Australian Idol

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Anything will grow in Wessex
Sep 27, 2003
the north. (/melb)
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I watched this season of Idol for the first time tonight, because they were doing the beatles.

I grew up on the beatles, and the way those guys performed there songs was crap.

Only that first woman can hold her head high.Are they usually this bad? What happened?

Full points to Dicko, he spoke the truth, unlike Marsha and the other guy.
Cheer Red Blood said:
Only that first woman can hold her head high.Are they usually this bad? What happened?

My god, are you and all the judges on the same drugs. Channel butchered a classic Beatles song. It was deplorable...really. I was absolutely disgusted with the way half of the "Idol"s sang their songs. To myself, there was only two real performances tonight...Hayley singing "Yesterday" and Marty singing "O Darlin'" The rest shouldn't have even bothered turning maybe Courtney.

It was disgusting tonight on how many of them either did away with the classic, beautiful harmonies and melodys, and ended up forgetting half the lyrics. Now noticably, I have not been a fan of Casey, and yes I can understand a bit of negative bias I might say, however IF she doesn't go tomorrow, for that butcher...that massacre of a classic Beatle's song, then there is no justice. She was a dead set shocker tonight, and showed total disrespect to the artists called the Beatles.

Overall there is 3 catagories for tonights performances where certain singers can be put...


Ricki-Lee ? (her performance is the only thing holding her up in this division)
Anthony ?

Dead set shockers;

Now we all know how the Australian public will vote though...yes Hayley was maybe the BEST of the night, however she's good-looking, but married therefore no marketting appeal and people will not vote for her....and that is a disgrace in itself. If she gets in the bottom 3 tomorrow night, I'll get my angry eyes out...

My prediction on going;
Casey from Channel and Hayley

:mad: If Hayley goes, I'll be royally angry!


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Cheer Red Blood said:
I watched this season of Idol for the first time tonight, because they were doing the beatles.

I grew up on the beatles, and the way those guys performed there songs was crap.

Only that first woman can hold her head high.Are they usually this bad? What happened?

Full points to Dicko, he spoke the truth, unlike Marsha and the other guy.
Same. First time I've sat through a whole episode, and I did so because they were doing the Beatles.

I also agree that Chanel was clearly the best performance (she was the one that went first). She has an amazing voice. Marty wasn't too bad either, clearly the Beatles are far more up his alley than some of that other stuff he has to do.

The rest were average at best (although I didn't see Courtney). Some shockers there tonight, including Casey, Anthony and Hayley. What is with her voice? There's nothing 'in' it! I couldn't even follow what she was singing. She annoys me. (It's the first time I've watched it fully, but I watch bits here and there when others are watching).

Too many of them weren't familiar with the Beatles, their works, their influence, the nature of the songs - hence why the performances were so bad (and why they forgot lyrics!). Don't give 'modern interpretations' to Beatles songs - it just doesn't bloody work! And they want to call themselves musicians. :mad:
AngelEyes said:
My god, are you and all the judges on the same drugs. Channel butchered a classic Beatles song. It was deplorable...really. I was absolutely disgusted with the way half of the "Idol"s sang their songs. To myself, there was only two real performances tonight...Hayley singing "Yesterday" and Marty singing "O Darlin'" The rest shouldn't have even bothered turning maybe Courtney.

Channel has a great voice.The way she "interpreted" the song was not right, but she has a great voice.

I agree with you,BomberGirl, they shouldn't have changed the songs.
Tonight was the worst episode featuring the finalists this season.
Only Chanel and Courtney were good.
Casey( who I think is clearly the best singer in the competition) forgot her lines and then got dis-spirited and overawed and Ricki-Lee looked tired and dis-interested , are 2 who are usually far better than tonight.
The rest (Hayley , Anthony , Marty ) were basically on a par with their normal performances.
I thought Hayley, Courtney and Marty were reasonable.

The rest were ordinary.

