Opinion AUSTRALIAN Politics: Adelaide Board Discussion Part 5

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Momey grabbing leeches this Viktoriastan ALP mob. Running the state into the ground, virtually bankrupted through their total and disgraceful handling of the taxpayers money now this low low act of desperation. Just when you thought they couldn't possibly go lower here we are!

Grieving families hit with ‘massive’ financial burden under stealth death tax: Law Institute of Victoria​

Grieving families would cop a “massive” financial hit if the Allan government pushes ahead with plans to introduce a “death tax by stealth”.

Victoria’s peak legal body has warned against plans by the state government to introduce a “death tax by stealth” saying it would add a massive financial burden to grieving families.
Law Institute of Victoria chief Adam Awty on Friday said plans to hike the cost of enacting wills, first revealed by the Herald Sun, could limit access to justice and deter executers from completing probate.
“The death of a loved one is probably the hardest time in anyone’s life,” Mr Awty said.
“These increased fees would add extra stress and financial hardship on families who are already suffering.
“They can’t access the bank account of their deceased loved one so they need to find the money for filing fees somewhere else.”
The government has fast-tracked a review of the Supreme Court’s probate fees by three years with increases of up to 650 per cent being considered.
Under a favoured model being considered by the government, some fees would move from a fixed rate to a tiered system for the first time.

It would bring in an additional $33.6m in revenue for the Supreme Court, 1086 per cent more than it costs to operate the probate office.

The rest of the funds would be used to cover other court costs.

It comes after the government cut $19.1m in funding from Court Services Victoria over the next year in last month’s state budget.

“These proposed changes place an extra burden on Victorians who are acting as executers,” Mr Awty said.

“They could discourage people from agreeing to become executers which could slow down administration of estates and tie up assets for longer.

“These fees are too high. For estates worth more than $2.5 million, they are almost double the fees in NSW. We will work with government and advise of the impact of the proposed changes.”

Premier Jacinta Allan has labelled criticism at the proposed fee hike as “scaremongering”.

But Shadow Attorney General, Michael O’Brien, said the proposal was reminiscent of death duties which were abolished in Victoria in the 1980s.

What is wrong with a tiered system? The more wealth you have, the more probate fees you pay.

What is the average cost by the way?

And it isn’t a death tax either. Talk about over dramatise things.

God, you have a whinge about everything.
Yeh he got it wrong and just like for 10 years, the Coalition promised us budget surpluses but never achieved one.

If you live in WA, the ALP government has given $400 in energy relief to all households plus an additional $826 for households most in need. Don’t think Coalition will make any inroads in WA at Federal Election.
All the money they've been getting from the export of Australia's coal to be burnt by everybody else....Yep that's going to lower the World's greenhouse gass emissions a heap...NOT!!! 😂 🤣😂🤣
All the money they've been getting from the export of Australia's coal to be burnt by everybody else....Yep that's going to lower the World's greenhouse gass emissions a heap...NOT!!! 😂 🤣😂🤣

As usual, you’ve got it wrong.

Most of Australia Coal is exported from Queensland and New South Wales not Western Australia.

Iron ore and gas is exported from WA.

And guess what the iron ore WA operations are moving towards being net zero.

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As usual, you’ve got it wrong.

Most of Australia Coal is exported from Queensland and New South Wales not Western Australia.

Iron ore and gas is exported from WA.

And guess what the iron ore WA operations are moving towards being net zero.
LOL. No difference if the coal is burnt here or in Japan, South Korea, India etc and China again clamouring for Australian coal. it only means one thing more greenhouse gas emissions yet we are a piss in the ocean compared with countries like China, Russia, India Japan etc. We ain't saving the planet with our measly percentage of greenhouse gas emissions.
LOL. No difference if the coal is burnt here or in Japan, South Korea, India etc and China again clamouring for Australian coal. it only means one thing more greenhouse gas emissions yet we are a piss in the ocean compared with countries like China, Russia, India Japan etc. We ain't saving the planet with our measly percentage of greenhouse gas emissions.

