Aussies Abroad Thread

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I get wanting to go to Europe but the Dutch league is such a nothing league. None of our players that go there ever amount to anything or get moves to better leagues. They usually end up back in Australia after a couple of years.
I get wanting to go to Europe but the Dutch league is such a nothing league. None of our players that go there ever amount to anything or get moves to better leagues. They usually end up back in Australia after a couple of years.

It's an interesting league. The good is excellent and the bad is really bad.

It's recently been a good league for Ryan and Hrustic. Hrustic got his move the Bundesliga after where he won the Europa League with Frankfurt then on to the Serie A which was terrible. Going back further Oar, Holman, Emerton and Vidmar had good stints/careers there.

There have been a few failures too of course. Kuol at Volendam was awful but that was an example of a poor fit. That team was worse than AL level and after a coach change played a back 5 defensive deep block with no wide forwards, which was never going work for Kuol.

I think it's more about finding the right club fit. If you get that the Eredivisie is a good second tier Euro league.

It's exciting to see more AA in Europe. Weight of numbers a few will break through. My fingers crossed for Balard.

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