Opinion AUSTRALIAN Politics: Adelaide Board Discussion Part 5

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So David Spiers has resigned as State Liberal Leader.

Another one bites the dust.

Well at least he can have time to manage his 17 properties.
No surprise he jumped before being pushed.

Thought he could get away being a part-time leader.

This state deserves an opposition leader who is actually committed to the role.
So David Spiers has resigned as State Liberal Leader.

Another one bites the dust.
The resignation announcement would have been the first time most South Australians had heard his name

Vincent Tarzia would be good I think

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The resignation announcement would have been the first time most South Australians had heard his name

Vincent Tarzia would be good I think
Spiers would be better suited to the tourism portfolio... ;)

Yes this bloke, Adi, keeps saying this but the reality will be different.

Firstly, we haven’t any legislation approved for this and Mr Potatohead has already said that if they win the next election they will have a consultation period of 2.5 years. So before we even consider it legislatively it will be at least 3 years before anything even starts to happen. Then the next step, each State has said they won’t allow nuclear power so that is another hurdle.

But lets get to the crutch of it, no nuclear power plant in the western world has been completed on time or budget. That my friend is the reality, not what happens in the Middle East or China.

And finally, how much of the baseload are these nuclear plants going to generate once all 7, repeat all 7, well approx 4-5% of the total. Just wow!

And there are no small modular nuclear plants in the western world. Why is this?

If we as a country want to go down the nuclear path then private business can build them, not the taxpayer.
Yes this bloke, Adi, keeps saying this but the reality will be different.

Firstly, we haven’t any legislation approved for this and Mr Potatohead has already said that if they win the next election they will have a consultation period of 2.5 years. So before we even consider it legislatively it will be at least 3 years before anything even starts to happen. Then the next step, each State has said they won’t allow nuclear power so that is another hurdle.

But lets get to the crutch of it, no nuclear power plant in the western world has been completed on time or budget. That my friend is the reality, not what happens in the Middle East or China.

And finally, how much of the baseload are these nuclear plants going to generate once all 7, repeat all 7, well approx 4-5% of the total. Just wow!

And there are no small modular nuclear plants in the western world. Why is this?

If we as a country want to go down the nuclear path then private business can build them, not the taxpayer.
Yeah the last 24 hours 9 August 7.30PM - 10 August 7.30PM renewables 31.5% Non renewables 68.5% output.

Yeah the last 24 hours 9 August 7.30PM - 10 August 7.30PM renewables 31.5% Non renewables 68.5% output.

You do understand it is only 2024! And this is in the middle of winter, oh and what were the figures 5 years ago?

If the Coalition don’t get majority government, and they will need that given Teals and Greens won’t vote for nuclear, then nuclear is dead in the water no matter what those on Sky News and supporters like you think. End of story.

You aren’t a strategic thinker are you?
You do understand it is only 2024! And this is in the middle of winter, oh and what were the figures 5 years ago?

If the Coalition don’t get majority government, and they will need that given Teals and Greens won’t vote for nuclear, then nuclear is dead in the water no matter what those on Sky News and supporters like you think. End of story.

You aren’t a strategic thinker are you?
Reality bites for Labor...

For the first time in years, Australia went to the United Nations’ COP28 climate change summit in Dubai in December reporting an increase in its greenhouse gas emissions – by 4 million tonnes.

If Labor were on track for its 2030 target, it should have reported a reduction of 17 million tonnes.

Labor spent a decade beating up the Coalition on climate change, despite the fact we beat our Kyoto 1 and Kyoto 2 targets, and were on track to beat our targets as part of the Paris Agreement. When we left office, emissions were about 29 per cent below 2005 levels.
Emissions have since flatlined, and still remain at 29 per cent, despite Labor increasing Australia’s emissions reduction target to 43 per cent by 2030.
Remember the Powering Australia policy, trumpeted as Labor’s “plan to create jobs, cut power bills and reduce emissions by boosting renewable energy”?

Its centrepiece was a plan for 82 per cent renewables by 2030. This required 4.5 gigawatts of additional industrial-scale wind and solar to be installed every year. Last year, less than one-third of this was delivered.

At this rate, Labor’s only hope of reaching its 2030 target lies with a collapse of industry.
Undeterred, Labor is forcing the closure of 90 per cent of our 24/7 baseload power within a decade – closing one system before another is ready.
Australians now pay among the world’s highest electricity bills and the market operator warns of blackouts as early as summer.
Industry leaders were the first to bell the cat.
According to Alinta Energy CEO Jeff Dimery, “it’s becoming more challenging, not less challenging; on this trajectory we’re unlikely to get there”.

