I'm not sure how accurate this source is, regardless, what is troubling to me is that seemingly, we are no longer an unknown in a geopolitical sense. Mainstream media alludes as much and not just from local sources, unless you've been living on Mars.
Major world leaders have noticeably mentioned Australia in a geopolitical sense (particularly economically and somewhat militarily).
Mainstream media also alludes that we are the major power in the indo pacific region and probably have been for half a century (but obviously no longer), which is now a hot pot in territorial discussions i:e Taiwan, and other Pacific nations, in which it seems we're tit for tat with China. Both of us trying to buy off those nations with the 'security blanket'. pfft.
This source has us racked 16th in military power out of 145 nations, that doesn't exactly scream silent minnow nation not to worry about does it. It has us ranked 9 places above Germany - many would consider a world power.
If that does not give one concern then I don't know what would would.
Even if this source is not reliable or accurate, there's no denying that Australia has more than one finger in the geopolitical pie. Off the top of my head........
The quad
The Taiwanese have previously asked for our 'support' (for want of a better term) should things turn sour, in so much as a one China 'reunification'.
A whole page on this.
If we're such a minnow (which it's clear we are not) then why would Taiwan seek our support?
Military support for Ukraine, and praise from Vlod.
Even mad vlad and China are pissed off with us over the AUKUS deal, France has got their nose out of joint as well for obvious reasons.
Part of the G20
It's not like it was 50 or even 30 years ago, we definitely have a target on our back, particularly from China.
Once again, if it comes to the crunch King and country and Uncle Sam will come calling, the difference is we're a much more perceived threat then we ever have been - ever.
Personally, I'd prefer we'd be that lil minnow nation away from the rest of the worlds eyes, but now we can't escape that cos, well we ain't no lil or medium power anymore.
This gives me very high concern.
Major world leaders have noticeably mentioned Australia in a geopolitical sense (particularly economically and somewhat militarily).
Mainstream media also alludes that we are the major power in the indo pacific region and probably have been for half a century (but obviously no longer), which is now a hot pot in territorial discussions i:e Taiwan, and other Pacific nations, in which it seems we're tit for tat with China. Both of us trying to buy off those nations with the 'security blanket'. pfft.
This source has us racked 16th in military power out of 145 nations, that doesn't exactly scream silent minnow nation not to worry about does it. It has us ranked 9 places above Germany - many would consider a world power.
If that does not give one concern then I don't know what would would.
2025 Military Strength Ranking
Ranking the nations of the world based on current available firepower.
Even if this source is not reliable or accurate, there's no denying that Australia has more than one finger in the geopolitical pie. Off the top of my head........
The quad

AUKUS - Wikipedia
The Taiwanese have previously asked for our 'support' (for want of a better term) should things turn sour, in so much as a one China 'reunification'.
A whole page on this.
If we're such a minnow (which it's clear we are not) then why would Taiwan seek our support?
Military support for Ukraine, and praise from Vlod.
Even mad vlad and China are pissed off with us over the AUKUS deal, France has got their nose out of joint as well for obvious reasons.
Part of the G20

G20 - Wikipedia
It's not like it was 50 or even 30 years ago, we definitely have a target on our back, particularly from China.
Once again, if it comes to the crunch King and country and Uncle Sam will come calling, the difference is we're a much more perceived threat then we ever have been - ever.
Personally, I'd prefer we'd be that lil minnow nation away from the rest of the worlds eyes, but now we can't escape that cos, well we ain't no lil or medium power anymore.
This gives me very high concern.