Another US mass shooting

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Not terrorism or extremism, rather a 'dispute'.

Dunno, i'd say not being able to handle your shit as an adult or even as a teenager and it is resulting in shooting random people including children is extremism.

it's extremely ****ing stupid.

Which itself is the issue at its core. Stupid being people being allowed completely unrestricted access to weapons that can kill people with minimum effort or thought process.

it is legal to buy a certain types of guns in the USA when you are 18, but you can't drink until 21..... completely and utterly bonkers.
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Dunno, i'd say not being able to handle your s**t as an adult or even as a teenager and it is resulting in shooting random people including children is extremism.

it's extremely ******* stupid.

Which itself is the issue at its core. Stupid being people being allowed completely unrestricted access to weapons that can kill people with minimum effort or thought process.

it is legal to buy a certain types of guns in the USA when you are 18, but you can't drink until 21..... completely and utterly bonkers.
well, if they had booze at 18 as well as the guns, that would likely be worse

(not disagreeing with the general thrust of your argument)
The death count is largely irrelevant to the US giving a s**t. If 28 odd kids being killed at Sandy Hook, and 19 odd kids being killed in Uvalde doesn't move the needle. Nothing will.

Gun sales go UP after a mass shooting. Let that insanity sink in lol.

The best thing for business for a gun salesman in that utter shithole of a country, is a mass shooting.

Their only response is to produce MORE guns so they can further arm themselves. Place is just ******* bonkers man.

True. And to be honest, a lot of them who go out and buy them after these incidents aren't nutters, and may not even be pro-gun, ultimately.

But they're trapped.

Stuck in the situation they're in - a community full of guns - sooner or later... even the non-gun people end up arming themselves, because they know it's never going to change. And they figure well, if it hits me or my family, at least I have a chance of defending myself.

Their other option is to move to another country, which is an enormous, difficult and often prohibitively expensive exercise.

In the situation they're in, you can't blame many people for arming themselves. Their leaders have totally failed them and turned their communities into urban warzones. It's on the corrupt politicians. They're to blame.
Two arrested in Kansas City. Not too many details as yet, shooting reported
Yanks don't care how many innocent Children and adults die as long as they can keep their guns.
I honestly believe a majority would still have that view even if their kids and grandkids were killed by gun violence, and remember the Trump is pro guns and so is the Republican party.
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John howard made a tough call post port Arthur

Best thing he did in office, and to be fair to him, would have taken a lot of courage to do.

It's mainly his own voter base he was pissing off with the changes, and he faced significant backlash from his own party (and coalition members).
True. And to be honest, a lot of them who go out and buy them after these incidents aren't nutters, and may not even be pro-gun, ultimately.

But they're trapped.

Stuck in the situation they're in - a community full of guns - sooner or later... even the non-gun people end up arming themselves, because they know it's never going to change. And they figure well, if it hits me or my family, at least I have a chance of defending myself.

Their other option is to move to another country, which is an enormous, difficult and often prohibitively expensive exercise.

In the situation they're in, you can't blame many people for arming themselves. Their leaders have totally failed them and turned their communities into urban warzones. It's on the corrupt politicians. They're to blame.
Surely there are other parts of America where they could feel safe ?
I’ve never been there but I can categorically say that if it came to a decision between arming myself because I constantly didn’t feel my family was safe or moving house , I’d be down at the Truck Rental place before you could say “ honey have you seen my semi automatic!”
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Sadly your right.
A majority of Americans would sooner their kids and grandkids got killed by gun violence than give up their guns.

No one’s even asking them to give them up. It’s asking for sensible licensing checks, cooling off periods for access and limiting access to truly unnecessary weapons for civilians like the AR-15.

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Sadly your right.
A majority of Americans would sooner their kids and grandkids got killed by gun violence than give up their guns.
Funny enough. Saw a post once where America led the way in gun deaths of children inside the family home, due to unsecured (unregulated) firearms. One guy with his family and kids in the picture, laughed at a comment asking why so called "sensible gun owners", were leaving their guns laying around. Replied with, "what idiot locks their gun for self defense up haha?" Bet he won't be laughing if one of his own kids blows their skull clean off by finding his "self defence" fire arm.