Again, like Cap says, you actually miss the point, don’t actually answer the point raised but go off on a tangent totally unrelated to what is being discussed. No wonder you can relate to Trump.

You said and I quote “All the money they've been getting from the export of Australia's coal to be burnt by everybody else....”.

Western Australia doesn’t mine or export significant coal - that is done in NSW and Qld so all the money WA gets is from predominantly from iron ore with also some LNG.

I don’t give crap about whatever other points you raised because it wasn’t the point being argued but no you just go on another rant. Amazing you couldn’t get a reference to Dan or Jacinta in there.
Again, like Cap says, you actually miss the point, don’t actually answer the point raised but go off on a tangent totally unrelated to what is being discussed. No wonder you can relate to Trump.

You said and I quote “All the money they've been getting from the export of Australia's coal to be burnt by everybody else....”.

Western Australia doesn’t mine or export significant coal - that is done in NSW and Qld so all the money WA gets is from predominantly from iron ore with also some LNG.

I don’t give crap about whatever other points you raised because it wasn’t the point being argued but no you just go on another rant. Amazing you couldn’t get a reference to Dan or Jacinta in there.
Sorry, Cap is on ignore and has been for momths so I really don't give a fig what that tryhard says.
What an absolute arseh*le, now trying delaying tactics hoping the Mueleman's run out of money for their legal team's fees.

There's low and lowest and then there's this absolute arseh*le.

Daniel Andrews fails to hand over phone, credit card records after Supreme Court order​

The father of a teenage cyclist struck by Daniel Andrews’ family SUV has accused the former premier of “acting like a coward” for his failure to hand over a single document in relation to the crash.

Daniel and Catherine Andrews have failed to hand over a single document in relation to a near-fatal 2013 car crash with a teenage cyclist.
The former premier and his wife had until Wednesday to surrender their mobile phone and credit card records under a Supreme Court order, but lawyers for the couple now say they are “unable to produce any of them”.

Peter Meuleman, the father of Ryan Meuleman who was 15 when he was struck by the Andrews’ family SUV in Blairgowrie, told the Herald Sun he was disgusted by the ongoing delays and backflips in the long-running subpoena fight.

“In my opinion Daniel Andrews is acting like a coward,” Mr Meuleman said.

“Two weeks ago his lawyers told the Supreme Court they would hand over the documents.

“Now, the Andrews’ are claiming they can’t find them.

“This is designed to waste time and cost us money. But we won’t give up. We will get justice for Ryan.”

Mr Andrews was slapped with a subpoena outside his Mulgrave home in March requiring him to produce a series of documents relating to the day of the January 7, 2013 crash.

He has since engaged one of Australia’s most expensive silks in Philip Crutchfield KC – who charges up to $25,000 a day – and high-profile lawyer Leon Zwier of major law firm Arnold Bloch Leibler.

The former premier’s legal team initially fought to contest the subpoena before capitulating and consenting to the release of the documents just hours before a scheduled Supreme Court hearing on July 8.

Costs for preparing the abandoned hearing were awarded against the Andrews camp and they were given until July 24 to produce the records.

Mr Meuleman has questioned how hard the Andrews’ tried to locate the documents, saying his family’s lawyers would now subpoena the bank and telephone companies directly.

“Daniel Andrews has had since March to get these documents ready to produce,” Mr Meuleman said.

Ryan Meuleman in hospital after the incident in 2013.

Ryan Meuleman in hospital after the incident in 2013.
“It’s all designed to frustrate us, but it’s not going to work.”

Ryan’s legal team is seeking to establish who Mr Andrews spoke to — and when — amid concerns of interference in the aftermath of the collision.

They have accused law firm Slater & Gordon, which acted for Ryan in the aftermath of the crash, of failing to conduct “a full and proper investigation into the circumstances” of the collision and failing to act in his best interests and breaching its duty of care and obligations to him when negotiating his $80,000 TAC compensation payout.

A trial is scheduled for May next year.

The Andrews’ have always maintained that their Ford Territory was “T-boned” by the bike, while Ryan insists that the car was “speeding” and “seemed to come out of nowhere” when he was struck 17m on from the Melbourne Rd-Ridley St intersection.