Don't know why they change the arrangements (Casey, Ricki-Lee) - why do that with classic, simple melodies.

Anthony was shocking - back to Young Talent Time performances.

I missed Chanel, but she seemed okay from the little bit on the flashback I saw.

Overall a pretty ordinary night.
Cheer Red Blood said:
I watched this season of Idol for the first time tonight, because they were doing the beatles.

I grew up on the beatles, and the way those guys performed there songs was crap.

Only that first woman can hold her head high.Are they usually this bad? What happened?

Full points to Dicko, he spoke the truth, unlike Marsha and the other guy.

Waiting for the 4400, I was forced to sit through the last 10 mins of this.... joke of a TV show. I thought all 7 of them were bloody shocking, not that I could do any better though.
I'm another one who hadn't watched the show before, but tuned in because it was a Beatles thing. I won't watch it again, though, I don't think.

Casey must go for murdering poor Eleanor Rigby. That wasn't just a bad performance, it was a crime. Whoever it was that said John and George would be rolling in their graves was spot on.

The 'disinterested' tag for Ricky-Lee seemed about right... her performance started out average and got progressively worse, until it was downright disgraceful. I got the impression, as a first-time watcher, that she's turning herself into a Delta clone, with the expectation that she'll win on image. I hope she doesn't.

Anthony - was he the first bloke? - showed zero respect by changing the lyrics and melody of I Saw Her Standing There.

Marty obviously DID have respect for what Beatles music is about. He didn't have the voice for Oh Darling, but I'll forgive him.

Can also forgive Hayley. Her voice didn't have me rapt, and her version of Yesterday was very predictably slowed-down. I'll also overlook the changed lyrics, since a woman can't exactly sing "I'm not half the man I used to be"... uninspiring, but not insulting, which is about as good as it got for the night.

The best two, I thought, were Courtney and Chanel. Neither are great singers, but Chanel managed to capture the emotions that Across the Universe is supposed to instil in listeners. None of the others at all had any of the spirit of the Beatles in their performance, whether they're Beatles fans or not.

Courtney played it fairly traditionally, I thought, and that's what I was hoping for. It was superficial, but generally I can't stand 'interpretations' of Beatles songs, since they were written specifically for the people who played them, for the period they were played in and the style they were played in. Chanel got a small piece of the heart of a Beatles song, and Courtney showed some appreciation for the culture of the Beatles.
I thought Chanel was amazing. She perfectly captured the spirit of 'Across the universe'. Marty and Courtney were both good.
I didn't like Anthony at all, and Casey was dreadful.

However- Ricki Lee was by far the worst. Her voice was straining the whole time, and she absolutely murdered a perfectly good song to the point where it was unrecognizeable. Everything that Dicko said to her was spot on.
ARRRRGGGHHH - what the heck was last night's show?

The only 2 that were any good were Marty and Courtney...(Okay Chanel has a good voice, but I hated the interpretation and I hate her, so she gets no points). The 2 boys were the best for 2 reasons - they actually did faithful versions that remembered that the Beatles wrote excellent melodies and they actually managed to catch the emotion/feeling of the songs.

Hayley was reasonable but should be shot purely on the basis she took the ridiculously easy way out and sang Yesterday (in my opinion one of the most over-rated and over covered songs in history) - sing a song with a bit of oomph for lord's sake.

Casey and the more I think about Rikki-Lee were train wrecks (though I liked Rikki-Lee's until she forgot the words halfway through because she was at least doing a version that suited her style) but by far the absolute worst performance of the night was Anthony - DIE Plastic Boy DIE... :mad:

He managed to do the most cabaret performance of that song I've ever seen and it was once covered by Tiffany for lord's sake! It was so cheesy and ridiculous...from the moment he started singing on the staircase.

And is there anything funnier than Anthony's pouty, angry face when Dicko or Holden criticise him? And btw Marcia, not being alive when the Beatles were going around is not an excuse...I wasn't born then and I know them very well, don't these people listen to the radio?

