Are MCC Members Happy?

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nothing to do with the fact it "asks" for money from Lexus, Emirates etc.

You imply that Lexus & Emirates don't benefit out of the sponsorship of Collingwood.

Those 2 companies sponsor the club for a reason, their is a trade off b/w the money they outlay to the CFC & the amount of publicity & exposure, that the CFC brings their way.

The MCC donation is merely a patch over a sinking ship.
You imply that Lexus & Emirates don't benefit out of the sponsorship of Collingwood.

Those 2 companies sponsor the club for a reason, their is a trade off b/w the money they outlay to the CFC & the amount of publicity & exposure, that the CFC brings their way.

The MCC donation is merely a patch over a sinking ship.

And you imply that the MCC have never benefitted from the Melbourne Football Club.
And you imply that the MCC have never benefitted from the Melbourne Football Club.

What was relevant in 1858 & 1964 is hardly relevant today. The MCC could drop the MFC like 3rd period french & they wouldn't know the difference.

It's only a matter of time before the MFC support out of the MCC falls behind Essendon & Collingwood. 10 years.

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you'd really care that much about $10?
I care about any and all money that is taken from me without my consent, yes.

Do you care if your phone bill goes up by $10 without notice and without providing any additional services? I dare say you would.
What was relevant in 1858 & 1964 is hardly relevant today. The MCC could drop the MFC like 3rd period french & they wouldn't know the difference.

It's only a matter of time before the MFC support out of the MCC falls behind Essendon & Collingwood. 10 years.

it could never allow Collingwood and Essendon supporters to be members and it wouldn't notice the difference

the mcc could drop everyone of it's members twice over and hardly notice a difference.

what's your point?
I care about all money that is taken from me without my consent.

Do you care if your phone bill goes up by $10 without notice and without providing any additional services? I dare say you would.

if it were a regular payment yes. but as a one off i'd most likely not notice it at all. or in the off chance i did notice, if i were informed of what the money was used for i would be fine with it.

while this money doesn't provide additional services. it is being used to maintain current service. it assists in the survival of the MFC, without which the competition would only have 17 teams therefor requiring the afl to schedule at least one bye each week.

would you be happy to pay for cable tv only for it to not work an hour every day because no one wanted to pay a slight fee increase?
yes because half of the current members and all of the members in waiting all go for either Collingwood and Essendon.
how could i forget

No need to be smart...

I think the last count was 13% Essendon, 11% Collingwood & Melbourne 21%.

The new inductees post 04 were passed through to fund the redevelopment & a significant % were Essendon & Collingwood supporters.

The waiting list would reflect the current trend within the AFL in terms of club support, Melbourne's share will only decrease over the next 10 years.
I'm not an MCC member but given MFC members make up less than a quarter of the MCC members I wouldn't be happy if a chunk of my money was going to just one club.

Melbourne and other clubs don't need handouts, they need these **** sucking stadiums to return a reasonable return on games. If they can afford to piss $1m down the toilet then they have room to stop ripping clubs off.
Well they couldn't give any more money to Collingwood because they'd probably just make more interesting pub investments or buy a new cheersquad.

Yeah because Collingwoods 15,000 or so more guarantees it survival, nothing to do with the fact it "asks" for money from Lexus, Emirates etc. Not to mention the handsome fixture it negotiated with the MCC and AFL. 18 games minimum in Victoria.

Once the AFL, mcc and sponsors stop giving handouts to Collingwood they will die and be forced to relocate.

You have no Idea! Collingwood get a good draw because we draw the biggest crowds year in year out out of any team in the AFL because Collingwood have the Biggest Supporter Base!

Collingwood averaged 65,000 at the M.C.G and broke the All-time attendance record with 1,247,000 people seeing Collingwood play in 08!

So why do collingwood always get great draws and sponsorships year in year out? Because we have over 722,000 supporter's around Australia plus every other victorian club (inc. Melbourne) request's to play a home game against Collingwood so they can count on 40-50,000 Collingwood supporters to turn up to an away game while melbourne can only get it's 20,000 to a home game against Collingwood!
if it were a regular payment yes. but as a one off i'd most likely not notice it at all. or in the off chance i did notice, if i were informed of what the money was used for i would be fine with it.

while this money doesn't provide additional services. it is being used to maintain current service. it assists in the survival of the MFC, without which the competition would only have 17 teams therefor requiring the afl to schedule at least one bye each week.

would you be happy to pay for cable tv only for it to not work an hour every day because no one wanted to pay a slight fee increase?
It's really quite simple. When I pay in advance for a service, I expect that the money I pay will go toward the reasonable costs associated with the provision of that service. If the only plumber in town gives me a $200 quote to fix my pipes, I expect that the cost of parts and labour should come to approximately $200, not $120 and $80 which the plumber decides to spend on methamphetamine.

If the MCC decides to hike it's subscription each year, and then decides it has $1m to blow on something without consulting its voting members, I wonder why my subscription went up in the first place.
If MCC members aren't happy with how Stephen Gough and his board choose to distribute funds to its historical partner the MFC then they can simply revoke there membership. Would be great if you did, myself and the other 100,000 waiting members will be able to give some more cash to the Dees sooner than expected!

