Attention Blues fans: Get Clive to Optus Oval!

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chris p79 said:
Medders? Nooooooo.... you can't get rid of boofhead. Who else will swear at the photographers?

Yeah ok - Clive, Macca and a 2nd rnder
funkyfreo said:
Stop trying to outpsyche the Blues fans Nathspazz - just come out and enter the bidding.

We will take Carr J and Tredrea for Clive, Medders and a 3rd rnd pick.

we tried to get him a few years ago, but alas you wouldn't part with him. You wouldn't even let the poor bloke come home for his sick old man.

We will take Schammer and Pavlich for Schofield, he won a showdown medal once.

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nathspazz said:
we tried to get him a few years ago, but alas you wouldn't part with him. You wouldn't even let the poor bloke come home for his sick old man.

We will take Schammer and Pavlich for Schofield, he won a showdown medal once.

See I knew you wanted him... Sorry Schofield was a Toaster once wasn't he?

Don;t suppose you know what Port were offering for Clive at the time do you. Could be another "Freo's worst trading" threads. Did we turn down Treadrea by any chance?

For the record - I'm an out and out Clive fan, but am enjoying this thread immensely:)
This is really just a gratuitous post to stop CLIVE!!!! falling off the page.

C'mon guys - post your clive accolades here!
Cliive shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary Cliive, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember Cliive.

I would like every one here to observe a one minute silence as Cliive the legend packs his bag to return to Adelaide.

Chris Connolly has this habit of leaving players who are on the outer with him , to leave them on the sidelines for longer than expected. I can give a classic case of Adam McPhee. McPhee played 5 or 6 games consecutively in WAFL, and Chris still refused to select him in the first 22.

I can give similair examples also to : Troy Longmuir, Anthony Jones, Clive Waterhourse, Adam McPhee and Brad Dodd.

These players might not be household names in the east but they have played absolutely great footy in WAFL and connolly disses them.

When I heard about the press conference I froze. Please not the "End of Clive" announcement. The nerves set in. I hadn't been this nervous since I attended agriculture school and in crop dusting class sat next to a bloke in a turban. But now it seems that Clive has officially been given that most traditional of send offs - the Freo Heave Ho and it's time to reflect on one of the greats.

Clive was Fremantle. He was the one bloke that other blokes could say they loved and didn't come out looking like a big bowl of fruit.You either loved or hated him. Crazy, brilliant, frustrating, fortunate, miraculous, ridiculous, and even catastrophic. There was no in between. He brought to Fremantle something that very few have been able to. What that was we have no idea. Yet we loved him for it.

Several years back during a game Clive wasn't playing in, Dennis Cometti was commentating. Just before the second half got underway Dennis, a big Clive fan, couldn't hold back his disappointment. "I'm devastated" Cometti said. "I just ran into Clive in the corridor and he had no idea who I was." That was classic Clive.

Many referred to Clive as the Mexican as he was full of jumping beans. Some called him Lucky Dip because you never new what you were going to get. Others named him Half Price. He was the best at doing one of two acts brilliantly better than anyone that ever played the game, even when two simple acts would have achieved the desired result. In one passage of play he would take mark of the year in the goal square. Then, while almost impossible to do, he'd kick the ball at right angles and put it out of bounds on the full fifty rows back. Or then again he would drop a sitter, somehow regain the ball, run straight into trouble manage to back out and from sixty metres on the boundary snap a goal that made you think the second coming was here and he's got an anchor on his front and number 26 on his back. Most didn't bother with the nick names those, he was the man the word knew simply as Clive

When Clive was on he was on. Opposition teams said "Ok we just have to concentrate on the other 21 because a Mack Truck driven by a psychiatrist won't stop him." Clive will be remembered for a lot of things but mainly for one game. That's right the demolition derby. While a lot of the credit for that game went to Brad "One Punch" Dodd and Dale Kickett, Clive was the one who got us over the line. His 7 big goals will go down in history as one of the all time superb single handed efforts at the Fremantle Football Club.

At the same time Clive had a knack for making the simple incredibly difficult. But it was always exciting. A blind man could tell when the half-mad man went near the ball. The crowd rose as one. The tension and anticipation of what was to happen next had most off their seats and those who weren't were on the edge of theirs. You automatically put a line through what the obvious and most efficient move was. There was no way that was going to happen and younever needed an eraser to rub that line out. He never disappointed in performing the same move twice. Just when you thought you had every option covered Clive would pull out another one. "Bloody hell I didn't see that one coming" was the most used statement by Fremantle fans when he was playing. However, what was further amazing was that Clive himself never saw it coming either. He reacted on the combination on pure instinct and natural talent, with a fraction more than a pinch of panic thrown in.

Like many AFL footballers, Clive endured plenty of rotten luck in his time. After he did his knee it was one injury after another. They robbed Fremantle fans and the entire AFL from seeing this erratic superstar show what he could do on a regular basis. Knee reconstructions and serious hamstrings sidelined Clive and in the end proved to be his undoing. While many believe he has more to offer the AFL he continues to set the WAFL alight. Claremont will go along way in the upcoming finals with the great man at full forward.

Whatever your thoughts or opinions of Clive may be you can't deny he brought an emotional rollercoaster ride to Fremantle, one of which we all enjoyed at some stage. In the space of 10 seconds of on-field Clive you went from ecstasy to devastation back to ecstasy and then it was the toss of a coin where you ended up. No one echoes Fremantle's 10 year history more appropriately.

We wish Clive all the best in his future endeavors. We're thankful he was apart of Fremantle and couldn't imagine the last 9 years with out him. He thrilled us and chilled us. He gave us his best efforts whenever he took the field. Not once did he shirk the contest, even when many of his teammates, while icing their bruises, wished he had. Clive gave us everything he possibly could and that is all we can ask of anyone who pulls on the Fremantle jumper.

The only thing Clive splits as well as packs arethe supporters. It's a love - hate relationship where half the world worships the ground he walks on and the other half spit on it. It seems there is nothing in between but at the end of the day, the Clive Waterhouse fan club's slogan says it all … "Almost Brilliant".

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Freo obviously don't want Whitnall, as Clive is delisted *sniff* - but Blues here is your real chance at scoop of the century.
OK, Round two was kicked off today, and I brought in the big guns.

On my lunch break, sent Denis Pagan the following text message:

"Just thought I'd let you know that I'm seriously considering not renewing for 2005 should you not pick up Clive Waterhouse with a late pick in this year's draft."

and then sent the following to Sam Lane and Mike Sheahan:

"Any truth in the rumour that Carlton are actively persuing Clive Waterhouse for next season?"

Denis's assistant rang back, but got my voicemail twice, Denis finally rang himself, I answered. The conversation went as follows:

Me: "This is Clive...."

Denis: "Is Boris there??"

Me: " Who is this."

Denis: "It's Denis. Now come on, who the ******** is this?"

Me: "Umm uhh, are you gonna pick me...uhhh Clive up in this year's draft?"

Denis: "No, no I'm not, now stop ********ing me around and stop ringing me."

**I hang up, ********ting myself.**

Then received the following text message back from Ms. Lane:

"Haha, u've got 2 be joking. n who is this?"

Mike Sheahan so far has not yet replied.....
Port Adelaide are keen to secure his services next season, talk have already begun with Clive keen to return to Adelaide. Port will have a tough time signing him though with tough competition expected from North Adelaide :p
Someone from the Football Department left 2 voice messages on my voice mail last night....

I reckon they might be serious about getitng Clive next year!

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Attention Blues fans: Get Clive to Optus Oval!

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