Another Year Like This year

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But 3 years is more than long enough to show some signs of improvement!!!

The only improvment that is going to come to the list is from the kids we drafted, and if you havent seen improvment from them i cannot help you. But 3rd year players will not win you games. Its up to senior blokes and ours are pathetic.

It hasnt helped that we missed our 3 best players at the start of the year. We had an opportunity to win all of our first 5 games and apart from geelong and port could have won any of the games up till saint kilda. We win those games and it changes everything. The team plays with more confidence which leads to more wins which leads to more confidence.

But lets not let common sense get in the way of a good rant about our pathetic coach. ;)

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nice sarcasm...

1.5 wins isnt good in any language, but if you are seriously suggesting you prefer the 04 list to todays then I wont bother debating this with you bc clearly there is no point

No Im not saying the 04 list is better but on current performance, the list is not giving me any warm fuzzy feelings.
IITB, don't be so negative.......

We are CLEARLY headed in the right direction!!!!!

Nah you're right FSU. Im delighted with our efforts this year. So far of all the games I've gone to, about 8, I've seen....... zero wins!!! I missed the melbourne game. It would have been like landing a trifecta in a 30 horse race watching our only win for the year.

My tiger skin is proudly sitting in my car wash bucket. Bloody good polishing rag that.
well said, I like your posts calcium

the only other side doing a COMPLETE list rebuild is Carlton and they are into their 5th year and still struggling to get it together.

yeah - hang on mate - carlton have only been rebuilding for the past 3 years - they had 2 years out of the drafting circle because of penalities - which really really really held them back a lot more tha just the two years.

We lost two years of good draft picks because of extremely poor trades - johnson, stafford & to an extent brown.

And carlton have just sacked their coach, because he wasn't getting the right results and they felt things were not heading in the right direction. They too have lived by the "patience and take time" theory, and have done so extremely well, hitting a record membership this season despite extended poor form. But wrong is wrong, and that is exactly what the carlton board felt with pagan's plan, hence his sacking. In reality not the best club to make your point for keeping wallace on board - as despite "time and patience" - they felt an urgency to make change.
Pretty astute judge there Captain Brown....

What kind of an imbecile are you. This bloke is not interested in the Tigers. He is well and trully only intersted in's guys like you that keep swallowing on the bullsh!t he keeps serving out.

Until this fraud p!sses off, we will continue to go backwards.

I don't necessarily know if Wallace is the right man for the job or not, I'm still on his side though. What I can't cop at the moment is this whole, "He's only in it for himself" argument.
If that were true:
- Why dump Gaspar?
- Why hasn't Kingsley played more?
- Why hasn't he put two players behind the ball in the Geelong game when we're getting belted?
- Why has he let Pattison (until recently) continue to carry the ruck instead of throwing Simmonds to the wolves on his return from injury?
- Why would he continue to play blokes like Tambling ahead of blokes like Tivendale and Hyde, who will out-perform him 9/10 times?
- Why not pick mature-bodied, ready-made types in the draft over project players like JON?

The signs just aren't there..
Captain, not sure I agree with you completely. I agree that the idea of chasing yet another coach doesn't sit well with me either, but I'm not convinced that Wallace is the man for the job either.

It seems he hasn't been able to motivate the senior players enough to get the best from them. This is perhaps the most worrying sign and does it mean they are disillusioned with TW? Are they not playing for him? Clearly something is not right, other than a form slump of senior players.

If they're not playing for him, get rid of the lot of them on the spot.

So many times over the past 25 years we've sided with the players and taken retribution on the coach.

It was justified with Frawley, but not many other times.

It doesnt work. The players are to blame, and if they wont play for this coach, then shoot the lot of them.
do you think any coach would have had the guts to do what Wallace is doing (including wallace himself) if it was a 3 year deal?

no chance, they knew they would have been on a hiding to nothing, sure turn the list over, do the dirty ground work and then get shown the door and kiss goodbye your career as a senior coach bc no other club would touch you after a failure like that..

No, they would have played the survival game like every other coach bar KB has played when at Richmond and that would have left us where exactly?