It isn't Stephen Gough's board - he's an employee of that board. There's nothing stopping you and the other 100,000 on the waiting list from giving as much cash as you all like now. Why wait until the club accepts you as members ? The MFC may have disappeared by then.

I have no objection to the injection of funds as long as it has a benefit to the cricket club. The MCC taught the VFL/AFL all it knows about greed and exploitation of its position so I've no doubt it'll call the tune, having paid the piper.

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If the MCC decides to hike it's subscription each year, and then decides it has $1m to blow on something without consulting its voting members, I wonder why my subscription went up in the first place.

So why do you think that the MCC behaves so unfairly to its membership base and helps make the MFC financially viable ?
As an MCC member I am more than happy to have my club give money to Melbourne. Whilst not being tax deductable, it is still giving money to a charity and makes me feel warm inside!

On a serious note, the MCC would be nowhere without the input from the Melbourne Footy Club. The worst thing that happened in their relationship was the splitting of the clubs. (MFC was originally the footballing arm of the cricket club). I'm sure many members wouldn't notice the difference in their membership renewal considering the $90ish levy on the memberships at the moment.
The current board may not be responsible for your current debt, but what about the boards since 1996! If Hawthorn have turned their club around with good management,since then, then why haven't Melbourne? They have had 16 years to do it, and they are now worse off than in 1996! What have they been doing??I say well done to the Hawks, who btw now have over 30,000 members before Xmas, quite a remarkable achievement and turnaround.. The Dogs have turned their finances around, and so too, to a certain extent have the Kangaroos.All the blame must lay with the Melbourne boards (and their supporters) and their lack of action, they seem to be all talk and no action!:( All we seem to hear for 16 years is that they WILL turn their fortunes around.)Let's see them do that without help from anyone, mainly the AFL and the MCC..Time for them to stand on their own two feet, at present they are a charity case...
I am happy for it to be a one off payment, I would have some serious reservations if it turned into an annual comittment. My view would change if in the future, the MFC entered into a formal alliance with the MCC.

Historically, the MCC have down very well financially from the MFC and its supporters.

The onus is now on the Melbourne board to run the club in a competent manner.
Rather than the payment, MCC should just give them an area in the ground, or charge a nominal fee / whatever, for a Social Club section at the ground, ala, what Collingwood has. Because, if I'm reading correctly, if MFC are a very important tennant of the MCG, surely the MCC would allow that wouldn't they?? At least let the Dees earn their $1mill.

Nothing lasts forever. If the Dees rely on the 'Melbourne' branding, and their history as the sole focus in their recovery, my own view, you're in trouble.

Time to think out of the square.
I care about any and all money that is taken from me without my consent, yes.

Do you care if your phone bill goes up by $10 without notice and without providing any additional services? I dare say you would.

Agreed, I don't mind if the MCC gives money to the MCC but my membership amount better not go up, especially in economic times at the moment!:thumbsdown:
Melbourne are just another tenant and shouldn't be ripping off MCC members.

God this argument has been posted so many times and shut down im not even going to bother with the facts, go look in the other posts. They are not just some tenant, so get over it and stop crying that there is a special relationship between that club and the MCC. Im an MCC member, my family are all MCC members, we are all happy with the arrangement. Footy wouldn't exist without that club so grow up.
I much prefer going to the footy and watching my team play when they actually have somebody to play against. If you let the poorer teams die sooner or later there will be no teams left except the top few. We'll have an English Premier League. How boring.

I dont have an issue with the MCC redistributing some of its revenue that the superpowers Collingwood and Essendon generate for them, and spreading the wealth back to the poorer clubs to keep the game alive.

Socialist policies exist throughout the AFL - the draft, the salary cap, gate redistribution, tv rights, etc etc. What the MCC have decided to do with some of their surplus is not inconsistent with that policy of equalising teams so that there is an adequate competition.
As an MCC member I feel that the only reason Melbourne FC should get the $mill is to help them relocate to West Sydney or Hobart.
With an administration that is underequipped to perform satisfactory business functions and a meager membership base that only turns up when games are at the MCG and there is no powder at Bulla, there is nothing keeping the club in Victoria.
The AFL is one of the few competitions in the world that financially props up it's flagging teams. Plus the notion of staying loyal only if the club remains in the state is completely antiquated. How many Sydney and Brisbane fans live in Melbourne and stuck with their team after they moved?
The Hobart Demons is better than no Demons at all. Get over it.

Coffs Harbour Blues for premiership in 2010
Agreed, I don't mind if the MCC gives money to the MCC but my membership amount better not go up, especially in economic times at the moment!:thumbsdown:

It won't be going up because of any Melbourne donations.
The MCC have done this before, it is financial compensation more than anything. At least that is how Gough explains it.
God this argument has been posted so many times and shut down im not even going to bother with the facts, go look in the other posts. They are not just some tenant, so get over it and stop crying that there is a special relationship between that club and the MCC. Im an MCC member, my family are all MCC members, we are all happy with the arrangement. Footy wouldn't exist without that club so grow up.

Why are Melbourne any different. Just becuase their administration is so poor should not entitle them to payouts. Hawthorn were able to build a financially stable model and not ask the AFL/MCC over and over for payouts. I don't mind if they get it this time, so long as it does not impact on ME (financially)!
Do people realise that even if Melbourne do become financially viable that the MCC will continue to give us 500,000$ per year?

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Are MCC Members Happy?

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