself and his ethics in an actual conflict.
You and petrie pie can form yourself the "would" brigade.

I wasn't speculating on what i might do when being shot at, I was merely stating whether I would take "compensation" if a family member was murdered by israel. I wouldn't. It's not a question of ethics. I couldn't live with myself because it would give the impression to the world that I was somehow compensated for the loss of a family member. No amount of money is worth that least for me. You may have been brought up in a culture where the lives of loved ones can be measured with money.
For those who dont know him, this is the instagram of a palestinian journalist who became famous for the info he posted from gaza. He has since left gaza...probably before an attempt on his life.

As a warning, prepare yourself for the censured photos. He posts to shock. I do question why i continue to subscribe after being confronted with unbelievably graphic results of bombing, especially of children.

I wasn't speculating on what i might do when being shot at, I was merely stating whether I would take "compensation" if a family member was murdered by israel. I wouldn't. It's not a question of ethics. I couldn't live with myself because it would give the impression to the world that I was somehow compensated for the loss of a family member. No amount of money is worth that least for me. You may have been brought up in a culture where the lives of loved ones can be measured with money.
How dare you question the world view of a big, bad, brave ex IDF soldier who has been under Hamas fire, and therefore understands the meaning of right and wrong, and the value of life.

In the calculus of life according to Zev, 36 Jewish children killed in the Oct 7 Hamas attack weigh far, far more in the scales of the universe than the lives of potentially 80000 Palestinian children (using the Lancet's estimate of 186 000 Palestinians having been killed so far).
It seems that the report on the murder of zomi frankcom has been released by seems that it was an example of the israelis making a mistake. There has been at least 250 mistakes by the israelis during the course of their "mowing the lawn" exercise.. that's a lot of mistakes.

I saw a comment that compensation would be asked for. This is just my opinion, but I would never take blood money....not unless it was enough to break them financially and i dont think a million or two is going to do that.

I just spent too long on that website of yours. Wow. Even Andrew Bolt would be embarrassed by the amount of emotive devices used.

That site is your point of truth, isn't it?

The World Socialist Web Site is published by the International Committee of the Fourth International, the World Party of Socialist Revolution founded by Leon Trotsky.
Lovey, your posts are becoming more logical to me....maybe the world is getting crazier. Having said that, I'm not sure if trying to use reasoning works on blackie.... he just loves the is blind, as the saying goes...
And hate is just as blind.
You have dominated this thread with your absolute hatred of the Jewish people.
I’m sure you’ll try and say that you don’t, but anyone unfortunate enough to read through the thread could draw only one conclusion.
You love terrorists, you hate the Jewish nation.

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I'm not predicting your opinion, I am pointing out to you the consequences of your hopes that more Hamas and Hezbollah leaders will be assassinated by the IDF. The assassination of Haniyeh in Iran has already led to fears that the conflict might spread into a regional war, as Iran weighs up its retaliation. Israel's strike on Beirut has likewise inflamed the low level war currently being waged between the iDF and Hezbollah.

The more Hamas/Hezbollah leaders that Israel assassinates, the greater the probability that a regional war will erupt, in which the US will inevitably become involved.

Already, the NY Times is announcing that extra US jets and another carrier are being sent to lie off Israel's coast.

If the US becomes involved in a war in this region of such geostragic importance, do you think that the other imperialist powers, as well as Russia and China, will just stand by?

Finally you say nothing about the terrorists in the Netahanyu government, who have made clear that they regard the Palestinians as sub human, and are pursuing a policy of ethnic cleansing which is a form of state terrorism.
Not predicting my opinion?
So the words “you are hoping for WW3” isn’t predicting my opinion, or actually putting words in my mouth?
I didn’t read the rest of your rant after that absolute lie.
So, seems to be a bit of an argument about who the terrorists are.
Well, I think this article clears it up.

Those who believe that the Israelis are terrorists are aligning themselves with governments who jail homosexuals, who jail women for exposing their hair.
Who jail, and even execute those who dare comment against the government.