Alastair Clarkson was only given a 2 year contract originally to reshape/rebuild the club!!and hes gone at the draft table alot harder than tiger!!but its known that tiger was only going to settle for nothing less than a 4 year contract!! That being one of the main reasons he knocked back coaching the hawks at the time!!Thank goodness!:thumbsu:
I'm getting very dejected this year.

BUT it's not because of the team. It is because of the negativism that I have witnessed on this website since I started viewing it (start of the season before I actually became a newbie!)

Unfortunately there are too many short sighted and angry supporters who can't see the wood for the trees. The worst part is I kinow that what I have said and will say in the rest of this post wont make a damn skerrick of difference but I'm doing it anyway.

RFC stuffed around with coaches and quick fixes for so long it got to the point where Spud and his 5yrs was the coach and time frame we had to have. We also had to continue to beef up the list with also rans. Why? So that we could get some wins to keep the masses almost happy and without the timeframe we would not have had a hope of getting any half decent coach on board to actually try and fix anything, and Spud was the only one we could get to come on board for this.

We are now at the point where Wallace and his five year contract are the things we have to have. This time it is to prove that we can stick to our guns repeatedly and that we will let a coach see out his plan. Once we've done this then we can appoint a damn good coach who will feel secure that he has a half decent list and a stable club community that will let him work to success.

Maybe that coach could even be Wallace - we'll see in another 2yrs and 4 weeks. My personal feeling is it will be someone with some hard nut in them to finally evolve the club back to what it was in the 60's and 70's.

To answer the guts of the thread - we can't let whatever result next year brings waver us from this committment.

So everyone - please be critical of what happens - without that we wont understand what we have to do to improve (players, coach and administration) but do it with as much reason as passion.

Please be even stronger in your celebrations of the little positives (that will gradually get bigger).

Overall be strongest in your support of the club and each other.

GO TIGES - my rant is over.

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I'm getting very dejected this year.

BUT it's not because of the team. It is because of the negativism that I have witnessed on this website since I started viewing it (start of the season before I actually became a newbie!)
GO TIGES - my rant is over.

Well said..... :thumbsu:Its easy to focus on the negatives
Lets all hope the club knows what they are doing
Thanks - I believe they do - obviously!!!
The problem I see is that we can implode as a club or suck it up and see out the plan...... I personally do not like Wallace but... he has been part of making the hard decisions and the young guys will be better for having another 20 games in them
Alastair Clarkson was only given a 2 year contract originally to reshape/rebuild the club!!and hes gone at the draft table alot harder than tiger!!but its known that tiger was only going to settle for nothing less than a 4 year contract!! That being one of the main reasons he knocked back coaching the hawks at the time!!Thank goodness!:thumbsu:

there is a difference

theres Hawthorn which is a historically pretty stable club, not known for much bloodletting

then theres the cesspit thats richmond with feral suuporters asking for the coaches head as soon as things turn pear shaped. Anybody ANYBODY including clarko himself wouldnt have taken on the job without a guarantee they could at least have half a chance of turning it around.

WRONG Hawks also into their 3rd year of rebuilding!turned over more players than anyone!

come back to the table when u get ur facts straight

we've turned over more players than whorethorn,

also look at your list vs ours, ours needs/needed a complete rebuild, you guys already have your core with hodge, mitchell, croad, ladsen, sewell, brown, williams. Easier to rebuild around a set core.

now f.uck off
yeah - hang on mate - carlton have only been rebuilding for the past 3 years - they had 2 years out of the drafting circle because of penalities - which really really really held them back a lot more tha just the two years.

We lost two years of good draft picks because of extremely poor trades - johnson, stafford & to an extent brown.

And carlton have just sacked their coach, because he wasn't getting the right results and they felt things were not heading in the right direction. They too have lived by the "patience and take time" theory, and have done so extremely well, hitting a record membership this season despite extended poor form. But wrong is wrong, and that is exactly what the carlton board felt with pagan's plan, hence his sacking. In reality not the best club to make your point for keeping wallace on board - as despite "time and patience" - they felt an urgency to make change.

