News Australia has a new PM

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Malcolm Turnbull defeated Tony Abbott in the Liberal leadership ballot.

Julie Bishop his deputy.
Maybe the elections should be held every 2 years.
Stop this kind of crap happening during the term.

Hey both parties you chose your leader if it turns out he/she is shit, well too bad maybe pick someone better next time.
Awaiting a new John Oliver video about him to know what to think of it :rolleyes:

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Back to the 1900's when we had 4 PM's in about 2 years. It took WW I to get rid of the instability, when a war cabiet was left and Labor PM Billy Hughes walked out on the Labor party and formed the National Labor part in late 1916 which become the Nationalist Part in early 1917 and all up served as PM for about 7.5 years.

I hope we dont need another world war to bring back some normal long term stability. PM's and their terms the first 14 years of Australia.

Barton 1 January 1901 – 24 September 1903

24 September 1903 – 27 April 1904
5 July 1905 – 13 November 1908
2 June 1909 – 29 April 1910

Watson 27 April 1904 – 18 August 1904

Reid 18 August 1904 – 5 July 1905

13 November 1908 – 2 June 1909
29 April 1910 – 24 June 1913
17 September 1914 – 27 October 1915

24 June 1913 – 17 September 1914

Hughes 27 October 1915 – 9 February 1923
The great irony is that a constitutional monarchist who went on about the virtues of the Westminster system talked about people voting in the prime minister and that only they should vote him or her out not the party. Good to hear John Howard tell his young protégé that's not how the system works.

Maybe if Tony backed a Republic and a President with real powers not ceremonial ones he would be able to link up the two systems correctly. As Howard always used to say when PM and again today, you serve at the pleasure of your parliamentary colleagues.

Edit - what Abbott said on Monday night

The Prime Ministership of this country is not a prize or a plaything to be demanded. It should be something which is earned by a vote of the Australian people.

There will be a Party Room ballot for both the leadership and deputy leadership positions later this evening. I will be a candidate and I expect to win.

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New Prime Minister but very few new ideas.

The move to lift the GST is only copying the NZ experience and something Hockey was reportedly investigating before he was dumped. It does turn up the blowtorch on Bill Shorten who should have seen this move coming. Labor cannot sit on it's hands, it has to support the move, oppose the move or propose something different.

Good to see that Turnbull has done the sensible thing and dumped knighthoods. Re instituting these anachronistic honours and giving one to Phillip Mountbatten will stand as a monument to Abbott's failure to understand the mood of the Australian people. It is a bit inconsistent not asking those who received one not to give it back. If Cosgrove is really the 'man of the people' he should do the right thing and hand it back regardless.
Good to see that Turnbull has done the sensible thing and dumped knighthoods. Re instituting these anachronistic honours and giving one to Phillip Mountbatten will stand as a monument to Abbott's failure to understand the mood of the Australian people.

Charles: Whats this? that unwashed tribe of criminals we dumped on some land think that I deserve an Australian Knighthood...
I suppose I will add this to my resume..
Along with Prince and Heir to the ****ing throne!

Jesus Abbott seriously, do you really think that Charles guy gives a shit.
Seemed to me he was just trying to get himself some face time with the Royal family of his birth place.
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Charles: Whats this? that unwashed tribe of criminals we dumped on some land think that I deserve an Australian Knighthood...
I suppose I will add this to my resume..
Along with Prince and Heir to the ******* throne!

Jesus Abbott seriously, do you really think that Charles guy gives a shit.
Seemed to me he was just trying to get himself some face time with the Royal family of his birth place.

Philip not Charles. ;)

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