The Andrews’ Ford territory car after the 2013 crash. Picture: Supplied

The Andrews’ Ford territory car after the 2013 crash. Picture: Supplied
Police photographs uncovered by the Herald Sun in November 2022 showed extensive damage to the front of the Andrews’ car and its windscreen.

In April last year, the Herald Sun revealed an Ambulance Victoria report detailed how the Andrews’ SUV “struck” Ryan while “travelling at 40 to 60kmph”.

Last month, the Herald Sun revealed police documents showed Mr Andrews did not call triple-0 until 1.10pm on January 7, 2013, with the crash estimated to have happened at 1.06pm – four minutes earlier.

There are also questions surrounding the police response to the accident, including why officers failed to use breathalysers and why Mr Andrews was allowed to drive the unroadworthy vehicle from the scene.
What an absolute arseh*le, now trying delaying tactics hoping the Mueleman's run out of money for their legal team's fees.

There's low and lowest and then there's this absolute arseh*le.

Daniel Andrews fails to hand over phone, credit card records after Supreme Court order​

The father of a teenage cyclist struck by Daniel Andrews’ family SUV has accused the former premier of “acting like a coward” for his failure to hand over a single document in relation to the crash.

Daniel and Catherine Andrews have failed to hand over a single document in relation to a near-fatal 2013 car crash with a teenage cyclist.
The former premier and his wife had until Wednesday to surrender their mobile phone and credit card records under a Supreme Court order, but lawyers for the couple now say they are “unable to produce any of them”.

Peter Meuleman, the father of Ryan Meuleman who was 15 when he was struck by the Andrews’ family SUV in Blairgowrie, told the Herald Sun he was disgusted by the ongoing delays and backflips in the long-running subpoena fight.

“In my opinion Daniel Andrews is acting like a coward,” Mr Meuleman said.

“Two weeks ago his lawyers told the Supreme Court they would hand over the documents.

“Now, the Andrews’ are claiming they can’t find them.

“This is designed to waste time and cost us money. But we won’t give up. We will get justice for Ryan.”

Mr Andrews was slapped with a subpoena outside his Mulgrave home in March requiring him to produce a series of documents relating to the day of the January 7, 2013 crash.

He has since engaged one of Australia’s most expensive silks in Philip Crutchfield KC – who charges up to $25,000 a day – and high-profile lawyer Leon Zwier of major law firm Arnold Bloch Leibler.

The former premier’s legal team initially fought to contest the subpoena before capitulating and consenting to the release of the documents just hours before a scheduled Supreme Court hearing on July 8.

Costs for preparing the abandoned hearing were awarded against the Andrews camp and they were given until July 24 to produce the records.

Mr Meuleman has questioned how hard the Andrews’ tried to locate the documents, saying his family’s lawyers would now subpoena the bank and telephone companies directly.

“Daniel Andrews has had since March to get these documents ready to produce,” Mr Meuleman said.

Ryan Meuleman in hospital after the incident in 2013.

Ryan Meuleman in hospital after the incident in 2013.
“It’s all designed to frustrate us, but it’s not going to work.”

Ryan’s legal team is seeking to establish who Mr Andrews spoke to — and when — amid concerns of interference in the aftermath of the collision.

They have accused law firm Slater & Gordon, which acted for Ryan in the aftermath of the crash, of failing to conduct “a full and proper investigation into the circumstances” of the collision and failing to act in his best interests and breaching its duty of care and obligations to him when negotiating his $80,000 TAC compensation payout.

A trial is scheduled for May next year.

The Andrews’ have always maintained that their Ford Territory was “T-boned” by the bike, while Ryan insists that the car was “speeding” and “seemed to come out of nowhere” when he was struck 17m on from the Melbourne Rd-Ridley St intersection.

The Andrews’ Ford territory car after the 2013 crash. Picture: Supplied

The Andrews’ Ford territory car after the 2013 crash. Picture: Supplied
Police photographs uncovered by the Herald Sun in November 2022 showed extensive damage to the front of the Andrews’ car and its windscreen.