You could also argue that richmond stuffed up by finishing 9th and 10th in the years the blues got some golden draft picks. Whichever way you want to have a look at it, Pagan had considerably more time than Wallace has had and the main reason pagan got the chop was his reticence to play the young guys. Ratten comes in and plays carltons youngest side in 30odd years on the weekend and guess what? they had 9 players under 21 and we had 11 or something to that effect.

Im just as dissapointed as you are, but it is absolute b.ullshit that Wallace should get the arse in his 3rd year doing a complete overhaul when theres guys like Connolly, Thompson and Pagan who had 5+ years with much MUCH better lists (blues excluded)
I'm getting very dejected this year.

BUT it's not because of the team. It is because of the negativism that I have witnessed on this website since I started viewing it (start of the season before I actually became a newbie!)

Unfortunately there are too many short sighted and angry supporters who can't see the wood for the trees. The worst part is I kinow that what I have said and will say in the rest of this post wont make a damn skerrick of difference but I'm doing it anyway.


What a load of self pitying rubbish - if you are getting dejected this year because of "the negativism that i have witnessed on this website.." - then perhaps being in Perth has clouded your eyes and ears from the teams results and performances this year, the obvious lack of progress compared to our competitors, the complete bordem and lack of anything for the supporters in the stands to cheer or get excited about, the utter lack of spirit among the players alike, talk back radio, etc.

This horse radish talk of "We are heading in the right direction" makes me want to either puke or laugh.

Yes we are heading in the right direction, only we are doing it 5 times slower and less effective than everyone else!:confused: isn't that obvious??

barely any of our players have improved! the only positives we can take is the emergence of foley and edwards - connors & King looks like possible players, Pattison looks like a 100% trier but not an elite ruckman, polak was handy without actually solving our problem of no key defenders, and we are going to get some handy picks this year.

the rest have degenerated when meant to improve, moved one year closer to retirement - or not improved enough to earn a spot in our 22. its that simple.
You're WRONG Hawkswhore. Since Wallace/Clarkson started, Richmond has turned over 24 players, Dawks 21.

**** off and come back when you have found some credibility.
F##k you big punce!!Delusional freak you are!!since when do you need credibilty to come on this board!??Who died and made you king??You f###wit!!Thanks for the stats only 3 difference!!You really think thats the difference in the list 3 players you are so delusional ave another beer you FREAK!:eek::thumbsdown::thumbsdown::thumbsdown:
there is a difference

theres Hawthorn which is a historically pretty stable club, not known for much bloodletting

then theres the cesspit thats richmond with feral suuporters

also look at your list vs ours, ours needs/needed a complete rebuild, you guys already have your core with hodge, mitchell, croad, ladsen, sewell, brown, williams. Easier to rebuild around a set core.

now f.uck off

Geez you guys on the angry pills again!JEALOUSY IS A CURSE!
You guys at Bitchmond need to settle down!!and realise that this footy board has more credibility than your footy team!!Dont worry only four more weeks and youll be out of your misery!:thumbsu:Then youve got a six month break from being the joke of the competition!and then we can resume the laughter next gary march!!When will bitchmond make the finals again??:eek:
Geez you guys on the angry pills again!JEALOUSY IS A CURSE!
You guys at Bitchmond need to settle down!!and realise that this footy board has more credibility than your footy team!!Dont worry only four more weeks and youll be out of your misery!:thumbsu:Then youve got a six month break from being the joke of the competition!and then we can resume the laughter next gary march!!When will bitchmond make the finals again??:eek:
As much as your entitled to post here, for the minute anyway, I just want you to realise that your posts/opinions mean two thirds of f#$& all to us.

In all seriousness, why do you post here? It's not like you bring anything of value.
F##k you big punce!!Delusional freak you are!!since when do you need credibilty to come on this board!??Who died and made you king??You f###wit!!Thanks for the stats only 3 difference!!You really think thats the difference in the list 3 players you are so delusional ave another beer you FREAK!:eek::thumbsdown::thumbsdown::thumbsdown:

Oops. Your post has just made me realise how old you must be. Sorry about picking on you little fella. Won't do it again.

Does you mummy know you swear like a trooper?

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Another Year Like This year

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