Energy Australia’s Mark Collette argues, “82 per cent was always a very big target that won’t be met on current progress”.
The Climate Change Authority’s latest annual progress report says, “Australia is not reducing emissions at the rate needed to reach the 2030 target”.
At Senate Estimates in February, officials commented on Labor’s 82 per cent renewables plan, saying, “what we are seeing currently is that the investment trends in this sector were not quite what they need to be”.

Even the most optimistic scenario, which assumes all Labor’s policies are delivered as intended, forecasts Australia still falling short of its 2030 target.
Mugged by reality, NSW Labor has extended the life of the Eraring coal-fired power station. Victoria Labor has similar arrangements in place with two coal plants, and last week approved its first gas project in a decade.
But the Albanese government has kept its head in the sand. That is, until Opposition Leader Peter Dutton said at the weekend that Labor’s 2030 targets won’t be met.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen suddenly went into overdrive, claiming the Coalition was pulling out of the Paris Agreement.

This is a lie, of course. We’re committed to Paris and to net zero by 2050. But we won’t be shy in holding Labor to account for locking Australia into a target it cannot meet.

Then came a shrill cry that Australia would be booted out of Paris if it falls short. If that were the case, Labor would have even more explaining to do.

But given the US and EU are also likely to fall short of their 2030 targets, I wonder if Albanese has provided the same advice to US President Joe Biden.

Most telling of Labor’s hysterical response has been its silence on the real-world economic impact of its failed climate and energy policies.

How will Labor achieve its target, how much will it cost, and who will pay?

These questions have never been answered, at least not by Labor. But the work of others provides some hints.

On costs, the nearest estimate of Labor’s plan is the “E+RE+” scenario of the Net Zero Australia study by Princeton University, the University of Melbourne and the University of Queensland, which is $1.2 trillion to $1.5 trillion by 2030.

Consumers and taxpayers will pick up the tab. At this rate, Labor’s only hope of reaching its 2030 target lies with a collapse of industry.

So, which sector will it attack – agriculture, resources or manufacturing?

What’s clear is that Labor will do whatever it takes, and at any cost.

A point that’s been lost in recent days is that the Albanese government will be submitting Australia’s 2035 target before the next election.

In modelling the 2035 target, Labor will be assuming its 2030 target is met. This means it will only get worse for Australian families and businesses which are already feeling the pain of Labor’s train wreck of an energy policy.

Australia needs a sensible energy policy which delivers cheaper, cleaner and consistent 24/7 electricity, and that’s what the Coalition will deliver.

We won’t be pretending Labor’s 2030 target is achievable.
Reality bites for Labor...

For the first time in years, Australia went to the United Nations’ COP28 climate change summit in Dubai in December reporting an increase in its greenhouse gas emissions – by 4 million tonnes.

If Labor were on track for its 2030 target, it should have reported a reduction of 17 million tonnes.

Labor spent a decade beating up the Coalition on climate change, despite the fact we beat our Kyoto 1 and Kyoto 2 targets, and were on track to beat our targets as part of the Paris Agreement. When we left office, emissions were about 29 per cent below 2005 levels.
Emissions have since flatlined, and still remain at 29 per cent, despite Labor increasing Australia’s emissions reduction target to 43 per cent by 2030.
Remember the Powering Australia policy, trumpeted as Labor’s “plan to create jobs, cut power bills and reduce emissions by boosting renewable energy”?

Its centrepiece was a plan for 82 per cent renewables by 2030. This required 4.5 gigawatts of additional industrial-scale wind and solar to be installed every year. Last year, less than one-third of this was delivered.

Undeterred, Labor is forcing the closure of 90 per cent of our 24/7 baseload power within a decade – closing one system before another is ready.
Australians now pay among the world’s highest electricity bills and the market operator warns of blackouts as early as summer.
Industry leaders were the first to bell the cat.
According to Alinta Energy CEO Jeff Dimery, “it’s becoming more challenging, not less challenging; on this trajectory we’re unlikely to get there”.

Energy Australia’s Mark Collette argues, “82 per cent was always a very big target that won’t be met on current progress”.
The Climate Change Authority’s latest annual progress report says, “Australia is not reducing emissions at the rate needed to reach the 2030 target”.
At Senate Estimates in February, officials commented on Labor’s 82 per cent renewables plan, saying, “what we are seeing currently is that the investment trends in this sector were not quite what they need to be”.

