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Yep, we all have. First to log on gets most.:(

In 14 years as a member, only made 2 reports. Not on our board though.

Maybe even report yourself?:D

Would be funny.

BF Rules clearly state moderation is not to be discussed in a thread. If you have questions or complaints, take it up in a PM to the Moderation team or any of the site Administrators or Chief.

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Rules do get broken sometimes dont they? Israel Govt are a great example of this re: International laws

Pathetic whataboutism.


BF Rules clearly state moderation is not to be discussed in a thread. If you have questions or complaints, take it up in a PM to the Moderation team or any of the site Administrators or Chief.

I'd say the same for most nations in the region wouldn't you?

Why do you use Israel as a reference?
Pathetic whataboutism.


I'd say the same for most nations in the region wouldn't you?

Why do you use Israel as a reference?

i think it's because israel is the only nation killing innocent people at the moment that the australian gov't supports...but i'll let leon give his own reason

Israel’s war on Gaza live: 80% of victims of school bombings are children​

  • Israeli forces bombed two more schools in Gaza City, killing at least 30 displaced Palestinians. Paramedics said 80 percent of those killed and wounded at the Hassan Salama and Nassr schools were children.

Tick the appropriate or more answers possible.

1. Just mowing the lawn?
2. Killing future terrorists?
3. Stirring up Iran further to start a war that the US is sworn to come in on israel's side?
4. Just fun to kill palestinian kids?

Israel’s war on Gaza live: 80% of victims of school bombings are children​

  • Israeli forces bombed two more schools in Gaza City, killing at least 30 displaced Palestinians. Paramedics said 80 percent of those killed and wounded at the Hassan Salama and Nassr schools were children.

Tick the appropriate or more answers possible.

1. Just mowing the lawn?
2. Killing future terrorists?
3. Stirring up Iran further to start a war that the US is sworn to come in on israel's side?
4. Just fun to kill palestinian kids?
No link?
Just another antisemitic rabbit hole I assume.
Well, now we see the results of posters like Markfs and his anti Israel, antisemitism rants.
He and those who also continue to flame the fires of hate against the Jewish people have resulted in this;

It’s a pity that they have taken advantage of the lax moderation of this site to spread the hatred that has put us all in imminent danger.
I’m sure nothing will change. Terrorists have rights after all….
The main purveyors of hatred and violence in Australia are those who justify genocide and slanderously label those who oppose it as "anti-Semitic".

These pro-Zionist elements, by justifying the barbaric violence of the Netahanyu government, actually themselves by their very actions and words, encourage the rise of anti-Semitism. This is because they defend the indefensible, and try to suppress the democratic rights of those who oppose the ethnic cleansing in Gaza.

The Albanese government supports the Zionist genocide, and aims to intimidate the opponents of genocide by threatening to charge them as "terrorists", or adherents of "mixed ideologies". The vague, newly designed term of "mixed ideologies" has been concocted to give them a legal cover for arresting/charging left wing opposition to the genocide.

The popularity of the Albanese government is plunging in the polls, as the cost of living crisis continues to grind down the happiness and wellbeing of wide layers of the population. Albanese fears above all else that people will start to make a connection between Albanese's support for US imperialism and Israel with the continuing decline of real wages and the cuts to health, education that all Labor governments are presiding over.

No doubt, Albanese has taken note of Bangladesh, the latest country where a popular revolt has forced the pm to flee in a military helicopter.

The latest terrorism alert from the Australian government is a warning that the Albanese government, with bipartisan support from the Liberals, is preparing significant attacks on democratic rights.
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Okay if you insist. However petrie pie maybe choose your words wisely?

Funnily (not really) enough this thread seems to attract more reports than any other on our forum.
I do described my words wisely that is why I described Zevie as such.

I posted the other day about the IDF engineers blowing up water treatment plants in Gaza and filming themselves doing it and Zevie produces an article by an Israeli stooge working for Washington think tank and then you suggest I temper my words. There have been upwards of a 100.000 Palestinians killed and he is still spruiking the same shit.

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It seems that the report on the murder of zomi frankcom has been released by seems that it was an example of the israelis making a mistake. There has been at least 250 mistakes by the israelis during the course of their "mowing the lawn" exercise.. that's a lot of mistakes.
Screen Shot 2024-08-06 at 1.47.51 am.png
Classic blaming the victims of the massacre for their own deaths. There has been
absolutely no evidence whatsoever produced by the Israelis that the WCK had Hamas fighters as security for the convoy. Mark Biskin (the author of this report, former chief of the Australian defence force) admits this himself. None of those who survived the massacre were pursued by the IDF.

This is simply poisonous speculation designed to cover up the responsiblity of the IDF for a deliberate war crime, as part of its policy to starve the Palestinian people.
Well, now we see the results of posters like Markfs and his anti Israel, antisemitism rants.
He and those who also continue to flame the fires of hate against the Jewish people have resulted in this;

It’s a pity that they have taken advantage of the lax moderation of this site to spread the hatred that has put us all in imminent danger.
I’m sure nothing will change. Terrorists have rights after all….
Support for a "plausible genocide" could be a bigger issue than highlighting the plausible genocide.

P.S. have you switched to Libs? You've become a Dutton parrot.
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Classic blaming the victims of the massacre for their own deaths. There has been
absolutely no evidence whatsoever produced by the Israelis that the WCK had Hamas fighters as security for the convoy. Mark Biskin (the author of this report, former chief of the Australian defence force) admits this himself. None of those who survived the massacre were pursued by the IDF.

This is simply poisonous speculation designed to cover up the responsiblity of the IDF for a deliberate war crime, as part of its policy to starve the Palestinian people.

This article made me think of you.

I do described my words wisely that is why I described Zevie as such.

I posted the other day about the IDF engineers blowing up water treatment plants in Gaza and filming themselves doing it and Zevie produces an article by an Israeli stooge working for Washington think tank and then you suggest I temper my words. There have been upwards of a 100.000 Palestinians killed and he is still spruiking the same shit.
I am suggesting you not use personal, vulgar language. (since deleted).
This article made me think of you.

It's a powerful drug. Dosing up on rabbit hole makes you feel wiser, more knowledge and more open-minded than the sheeple. You can get a sense of superiority with a few clicks.
ZEV the exchange with Walter is clearly a bit of fun.

However, your post could be interpreted as discussing moderation couldn't it?

View attachment 2070139

They are actually both your posts.

I am not allowed to discuss moderation in a thread.

You have also asked me to not PM you.

This is fun.

What you need to understand is that this site has rules governing posting standards and the appropriate way to talk to other posters, and you will abide by them.

How this interacts with this thread is that the following will result in your post being deleted, with a recurrence of the same behaviour resulting in (depending on severity) a threadban for a week and a day off:

  • deliberate goading or flippant responses, designed to get people reacting to your posting emotionally.
  • abuse.

From this point, any poster who finds themselves directly insulting another poster will find themselves receiving a threadban and an infraction, with each subsequent reoccurance resulting in steadily more points added to your account.

Maggie5 Gone Critical Anzacday Jen2310

I am suggesting you not use personal, vulgar language. (since deleted).
They are actually both your posts.

I am not allowed to discuss moderation in a thread.
You just have, Twice!
You have also asked me to not PM you.
Again you just can't help yourself and discus Private Messaging in an open forum. This is twice now.

I have made my position quite clear about PM's, not sure why you need to keep bringing it up.
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