I know whose side I’m on. And it’s not the terrorists of Hamas or those countries that support Hamas.
And hate is just as blind.
You have dominated this thread with your absolute hatred of the Jewish people.
I’m sure you’ll try and say that you don’t, but anyone unfortunate enough to read through the thread could draw only one conclusion.
You love terrorists, you hate the Jewish nation.

well i dont like israeli killing tens of thousands of innocent palestinians. I can only conclude that you're not too concerned.
And hate is just as blind.
You have dominated this thread with your absolute hatred of the Jewish people.
I’m sure you’ll try and say that you don’t, but anyone unfortunate enough to read through the thread could draw only one conclusion.
You love terrorists, you hate the Jewish nation.
Pot, kettle black
So, seems to be a bit of an argument about who the terrorists are.
Well, I think this article clears it up.

Those who believe that the Israelis are terrorists are aligning themselves with governments who jail homosexuals, who jail women for exposing their hair.
Who jail, and even execute those who dare comment against the government.

I know whose side I’m on. And it’s not the terrorists of Hamas or those countries that support Hamas.
You made plain to see whose side you are on when you said "we should drive them into the sea " I would say that is pretty unambiguous about whose side you are on and you accuse MarkFs of being anti Jewish and hatred of Jews. You and some of cohorts here have shown very little sympathy towards innocent Palestinians including children talk about pot calling the kettle black.

I think LovethePies is right on the money about Netanyahu,s intention of ww3 if he can,as long as he does go to prison in the meantime.
I just spent too long on that website of yours. Wow. Even Andrew Bolt would be embarrassed by the amount of emotive devices used.

That site is your point of truth, isn't it?

The World Socialist Web Site is published by the International Committee of the Fourth International, the World Party of Socialist Revolution founded by Leon Trotsky.

I actually read most of that article referenced. It didnt really strike me as using emotive devices. In fact, it seemed a lot less trotskyesque than the things written by the commies in my youth.

I havent read the so-called australian report or the israeli IDF report that it basically copied so I dont know if some of the commies' allegations are correct. Penny Wong has been smoothing things over so that the israelis arent upset...but she has demonstrated that kind of behaviour for months. Whether she coordinated with the israelis and US is another matter. I think that she has basically been told to "heel" and she's doing what she's told to keep this "alliance" together.

I think Lovey isnt aware that it's not good PR to use the commies as source of information or comment.
Look at the keyboard warrior picturing himself and his ethics in an actual conflict.
You and petrie pie can form yourself the "would" brigade.
I still do not understand why you are not over there killing and maiming civilians because every post you make is about revenge,I do not see much difference between the IDF and the so called terrorists who are Hamas.

Your favourite keyboard warrior (Petrie Pie) unfortunately you are not my favourite anything.
So, seems to be a bit of an argument about who the terrorists are.
Well, I think this article clears it up.

Those who believe that the Israelis are terrorists are aligning themselves with governments who jail homosexuals, who jail women for exposing their hair.
Who jail, and even execute those who dare comment against the government.

I know whose side I’m on. And it’s not the terrorists of Hamas or those countries that support Hamas.

I'm not too keen on any religious person and I'd probably stay away from most. Not that I call them names or am impolite to them in any way. I just find it hard to deal with anyone ideological because they exclude the possibility of the truth.

So that's true for hardline Islam. However, I have nothing against muslims or jews or christians who live their own lives and live by their own philosophies.

However, I dont like religious people imposing their views on others and we have a lot of that intertwined with the political aspects in the middle east.

But beyond that, I dont like innocents getting murdered as if they are worthless. I dont like that. It's probably more important to me than the other religious stuff, but evidently you seem to find the hardline actions of some muslims the worst aspect. I tend to think the murders are.
I still do not understand why you are not over there killing and maiming civilians because every post you make is about revenge,I do not see much difference between the IDF and the so called terrorists who are Hamas.

Your favourite keyboard warrior (Petrie Pie) unfortunately you are not my favourite anything.

Zevie is an israeli. Revenge is a key motivator, if I can make a generalisation. Of course, I could say that beer is a key motivator of australians and I'd get a laugh but tying revenge and israeli behaviour together is unacceptable and probably will be legislated against in my lifetime. But if you read about gaza on a daily basis like I have, it's a connection that seems obvious.
I was referring to the whole site; however, you might need to work on your critical reading skills if you couldn't see the emotive rhetoric in that.

Well i was educated a long time ago, so the "you might need to work on" argument didnt score highly in my debates with geelong grammar...
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