Even the most optimistic scenario, which assumes all Labor’s policies are delivered as intended, forecasts Australia still falling short of its 2030 target.
Mugged by reality, NSW Labor has extended the life of the Eraring coal-fired power station. Victoria Labor has similar arrangements in place with two coal plants, and last week approved its first gas project in a decade.
But the Albanese government has kept its head in the sand. That is, until Opposition Leader Peter Dutton said at the weekend that Labor’s 2030 targets won’t be met.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen suddenly went into overdrive, claiming the Coalition was pulling out of the Paris Agreement.

This is a lie, of course. We’re committed to Paris and to net zero by 2050. But we won’t be shy in holding Labor to account for locking Australia into a target it cannot meet.

Then came a shrill cry that Australia would be booted out of Paris if it falls short. If that were the case, Labor would have even more explaining to do.

But given the US and EU are also likely to fall short of their 2030 targets, I wonder if Albanese has provided the same advice to US President Joe Biden.

Most telling of Labor’s hysterical response has been its silence on the real-world economic impact of its failed climate and energy policies.

How will Labor achieve its target, how much will it cost, and who will pay?

These questions have never been answered, at least not by Labor. But the work of others provides some hints.

On costs, the nearest estimate of Labor’s plan is the “E+RE+” scenario of the Net Zero Australia study by Princeton University, the University of Melbourne and the University of Queensland, which is $1.2 trillion to $1.5 trillion by 2030.

Consumers and taxpayers will pick up the tab. At this rate, Labor’s only hope of reaching its 2030 target lies with a collapse of industry.

So, which sector will it attack – agriculture, resources or manufacturing?

What’s clear is that Labor will do whatever it takes, and at any cost.

A point that’s been lost in recent days is that the Albanese government will be submitting Australia’s 2035 target before the next election.

In modelling the 2035 target, Labor will be assuming its 2030 target is met. This means it will only get worse for Australian families and businesses which are already feeling the pain of Labor’s train wreck of an energy policy.

Australia needs a sensible energy policy which delivers cheaper, cleaner and consistent 24/7 electricity, and that’s what the Coalition will deliver.

We won’t be pretending Labor’s 2030 target is achievable.

Deflection, deflection.

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Sure is...on your part, Labor are a million miles behind their targets that they conned the voters were achievable....and energy prices just keep rising hence their laughable handouts.

By all means where have I commented on the ALP 2030 targets?

Come on.

Nuclear will in all likelihood be dead after the 2025 election, that is the reality.

And an article written by a Coalition member, please.
By all means where have I commented on the ALP 2030 targets?

Come on.

Nuclear will in all likelihood be dead after the 2025 election, that is the reality.

And an article written by a Coalition member, please.
Are any of the numbers and facts in that article incorrect?

Of course they aren't they are absolutely spot on and backed up by clear evidence.

Come on prove them wrong, but of course you can't so it's deflect deflect deflect.
Are any of the numbers and facts in that article incorrect?

Of course they aren't they are absolutely spot on and backed up by clear evidence.

Come on prove them wrong, but of course you can't so it's deflect deflect deflect.

Well we all know we will probably just miss the target @ 42%, a 43% target that was ambitious. At least one group of politicians put up an ambitious target. Your lot committed to a pathetic target of 28%, yes 28%. Basically doing nothing.

One thing I don’t need to do is post articles written by the party I favour on here.

I’ll get back to you but at this point my interest is moreso in the US election due in 87 days and your Trump is losing ground rapidly.

Well we all know we will probably just miss the target @ 42%, a 43% target that was ambitious. At least one group of politicians put up an ambitious target. Your lot committed to a pathetic target of 28%, yes 28%. Basically doing nothing.

One thing I don’t need to do is post articles written by the party I favour on here.

I’ll get back to you but at this point my interest is moreso in the US election due in 87 days and your Trump is losing ground rapidly.

Again you can't debunk the numbers and facts and we know why you can't because they're spot on = Fail just like the ALP have = Fail.

Deflect deflect

Haven't kept up with this thread so apologies if this has already been hashed out

Australian Govt reinstated UNRWA funding

UNRWA employing Hamas terrorists who've been proven to have taken part in the killing of the 1200+ Israelis that kicked off this latest catastrophe.

100's-1000's Of UNRWA school teachers, school principals, employees, engaged in Jihadi terrorism, Incitement, anti-semitism

Australian Govt by default are financing these terrorists. Good one Penny and Albo.

Give back my ****ing taxes you incompetent dickheads.
Port certainly has some good inside contacts in the State government. I've seen a few government sponsored ads the last few years where PA is a beneficiary.


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Opinion AUSTRALIAN Politics: Adelaide Board Discussion Part 5

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