Marcia annoys me more by the week

On a side note - interesting they all chose (except for Chanel) McCartney songs...

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the judges must be feeling like clowns because the crop they selected were sprinters. none of them have improved over time except maybe hayley. who even then won't reach the same standard the sprinters reached
RooBunny said:
ARRRRGGGHHH - what the heck was last night's show?

The only 2 that were any good were Marty and Courtney...(Okay Chanel has a good voice, but I hated the interpretation and I hate her, so she gets no points). The 2 boys were the best for 2 reasons

2 reasons......they have a penis and testicles. Chanel was great but obviously doesn't "meat" your criteria.

Casey and the more I think about Rikki-Lee were train wrecks (though I liked Rikki-Lee's until she forgot the words halfway through because she was at least doing a version that suited her style) but by far the absolute worst performance of the night was Anthony - DIE Plastic Boy DIE... :mad:

He managed to do the most cabaret performance of that song I've ever seen and it was once covered by Tiffany for lord's sake! It was so cheesy and ridiculous...from the moment he started singing on the staircase.

Actually enjoyed Tiffany's version better. :D
hoss said:
2 reasons......they have a penis and testicles. Chanel was great but obviously doesn't "meat" your criteria.

Oh god isn't that insightful...I preferred the two boys because they're men and I'm obviously some giggly teenage girl who just loves any guy who can sing? :rolleyes:

So you're wrong on so many counts got that I was female right at least... that must have taken a whole minute to work out...

I don't like Chanel because I find her smug and the breathless flirt routine she does nauseates you'll find a lot of girls don't like her for the same reason. She also butchered one of my favourite songs in Constant Craving last week. Maybe you'll also work out that I'd obviously thought she did sing well last night, I just didn't like her opposed to the 2 boys who did faithful renditions.
As much as they annoy me, Courtney and Chanel were the best of a bad bunch.

Marty and Hayley were reasonable.

But the rest?

I won't even bother other than to say goodbye Casey.
Lazy and ignorant. Ricki-lee and Anthony basically took the lyrics and used music to suit themselves. Anthony's resembled Enrico Igleseas with Beatle lyrics while Ricki sounded like some trashy anastacia song.
It doesn't really matter how they sing any more. Its just a popularity contest now.

Either Chanel or Hayley will go tonight for the simple reason that they are less popular with women.

And either Anthony or Courtney will win.
NMWBloods said:
They both actually have good voices.

After all, it was a Beatles night and none of them had particularly great singing voices.

Sorry mate, not saying they weren't 'good', just not 'great'.

They can sing a hell of a lot better than me... but they're not Beatles quality (that should go without saying), and I would prefer last year's Idol crop (the one's I've heard) to any that I saw last night.

I'd argue the point on whether John and Paul were great singers. I don't have a clue about the technical side of music or singing... to my ears, John and Paul had perfect voices for their music. Or perhaps it was perfect music for their voices. It doesn't matter either way; we all know that it worked.
Dicko is fast becoming a farce. He knows NOTHING about singing. Marcia was right. He sells records. And knows something about the Beatles.

And thats it. Egotistical moron. Go back to pommy land. And take ya stinkin Beatles trash with ya.
Australian Idol is the most pathetically embarrasing television 'show' this great country has ever produced - and that's saying something.

The disgustingly untalented jokes that get up on that stage and attempt to fool people that they are 'average or above' is simply insulting, and there is no other proof of this than the fact that that dud Shannon Noll was able to come top 2, let alone that unbearable bitch Guy Sebastian actually winning something.

The sooner this country stops copying every single ********ing our american friends do, the better.

I mean, what a bloody country to copy... :rolleyes:

Australian Idol = run by little teeny-bopper girls and their tart mothers.

Thankyou, and goodnight. :)

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Australian Idol

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