In April last year, the Herald Sun revealed an Ambulance Victoria report detailed how the Andrews’ SUV “struck” Ryan while “travelling at 40 to 60kmph”.

Last month, the Herald Sun revealed police documents showed Mr Andrews did not call triple-0 until 1.10pm on January 7, 2013, with the crash estimated to have happened at 1.06pm – four minutes earlier.

There are also questions surrounding the police response to the accident, including why officers failed to use breathalysers and why Mr Andrews was allowed to drive the unroadworthy vehicle from the scene.
Does anyone know how the lad is now?

Andrews has lawyers on $25k per day. omg. How do you go up against someone like that.
Get these two bumbling totally incompetent losers Clare O'Neill and Andrew Giles will you.

Even old Each Way Albo has finally had enough of your totally incompetent shambles you made of the portfolios he handed you to now hiding you two in areas where even you two will find it hard to **** up...though I bet he's got his fingers crossed that you don't somehow find a way to **** up again and again.!!

Reshuffle won't help when Each Way Albo just puts more of his mates and the socialist left into his Cabinet. The useless incompetent Andrew Giles should be right up the back of the back bench but never happening when he's Albo's numbers man.

Anthony Albanese's woes go much deeper than a reshuffle. Voter confidence has plummeted​

Confidence in the government has fallen​

Percentage of Australians who had a great deal or quite a lot of confidence in the Federal Government
Graph shows the popularity of the Albanese government only about 5 percentage points higher than the Morrison government in its last year.

Confidence in the government has steadily declined from 51.2 per cent in January 2023 to 38.5 per cent in January 2024.

The results show that Australians have only a marginally higher level of confidence in the Albanese Labor government than they did in the Morrison Coalition government in its last year, a result that will alarm the government as it positions for the election.

Lead author of the report, Professor Nicholas Biddle, says the declines in confidence in government since just after the 2022 election have been reasonably consistent across the population. There are no major patterns by age, sex, country of birth, or where someone lives.

He says the main socio-economic factor that is associated with the decline is education. In August 2022, those with a degree were 1.52 times as likely to be confident in the government compared to those that hadn't completed Year 12. By January 2023, they were 1.90 times as likely.
Get these two bumbling totally incompetent losers Clare O'Neill and Andrew Giles will you.

Even old Each Way Albo has finally had enough of your totally incompetent shambles you made of the portfolios he handed you to now hiding you two in areas where even you two will find it hard to ** up...though I bet he's got his fingers crossed that you don't somehow find a way to ** up again and again.!!

At least he has removed Ministers ****ing up their portfolio.

There should be more of it by Governments!

Don't perform, you are out!

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At least he has removed Ministers ****ing up their portfolio.

There should be more of it by Governments!

Don't perform, you are out!
You mean moved them sideways?

Andrew Giles and Clare O'Neill should be right up the back of the back bench after their absolute incompetent failures in their portfolios.
You mean moved them sideways?

Andrew Giles and Clare O'Neill should be right up the back of the back bench after their absolute incompetent failures in their portfolios.
I haven't caught up with where they all ended up.

Should have been demoted.
No doubt about it old Each Way Albo and Dr Jim's bullshit on "cost of living" has worn very very thin with many Australians struggling to keep their head above water living from week to week....not to mention the the numbers of once profitable businesses going to the wall. Australians are starting to wake up this mob big time that they don't have the answers.

Today’s inflation figures confirm the Albanese Government has failed to tame inflation.

Consumer prices grew by 1% in the quarter, increasing inflation to 3.8%.

Core inflation is 3.9%. This is well above the Reserve Bank’s target and above both the Reserve Bank and Treasury’s forecasts.

Inflation impacts everyone. It means higher prices, higher interest rates and higher taxes.

Under Labor, prices have increased by more than 10%, including:

🍞 ⁠ Food up 11%

🏥 ⁠Health up 11%

🎒 ⁠Education up 11%

🏠 ⁠Housing up 15%

🚪 ⁠Rent up 15%

💰 ⁠Financial and insurance up 17%

💡 ⁠Electricity up 22%

🔥 ⁠Gas up 25%

Australia is at the back of the pack when it comes to tackling inflation.