And another time I was arguing with a female gun nut. And at the end I had enough and pushed her. "So you rather see more kids die in school shootings, than regulate a single thing?", she straight up said "YES!". So yep, gun owners rather see kids die in schools than any big bad old regulation. She even said men with domestic violence orders, and violent convictions have rights to own a gun, and anyone who says they should not own one are the real criminals. Not surprised when Americans are the most self centered, "only myself matters, f**k everyone else" type people in the world.

Yanks are paranoid about everything and everyone. They shoot you just for using their driveway to change directions, or ringing the door bell being black. The BS about "home defence" is a myth, very little incidents rock up every year where a "good guy" with a gun defended themselves from a big bad burglar.

For a group that screams against regulation, despite it being the key word in the constitution, and talk themselves up as the most gun sensible people, and its only criminals who are not. They turn out to be the least sensible people. In AUS, if you own an X amount of firearms, you get random visits now and then to make sure they are indeed locked in a safe etc. Yanks, just leave them laying around the house like the TV remote.
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No wonder they all feel they need to arm themselves


The place is like a dystopian movie set

Unfortunately, in life at times you need to cater for the lowest common denominator, Australia did the right thing. America though, will never learn, guns are now so ingrained in their culture. This issue will NEVER be solved.

It is a matter of time until we are yet again pissed off because a bunch of kids are massacred in a school, and the US will again do nothing about it. it is the definition of insanity. All because a bunch of blokes 200 years ago said they had the right to carry around a ******* single shot musket lol, that took 5 minutes to reload.

I could think of little worse than being a parent of kids in the US.

The fact that all the things America is great at and does for the world. The fact they can't sort out an issue, that is at its core simple as s**t. Is a blight on their entire country.

Mainly the NRA have bought out the GOP so nothing will ever be done.

They also use every mass shooting as a way to make profit by scaring people their guns will be taken away.

Apparently over 30k deaths per year to guns is just the cost of “freedom”.
Yanks don't care how many innocent Children and adults die as long as they can keep their guns.
I honestly believe a majority would still have that view even if their kids and grandkids were killed by gun violence, and remember the Trump is pro guns and so is the Republican party.

Majority of republicans said in a survey they trust trump more than family members and friends.
Best thing he did in office, and to be fair to him, would have taken a lot of courage to do.

It's mainly his own voter base he was pissing off with the changes, and he faced significant backlash from his own party (and coalition members).

Yep we don’t have the same powerful gun lobby, and we don’t have this weird evangelical attachment to guns here in Australia so Howard was able to make it simply a logical non partisan issue for 95% plus of the population.

I still give him a lot of credit for it though.
I've thought about it a long time. Guns in the states is almost at the same level as TV, or now computer/iphone. It would be near impossible to take them away. Beyond the ingrained history of freedom fighting and pioneering, just the sheer numbers make it difficult.
Sure you can easily take the legally registered ones first, but that leaves all the illegal ones and those in criminal hands. Which will then the hell out of the citizenry who will want to defend themselves. Remember that the news is full of home invasions, car jacking, random rape/abduction/murder, etc. Reference the post above about how people shoot at others who are in their driveway or ringing the doorbell. I bet most of that is racially based, or the shooter is overwhelmed by the scary news he watches.
IMHO any movement to take them away must start with manufacturing restrictions. I mean really strict laws on what kind and how many can be produced in country, or imported.
Then not just buy backs, but surges in anti-gang efforts or other aggressive moves against crims and loons. The number of weapons in their hands must be shown to have been seriously decreased before you can take them from law abiding people.
And form death squads to target NRA leadership, affiliated gov officials, and donors. :winkv1:
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Beyond the ingrained history of freedom fighting and pioneering, just the sheer numbers make it difficult.

Genuine question:
When you mention freedom fighting and pioneering are you referring to the American Revolution and the wild west era?

I can't think of more recent/any examples of freedom fighting (maybe the civil war?) but nothing from the mid 19th century onwards. Interesting if the way that is taught in schools is prominent in the American psyche as a rationale for wanting guns.

I understand the 2nd amendment but are the same individuals as passionate to not amend something like the 7th amendment? The right to a civil jury trial if the value of the case is worth more than $20 - with that $20 remaining unchanged since it was ratified in 1791.

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Another US mass shooting

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