Another US mass shooting

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By comparison to Australia:


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The same country that recently banned abortion 'because someone needs to think of the children'.
I have this feeling those are mostly "urban" children and teenagers, so the majority in the US don't see them as real people.
Shonky stand your ground laws , concealed carry , near unlimited access to semi automatic weapons it's as if they are actively encouraging any disputes to be settled via the gun.
With the second amendment seemingly being untouchable and a state by state legislation of guns there really is no forseeable future for firearms control that would significantly reduce gun deaths.
Hypothetically the only way I could see some control would to make all firearm deaths a federal offence so at least there would be national legislation and investigation around firearm use. Whether legally this could be enforced to override state laws I am not sure (unlikely I would imagine) If you can't control gun ownership then at least try and control the use of firearms and deter their use except as an absolute last resort.
I think there is more chance of Santa running naked down Bourke Street but I live in hope.
Empty words once again by any Republican members calling it a tragedy when there part of the reasons this is happening. We all know within a few days everybody will move on until another mass shooting occurs over there and it makes me sick. A truly pathetic mentality of solving all problems with guns is ingrained into their way of life.
Zach Nunn the local Congressman is "beyond angry". Maybe this is what happens when you vote to allow under fourteens to possess guns you f***ing, f***ing moron.
Empty words once again by any Republican members calling it a tragedy when there part of the reasons this is happening. We all know within a few days everybody will move on until another mass shooting occurs over there and it makes me sick. A truly pathetic mentality of solving all problems with guns is ingrained into their way of life.

Earlier today, Republican Vivek Ramaswamy was in Perry, the same town where the school shooting occurred.

He posted a video of himself meeting two parents at a campaign event there, telling them "we're obviously still in shock as we learn what's happened here in this community".

He added that he would "pray and reflect on how we make sure that something like this never happens again".

Gee Vivek, I wonder what might help.

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As a thought exercise , what would happen if a bunch of these thoughts and prayers republicans had their families meet the same fate as these other victims.

I honestly think through gritted teeth, they’d maintain the same line. I think k the country is too far gone.

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As a thought exercise , what would happen if a bunch of these thoughts and prayers republicans had their families meet the same fate as these other victims.

I honestly think through gritted teeth, they’d maintain the same line. I think k the country is too far gone.

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Nothing would happen. It already did to an extent (a shooting at a baseball game between some Republican and Democrat congressmen I think). I still submit it needs to be at nra hq.
As a thought exercise , what would happen if a bunch of these thoughts and prayers republicans had their families meet the same fate as these other victims.

I honestly think through gritted teeth, they’d maintain the same line. I think k the country is too far gone.

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Barron Trump to go all Nepalese Crown Prince on his family.
The problem is mental health.

Ok, let’s fund a proper mental health system.

lol no, that’s socialism.


It's madness over there. If you don't have Private Health insurance (usually granted by your employer or paid out of your own pocket) you don't get health care.

Explain to me how someone with schizophrenia or a similar debilitating mental health condition is supposed to manage that? They can't work so don't have an employer, and they have literally zero income to pay for it themselves... so where is this magical health care going to come from?

Couple the above problem, with close to zero welfare generally, a 'dog eat dog' culture of the 'haves' and the 'have nots', sprinkle in some social media disinformation and radicalization, and add easy access to guns, and you have...

... well exactly what we see on a daily basis.
How 'well-ordered militia' equates to a virtual free-for-all when it comes to guns is beyond me. That bit must have been written in pencil like the bit about separating church and state.
How 'well-ordered militia' equates to a virtual free-for-all when it comes to guns is beyond me. That bit must have been written in pencil like the bit about separating church and state.

Back in the times it was written, the 'Militia' would be drawn (in times of war) from the civilian population. So the argument is that is was intentional for the drafters to desire an armed (and thus proficient with guns) civilian population to enable the 'well-regulated militia, being necessary for the security of a free State'.

In DC v Heller, there was considerable review by the SCOTUS into the drafting of the 2A, and (as much as it pains me to say so) the framers of the 2A did mean it to be an individual right to carry and bear 'arms' for self-defense and other lawful purposes, and not just a right to arms for members of a formal militia.

Of course, the same framers could only envision flintlock rifles that took 1 minute to reload, and lived in a time where there was constant pressure from Native American raiders, the threat of British or other European powers attacking the new Republic, plus also concerns that the new Federal government and Federal Continental Army in Washington might become tyrannical and try and usurp States rights (militias being a State thing, not a Federal one).

The conservative members of the SCOTUS rely on 'originalist' interpretation of the Constitution:

Originalism is a theory of the interpretation of legal texts, including the text of the Constitution. Originalists believe that the constitutional text ought to be given the original public meaning that it would have had at the time that it became law. The original meaning of constitutional texts can be discerned from dictionaries, grammar books, and from other legal documents from which the text might be borrowed. It can also be inferred from the background legal events and public debate that gave rise to a constitutional provision.

On Originalism in Constitutional Interpretation | Constitution Center.

This differs from 'contextualist' interpretations, which seeks to apply a modern reading of the Constitution, assuming the drafters of the Constitution, knew it would need to be interpreted in the future (this is the leading method of interpretation of our Constitution here in Australia).

What shits me is the SCOTUS only use originalist interpretations when it suits them. If they were going to be consistent, then when it comes to the question of what exactly constitutes 'arms' in the 2A, it should only cover the kinds of 'arms' that the founders and drafters of the 2A could have reasonably intended it to cover (flintlock rifles, pistols and swords) at the time it was written.

Or in other words, 'arms' in the 2A (if you're using an originalist interpretation method) should not be interpreted to include 30 round magazine semi-automatic assault weapons with lasers and optic sights.

Pick a lane.
Apparently trump said something like we have to move forward and get over it in terms of the recent shooting …. Not the full quote but it’s pretty tone deaf

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Another US mass shooting

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