Our inflation has been consistently higher than every major advanced economy.

This year, we are the only one of the G10 countries where core inflation has accelerated.

The Reserve Bank has had its foot on the brake, pushing up interest rates to control inflation they say is homegrown.
No doubt about it old Each Way Albo and Dr Jim's bullshit on "cost of living" has worn very very thin with many Australians struggling to keep their head above water living from week to week....not to mention the the numbers of once profitable businesses going to the wall. Australians are starting to wake up this mob big time that they don't have the answers.

Today’s inflation figures confirm the Albanese Government has failed to tame inflation.

Consumer prices grew by 1% in the quarter, increasing inflation to 3.8%.

Core inflation is 3.9%. This is well above the Reserve Bank’s target and above both the Reserve Bank and Treasury’s forecasts.

Inflation impacts everyone. It means higher prices, higher interest rates and higher taxes.

Under Labor, prices have increased by more than 10%, including:

🍞 ⁠ Food up 11%

🏥 ⁠Health up 11%

🎒 ⁠Education up 11%

🏠 ⁠Housing up 15%

🚪 ⁠Rent up 15%

💰 ⁠Financial and insurance up 17%

💡 ⁠Electricity up 22%

🔥 ⁠Gas up 25%

Australia is at the back of the pack when it comes to tackling inflation.

Our inflation has been consistently higher than every major advanced economy.

This year, we are the only one of the G10 countries where core inflation has accelerated.

The Reserve Bank has had its foot on the brake, pushing up interest rates to control inflation they say is homegrown.
My electricity bill arrived today, and it was near double the same period last year. I would be happy if it was 22% up at this time. :mad:
Yep... I'm sure that damaged solar farm in NEBRASKA is driving up your electricity bill.
Of course that could never happen in Australia hey....Only difference here would be it wouldn't be reported on by the ABC, The Guardian etc.


Of course that could never happen in Australia hey....Only difference here would be it wouldn't be reported on by the ABC, The Guardian etc.

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That's the beauty of having a distributed power generation system, like solar. We have a large number of generators, each generating a relatively small % of the country's energy needs. If one goes down, we only lose a small % of the total power generation needs.

In contrast, the old coal power stations are breaking down increasingly regularly - and when they go down they drop the generating capacity by 10%, leaving us in a far more precarious situation (and driving prices up far more significantly).

If a medium-sized solar farm goes down, you lose 10 MW of power generating capacity, even a large-scale solar farm is only around 100 MW. If a coal power generating unit (and most stations have several units) goes down, you lose 500 MW of capacity. Which do you think will have the greater impact on price rises?
Of course that could never happen in Australia hey....Only difference here would be it wouldn't be reported on by the ABC, The Guardian etc.

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View attachment 2064759

Oh but it would certainly be reported on C7, C9 (the two major news networks) and Sky News. So what is your point?
That's the beauty of having a distributed power generation system, like solar. We have a large number of generators, each generating a relatively small % of the country's energy needs. If one goes down, we only lose a small % of the total power generation needs.

In contrast, the old coal power stations are breaking down increasingly regularly - and when they go down they drop the generating capacity by 10%, leaving us in a far more precarious situation (and driving prices up far more significantly).

If a medium-sized solar farm goes down, you lose 10 MW of power generating capacity, even a large-scale solar farm is only around 100 MW. If a coal power generating unit (and most stations have several units) goes down, you lose 500 MW of capacity. Which do you think will have the greater impact on price rises?
Only because the öld "coal" fired power stations have been allowed to be rundown...but of course you know that.
Only because the öld "coal" fired power stations have been allowed to be rundown...but of course you know that.
Well, no... They're just reaching the end of their design life.

Have you ever heard of the bathtub curve? Lots of things fail at the start of their life, due to manufacturing faults. Those which survive the initial period then undergo a lengthy period with low failure rates. Then the failure rate goes up again, as they approach the end of their design life. This is what's happening with the coal generating units now.


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Opinion AUSTRALIAN Politics: Adelaide Board Discussion Part 5

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